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  • Users: DeerPrince
  • Content: Threads
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  1. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings lulu's desperate adv lit partner search!

    Hey guys! Welcome to my humble little partner search~ I used to be super active back in the day, but real life got to me! I'm trying to get back into the swing of things now that I started a different job which allows for more free time. As such, I'm looking for a few partners :) ༶•┈┈୨♡୧┈┈•༶...
  2. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings Long-term/Adv Lit 1x1 Partners :)

    Hey guys! Welcome to my humble little partner search~ I'm finally back after taking roughly a two year hiatus (on and off) simply because college and life in general got the best of me. I'm really trying to get back into the swing of writing and developing my own writing skills, and so I'm...
  3. DeerPrince

    Help Transitions/Animations

    Hello! I was just wondering how to integrate animations into tab codes, because so far I've only been able to get the flash animation to work inside my code: but every other animation code that I've tried just either broke the code or didn't work, no matter how much I tried manipulating it...
  4. DeerPrince

    Realistic or Modern Longterm/Adv. Lit Partners

    Lulu's Partner Search! Hey guys! Welcome to my humble little partner search~ Before we get in to the nitty gritty of everything I'll give you a little bit of boring information about my mundane self, lol, so you can see if we are compatible partners, that way I don't waste your time if we...
  5. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings Closed for now ^-^

    Welcome! Hello and welcome to my humble search thread. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break so far! ↳ I'm DeerPrince, or if you'd like, you may call me Lulu. ↳ I am currently a high school senior juggling multiple AP courses, sports and music, so as you can imagine, I don't...
  6. DeerPrince

    Closed Image Position

    I do have a quick question about image positioning.... Whenever I use the border-radius code, you can shift the position of the image through the "background-position: x% x%;", however, no matter how I adjust the percents nothing ever happens with the picture... So, when I do use certain...
  7. DeerPrince

    Resource Bambi's studio - freebies c;

    ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Bambi's Coding Studio! Welcome to my humble little coding studio, I am Lulu, and I would like to apologize as you witness my monstrosities as I try too hard to be aesthetically pleasing. All jokes aside, (not that they were very funny ones, aha) as of right now, this...
  8. DeerPrince

    Realistic or Modern Arabian Nights {Fyuri x XiaoLu}

    Ehsan As per usual, Ehsan wasn't particularly sure what was going on around him. Like everything else, this whole... mess... had started innocently. It was supposed to just be a game, nothing more. Games were supposed to be relaxing. Fun. An escape from reality. And this sense, it was an...
  9. DeerPrince

    Realistic or Modern Closed as of Now!

    Bambi's Partner Search! {slide=center | Pairings and Genres!}Genres First: If it's bolded, that means I would be really interested in doing it ^-^ -Historical (Please be realistic with this one ^-^ Do your research!) -Fantasy (We would need a really good plot for this) -Realistic/Slice of...
  10. DeerPrince

    Realistic or Modern Roleplay with me?

    Hey there! It's me again.... I'm XiaoLu, or Lulu, whatever you wish to call me, and I'm a semi/advanced lit roleplayer. My responses range from about 300 to 3000 words depending on how inspired I am at the moment, but I will almost never give you less than three decent sized paragraphs to work...
  11. DeerPrince

    Realistic or Modern Desperate for a Roleplay

    fa-github-alt fa-2x Hello~ I'm Lulu, a pleasure to meet you! I'm a socially awkward potato and also a struggling junior in high school attempting to juggle sports and AP/Honors courses. I'm also (hate to brag) a pro at procrastinating with roleplaying. Which, ironically, is what I'm doing now...
  12. DeerPrince

    Attractive Potato

    n a m e   Kim Rena   a g e Twenty-One g e n d e r Female s e x u a l i t y Straight/Exploring? a p p e a r a n c e Like many other Asian women, Rena has a very slender and bijou frame along with a set of slight shoulders and a minute waist to match...
  13. DeerPrince

    Yuzuru (Yuzu) Hattori

    Name: Yuzuru (Yuzu) Hattori Age: 22 Sexuality: Bisexual Crush in Highschool/Now: Undecided/Up for grabs Likes: -Sweets -Figure Skating -Dancing -Music -Tea -Anime -Movies -Books -The cold -Wining -Quiet company -Jackets -Honesty...
  14. DeerPrince

    Realistic or Modern Looking for Partners~ Plots and Pairings inside!

    Hello, and welcome to my thread!   A little bit about myself, because I know you all are so interested in me~ I have such a bad sense of humor  :P Hello, I am Rebecca, in case you don't know who I am.. Which is probably everyone ^^; lol. I am a teen roleplayer with a couple years...
  15. DeerPrince

    Kim Ye Na

      Name: Kim Yena Age: 21 Gender: Female Sexuality: Hetero-romantic, asexual Nationality: American Face claim: The Fabulous IU Personality: A person of many faces, Yena has to wear a different face for every occasion. Naturally shy...
  16. DeerPrince

    [Tofu]Lu Han

      Luhan   17   Holang-i/Tigers       Appearance:   Of relatively average height for a male, Luhan stands at 5'10". Nothing about his build is particularly imposing, being on the slimmer side, though his torso and upper body makes up most of his...
  17. DeerPrince

    [Cotton Candy] Kim Ye Na

      Kim Ye Na   Second year student, 16   Female   Heterosexual   Gom, Bear     Appearance:   Rather petite, like many Asian women, Yena's figure could be described as a rectangle. Rather flat chested and without a single prominent curve...
  18. DeerPrince

    Kim Ye Na

      Name: Kim Yena Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Occupation: Singer, Dancer, Model Height: 5'4"/163 cm Weight: 102 pounds Interest in the house: Yena was sent here by her agency to help her socialize and take a short break from...
  19. DeerPrince

    Kim Ye Na

    Full Name: Kim Ye Na Age:  17 Gender: Female Class:  2.2 Personality: Introverted and intuitive, Yena is nothing but a collection of glaring contradictions. The most starry-eyed of dreamers yet the bitterest of cynics, the young girl holds the belief that anyone can...
  20. DeerPrince

    Kim Ye Na WIP

    Full Name: Kim Ye Na Age:  17 Gender: Female Class:  2.2 Personality: Introverted and intuitive, Yena is nothing but a collection of glaring contradictions. The most starry-eyed of dreamers yet the bitterest of cynics,  Background: [humans must tell on how they got...