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  1. Sam136

    Fantasy Save Point! [Closed]

    “How rude, you don't see me bringing your mother into this”, Olivier quips at the bastard comment. He's smiling, he looks almost jovial at first, until you pay attention. The smile seemed like that of a shark, and his eyes screamed bloody murder. He was furious. He races forward to finish the...
  2. Sam136

    Fantasy Save Point! [Closed]

    Olivier barely holds back the snarl. He didn't care. Was that woman really naive enough to think he actually cared? He'd only bothered with her on the off chance he'd get lucky. He turns back to say something, he wasn't sure what. Whatever it was, the words die in his throat, as Olivier sees...
  3. Sam136

    Fantasy Save Point! [Closed]

    To those heartfelt words… Olivier scoffs. The expression on his face could only be considered ugly, as if all Vega's words did was piss him off more. “Do what you want woman, none of my business. This veil of delusion will be ripped off one day, and it'll burn all the crueler for it” …and...
  4. Sam136

    Fantasy Save Point! [Closed]

    Olivier blinks at Vega's words, and then laughs in amusement. He was starting to actually like this one. “How flattering, does that make me the man of your dreams?”, he asked, amusement clear. His tone becomes a bit more serious as he continues. “I'm sure you'll be a great barmaid Miss Vega...
  5. Sam136

    Fantasy Save Point! [Closed]

    ...from that they didn't know what magic was? But that didn't make sense, magic came from the body and soul, it wasn't the kind of thing you missed, *someone* would have had to have discovered it. Unless she really was right and she came from a place without any magic at all. How would that...
  6. Sam136

    Fantasy Save Point! [Closed]

    Olivier barely holds back a grin. He enjoyed working his charm and slowly winning over an ice queen but this had its charm too, causing a blush with just a few words. He wonders if she just wasn't used to attention like that, or the directness of it. He shoots Miranda a small glare, it wasn't...
  7. Sam136

    Fantasy Save Point! [Closed]

    No idea where she was, seemingly no clue about common items from the frequent looks of confusion, and for all intents and purposes she was practically broke. Olivier takes the coin from Vega and gives it a glance before flicking it into the air and catching it again. “I suppose I'll cut to...
  8. Sam136

    Fantasy Save Point! [Closed]

    Olivier's eyes blearily open. Consciousness drifts in and out, as he eyes his surroundings while only half awake. He'd probably have fallen right back to sleep if it weren't for the beginnings of his hangover. He'd gotten good at telling when those were going to hit him, a sixth sense granted to...
  9. Sam136

    Multiple Settings Send Me A Random Starter

    Got ya
  10. Sam136

    Multiple Settings Send Me A Random Starter

    Is the starter just to see if we're a good fit? By that I mean will we continue from the starter if we gel or will we discuss a potentially different plot after the starter?
  11. Sam136

    I'm going to start a conversation. It's a bit awkward talking here.

    I'm going to start a conversation. It's a bit awkward talking here.
  12. Sam136

    Oh. Hello. Maybe? What do you have in mind?

    Oh. Hello. Maybe? What do you have in mind?
  13. Sam136

    Realistic or Modern 『The Fallen Witch and The Cursed Knight』

    The strange sensation had passed, for the moment at least. The memory of it was still very much there, so interacting with the girl felt… strange. That wasn't important though. He'll put away those feelings for now and analyse his thoughts in private. Cutting the talk with Jeffrey short...
  14. Sam136

    Realistic or Modern 『The Fallen Witch and The Cursed Knight』

    That didn't seem right. Why would she of all people show any empathy to him? He and that witch were anything but friends. Walter blinks. Witch? That was a strange way to describe the girl and sure they may not have been friends but the two of them didn't have any history either. What was going...
  15. Sam136

    Realistic or Modern 『The Fallen Witch and The Cursed Knight』

    It takes him only a moment to notice their presence. It's not hard, the two young ladies with the brightly dyed hair were hard to ignore. Walter would not judge but if one were to ask him he would admit he found the colours a bit strange. Though he was in no position to talk about exotic hair...
  16. Sam136

    Realistic or Modern 『The Fallen Witch and The Cursed Knight』

    While one young girl worried over her friends and what they thought, a certain young albino seemed to approach life with the complete opposite viewpoint. "If you have no intention of giving it your best then you have no place here. Simple talent is hardly enough, the drama club expects...
  17. Sam136

    Fantasy The Quest to be Battle King (A Light-Hearted Battle Academy Roleplay)

    This sounds fun but I already have too many commitments I think 😔 Will the sign ups be open for a while? Might take a look later in the future if i end up having more free time.
  18. Sam136

    Other Obscure fandoms you'd like to RP

  19. Sam136

    Other Obscure fandoms you'd like to RP

    Good luck with that. Though in my experience fate rp usually runs into issues. Though you'll have better luck here
  20. Sam136

    Other Obscure fandoms you'd like to RP

    You want to start a group rp? If you're just looking for fate rp in general I know a few discord servers you can go to