Search results for query: *

  1. Astrylan

    Fandom Dragon Ball X

    Mia scoffs at Ramune's comment about being a pure maiden. "Sure, Let's pretend that's the reason, and that it's not because your just bigger than me to begin with. On a more important note, did you listen to a word that was being said by Kami? Seems like more of those guys are on the way here...
  2. Astrylan

    Fandom Dragon Ball X

    Mia, who had been dead for a few minutes longer than Ramune, had already heard enough of the conversation between Kami and the big guy to know what was going on, just rolled her eyes as Ramune appeared and started yapping away. "Cringey jokes, Mune. Very cringey. Also, none of those life...
  3. Astrylan

    Fandom Dragon Ball X

    Raditz struggled against Ramune, before losing all his strength as once again, his tail was grabbed. "Get off me! You... weaklings! Get off!" Unable to muster any strength, Raditz watched as two red beams of light approached his eyes. As he watched them approach, time seemed to slow down for...
  4. Astrylan

    Fandom Dragon Ball X

    With Ramune holding him from behind, and Carthu having his tail, Raditz wasn't able to do much. At least until the Dodon Ray shot by Bisket nudged him enough that Carthu slipped off his tail, allowing him to regain his strength. "RAAAAAH!!" Flaring his chakra with scream, Carthu was knocked out...
  5. Astrylan

    Fandom Dragon Ball X

    After having his scouter taken due to the distraction of the explosions and having to dodge the laser eyes from Orlock, Raditz was starting to get pissed off. Especially since having to avoid the lasers caused him to be punched in the stomach instead, which surprisingly hurt a bit. Though he...
  6. Astrylan

    Fandom Dragon Ball X

    Raditz just smirked at Ramune. "I have no real need to find Kakarot. If he is so weak he can't even destroy a planet like this than we have no need for him." He casually blocked the axe kick before grabbing her leg and swinging her around to smash her into Mia who was coming up behind him...
  7. Astrylan

    Fandom Dragon Ball X

    "I'll just destroy this planet myself." Mia was about to respond to that with a quip on how that would be counter-productive if he wanted to find someone, but had to dodge instead as the guy suddenly attacked the four of them. "Yea, OK. Doesn't seem like the guy cares too much about that...
  8. Astrylan

    Fandom Dragon Ball X

    Raditz, growing less and less amused as more people who weren't who he was looking for showed up, finally snapped after being in shock for a split second at seeing Ramune. He didn't completely understand what she meant, but the joking tone and striking resemblance to himself gave him enough of...
  9. Astrylan

    Fandom Dragon Ball X

    Mia was taking a quick break from training when she felt a huge power level descending from space. "Who the heck is that?" Getting up from the couch, she went outside before sprinting off towards the edge of the forest she lived in, stopping as she noticed the power level was moving towards an...
  10. Astrylan

    Fandom Dragon Ball X

    Another peaceful day on Earth... Whistling of a falling object... BOOM A farmer's lunch was interrupted by something landing in his field of carrots... "Hmm, Why isn't this planet Destroyed? Where is Kakarot?" A figure flying through the sky stopped to tap a device covering his eye. "Hm...
  11. Astrylan

    Fandom Soul Stones : Pokemon RP (o/a)

    Kyrin Florna Kyrin poked Line when she began chewing on his hoodie again, but otherwise let her be. A small smile appeared on Kyrin's face when the Absol, Bianca, got angry at being teased. Tari busied himself with making a snow-slash, though it wasn't all that great of one. One could barely...
  12. Astrylan

    Fandom Soul Stones : Pokemon RP (o/a)

    Kyrin Florna Kyrin approached the lit cabin, Line still chewing on his hoodie's string, and Tari no longer clearing the snow in front, instead walking next to it's trainer. Kyrin was just about to knock when he heard a voice. "U-um, excuses me, are you alright? I don't think I've seen you...
  13. Astrylan

    Fandom Soul Stones : Pokemon RP (o/a)

    Kyrin Florna "Oi, Line. Stop that. My hoodie isn't a chew toy. I've told you this before." The Light Blue Vulpix on Kyrin's shoulder completely ignored him and kept chewing on the string of his hoodie, causing Kyrin to sigh. "Whatever. The sky's getting pretty dark; we should head down the...
  14. Astrylan

    Fantasy As the World Burns

    Aryia Aryia glanced at the wolf that raised their tail. "I'm not. In fact, I'm not even sure I come from this world. Of course, Traygoria was so large, it's not impossible that I just got teleported to another continent or something..." Turning to the other side, Aryia listened to the wolves...
  15. Astrylan

    Fantasy As the World Burns

    ...Aryia wasn't too surprised by the wolves talking of her smell being different. No, what surprised her was the fact that they talked at all. "S***! You can talk!?" Wait, were they really talking, or was she able to understand the growls or something? Either way, she was currently having a...
  16. Astrylan

    Fantasy As the World Burns

    Aryia Astellian Flank Aryia was crouched down in some slightly tall grass as the battle waged on in front of her. "Neither side seems to truly be winning just yet, but the aggressors are slowly losing ground." Her thoughts would be proven correct soon enough, but nothing really changed for...
  17. Astrylan

    Fantasy As the World Burns

    Aryia "I've got plenty of arrows left but..." Aryia was still being hesitant with her shots, afraid to hit the wolves. While she was beginning to finally understand a certain pattern to their attacks, one mistimed shot could injure one of the spectral wolves, easily causing them to turn on her...
  18. Astrylan

    Fantasy As the World Burns

    Aryia Gasp. Aryia breathed in hard as she woke up, realizing she was still alive. "No, that isn't right." She realized after giving her surroundings a look. While she was alive, she was most certainly not in her original world. The air was different, and not just because she was in the middle...
  19. Astrylan

    Fandom Outer Realms - A Fire Emblem RP (Open)

    Mia Mia heard one of the guys scream and thought: "This guys just going to attract more of these things!" As she fought through a few more Faceless, she heard what she thought at first was a bull charging towards her direction, only for it to be the guy that had yelled earlier. "Oh geez...
  20. Astrylan

    Fandom Outer Realms - A Fire Emblem RP (Open)

    Mia - Heroine "Where did all these guys come from!? No, wait. The music probably lured them here... Honestly, this plan feels like something Soren would come up with but no one would ever actually have agreed to it... Well until now I g-Crap!" Mia dodged an incoming fist and slashed the...