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  1. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. Dru had only been asleep for a few minutes while Hunter sat at her bedside, but in those few moments the ginger headed dragon rider had made his grand plan in his head. Get Dru to the Order, bail and join the Eaters. Kill her father. Killing had never been on Hunter's radar, it wasn't...
  2. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. "Priiiick." Hunter was quick to flip off Cyrus just as he left. Deep down he knew that the guy was right, that Dru would understand if he just explained it, but she just never asked. It was the look on her face, the disgust, the hatred she had for marked ones. Hunter wasn't one by...
  3. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. As if the week of torture wasn't bad enough it seemed Hunter was hell bound to forever torture himself. Why did he do this? Why didn't he just... go after her? Call out to her? Fuck, just pull her in and squeeze her until she caved and listened to him? Hunter didn't know what he...
  4. Sir Damien

    Realistic or Modern Haenghada University//Closed

    Zane. This last two weeks were the most unnerving, stressful of Zane's entire life. He spent his time up at the hospital with Somin literally every day up until the nurses made him leave for the night. At home he, well, got things ready for Somin to come home. It was all he could not to go out...
  5. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. Normally Hunter was in peak physical condition so a bump from a petite female like Dru wouldn't have moved him. But with how the last month had played out, not eating, basically living the most sedentary life of his existence, he felt the force of her bump. "It's fine--" He turned to...
  6. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. You'll never see me as anything but a monster... I guess you didn't really know me after all. Those were the words Hunter left Dru. Gutted, his heart in fucking pieces on that shed floor, Hunter felt tears burning in his eyes as he listened to everything she had to say. It was all a...
  7. Sir Damien

    Realistic or Modern Haenghada University//Closed

    Zane. Somin's condition was... gut wrenching. He was relieved that she was alive, that she would heal, but livid because someone had caused this to her. Somin would never hurt a fly, she was too busy achieving her dreams, her goals, so she could support her family. She didn't have time for this...
  8. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. Just like Icarus, Hunter had flown too close to the sun. Hiding this mark had becoming increasingly difficult, and he had hoped that with the proposition of them moving in together she'd be distracted. The mark just burned worse as the night progressed; he hadn't a clue what it...
  9. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. "C'mon now, I look good on your arm and I bleed red and yellow." The tall Weasley spoke with a cocky tone to his voice, a wide smirk on his face as he pulled her closer on their walk. A Gryffindor shirt, a leash, his grocery list was getting longer by the minute. A piece of him was sad...
  10. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. It was times like this that made the curse Hunter was under seem unreal. His family was precious to him without a doubt, ever fiercely loyal to the Weasley clan, but Dru... Dru was a treasure, someone he never wanted-- no, someone he couldn't to lose. A bright, radiant light that made...
  11. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. Nothing could tear Hunter down from this high that he felt. Not only did he get all those damned feelings off of his chest, Dru reciprocated. Hell, she more than reciprocated it seemed, at least that's what he noted from the way she reacted to his heated kiss. He made mental notes of...
  12. Sir Damien

    Realistic or Modern Haenghada University//Closed

    Zane. The phone was ringing far too much for his liking. This was a big deal and he knew just how badly she wanted to know the results, so on the fourth ring he felt deep down in his gut something was wrong. Should he head on over to the studio to check on her? With a quick glance down at his...
  13. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. A brawl was no fun one sided. Granted Hunter had only been in a few and bore a few scars, a nice sized one graced right above his hip from beating the shit out of a poacher who got ahold of a hippogriff. He would never hit someone who couldn’t fight back. No— this was different...
  14. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. There was no doubt in his mind that she'd hit him in the chest, smack his face, punch him in the jaw. Hunter was crossing every single boundary she had ever made with him-- nothing in public where prying eyes could see, not falling for her when he had done so fucking months ago. He...
  15. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. Sissy. Hunter Weasley was a lot of things; devilishly good looking, quick as a whip, the list went on. Sissy was not on that list. He rolled his eyes as the twins went off to find their dates, honestly he was more surprised that there was women that could handle the two of them. It's...
  16. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. What had happened? Just that morning everything felt fine. No, no. She had been crying and he was an idiot for not inquiring. Hunter felt his soul crushing with each word Dru spoke, his entire being crumbling. Every time someone yelled at him it was always something about him, about...
  17. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. Had Dru been crying? Besides the beautiful curls she had been working on it was the first thing he had noticed when the door flung open. The tell tale signs were on her face; splotches near her eyes, reddened nose, puffy eyes... it made the smile on his face fall. Why was she upset...
  18. Sir Damien

    Realistic or Modern Haenghada University//Closed

    Zane. Acting was Zane's niche. Or, at least it had been. Singing was more King's talent, the man had a voice that made every woman fall for him. So when Somin suggested scrapping the scene altogether and doing both a song, and a dance he laughed and thought it was a joke. Only, she was...
  19. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. "Hey now, I'm the manliest man you'll ever meet." What'd she mean Jade didn't like men? Clearly she was his new best friend. He watched her with a playful smirk on her face as she took in his attire. Was she jealous? He'd have to get her a pair, they could go to breakfast and match...
  20. Sir Damien

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Weasley. As soon as the door opened he wanted to poke fun at the language, however he bit his tongue at the puffy eyes, the obvious signs of crying. Had something happened last night after he went to his room? They had a lovely time with his parents, or at least he thought they had. His throat...