Search results for query: *

  1. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Professor Birger Einar Durmstrang - Male - Pureblood - History of Magic Professor Despite their icy blue shade, Einar’s gaze radiated warmth as Bellamy considered his offer for a drink and suggested they extend the invite to those professors still milling about the great hall. The old man had...
  2. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Gavriel Sylvie Ilvermorny - Female - Half-Blood - Champion Ricky and Clara’s immediate departure didn’t dampen Gavy’s adventurous or social drive in the slightest as they moved off without acknowledging the new arrivals. Clearly the duo had something on their mind and it wasn’t as though snack...
  3. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Naomi Eun Hai (De Vries) Beauxbatons - Female - Muggle Born - Secondary Kiara’s kind words followed by the warm gesture of the gentle hand squeeze she bestowed upon Naomi brought a sweet smile to her pale pink lips that surprisingly did not fade when her classmate made a sudden and swift...
  4. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Camp Half-Blood {Rp}

    October (Tobi) - Chosen of Artemis The moment chaos erupted and the first drop of godly blood was spilt Tobi jumped into action. Her thumbs instantly ran over her matching rings, the simple signal that caused the magical twin blades hidden within to spring forth to their full length. Without so...
  5. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Aurelia Quansah Uagadou - Female - Pure Blood - Secondary Auri’s smile widened when her classmate agreed to her proposition of disappearing into the courtyard of the new school for their first strategy meeting of the games. It wasn’t a surprise but it was still a delight to know Malaika was...
  6. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Professor Birger Einar Durmstrang - Male - Pureblood - History of Magic Professor With the champions named and the ceremony coming to an end Einar looked around to spy members of different schools running off with one another or flocking towards those they had just met earlier that evening. It...
  7. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Gavriel Sylvie Ilvermorny - Female - Half-Blood - Champion Excitement hummed through her veins like electricity as Gavy took in the fact that she would be representing Ilvermorny in the tournament. She had been chosen to be the champion for her school and if her eyes had been a blaze of bright...
  8. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Naomi Eun Hai (De Vries) Beauxbatons - Female - Muggle Born - Secondary The rest of the dances had been as delightful as the first few though Naomi had to admit she was disappointed not to dance with Vasu. She enjoyed his presence and from what she glanced between the many spinning bodies it...
  9. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Camp Half-Blood {Rp}

    Sunny - Daughter of Athena A warm wet nose poking her cheek was the first thing Sunny remembered as her eyes fluttered open and were met with the warm gaze of Clover. “Hey handsome man, did you sleep okay?” She muttered groggily as with great effort she reached up to scratch her beloved...
  10. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Camp Half-Blood {Rp}

    October (Tobi) - Chosen of Artemis She had been preparing to embark on her next hunt when her mother appeared beside her, a gentle hand upon her shoulder and her soothing voice uttering that she must return to camp. Tobi knew that her mother wouldn’t prevent her from a hunt unless Artemis had...
  11. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Aurelia Quansah Uagadou - Female - Pure Blood - Secondary The feast had certainly lived up to its name in quantity but as far as Aurelia was concerned there was still a good amount of quality to be missing. She had heard that American school food was known to be lacking but she had only ever...
  12. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Gavriel Sylvie Ilvermorny - Female - Half-Blood - Champion Gavy was both delighted and relieved when the young woman went along with her spontaneous invitation without complaint. She wasn’t afraid of rejection or anything, but had the young woman refused Gavy knew she would have spent the rest...
  13. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Professor Birger Einar Durmstrang - Male - Pureblood - History of Magic Professor The liquid crystal swelling along the bottom rims of Malaika’s eyes did not go unnoticed by Einar as the two danced. Though he did not comment on her hidden tears with words he did attempt to lend the young woman...
  14. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Naomi Eun Hai (De Vries) Beauxbatons - Female - Muggle Born - Secondary The small smile upon Naomi’s lips bloomed into a lovely grin as Odinson’s words washed over her and she felt the spirit they held. While his size might be what most people see, even in his shrunken state, Naomi could almost...
  15. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Aurelia Quansah Uagadou - Female - Pure Blood - Secondary The change in songs was unexpected but as her Grandmother always told her she needed to be ready to adapt at a moment's notice. It seemed such lessons were not lost on her partner as it only took a brief moment for Vasu to reconfigure...
  16. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Gavriel Sylvie Ilvermorny - Female - Half-Blood - Champion Lis found Gavy just as she was beginning to wonder towards the edge of the crowd to see if she could score a snack or two. The evening had just begun but she was already starving and the little platters of food looked absolutely...
  17. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Professor Birger Einar Durmstrang - Male - Pureblood - History of Magic Professor Standing to the side as the music played Einar watched the dancers glide across the floor and chat with one another. The social aspect of this event seemed to come easier to some than others but that was to be...
  18. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Naomi Eun Hai (De Vries) Beauxbatons - Female - Muggle Born - Secondary As the dance began Naomi took a gentle hold of Lanre’s hand, placing her other delicately on his shoulder. With the music weaving around the room she noticed his nerves and recalled him admitting to not being a very good...
  19. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Aurelia Quansah Uagadou - Female - Pure Blood - Secondary As odd as it might seem for having only just met the young man a few hours ago something within Auri felt almost at ease to have her first dance with him. It seemed rather fitting, in a sense, that since he was the first of the...
  20. Sanctuaryforall1

    Fandom Divergent: Faction Before Blood // RP Thread

    BG CONTAINER PICTURE CHARACTER NAME Vex INFO POST Mood: Secret Location: Warehouse Interactions: Ghost. Cas CHARACTER TEXT Whiskey gold eyes narrowed as the slightly older male began to stir behind her. Ghost had been so enjoyable when he was passed out, far more charming than...