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  1. Acethekidd

    Anime & Manga What anime are you currently watching?

    catching up to demon slayer[ about to start season 4] and mashle might be next.
  2. Acethekidd

    Anime & Manga Your Most Hated Anime, ever

    kill la kill. I don't see the appeal
  3. Acethekidd

    Video Games RPNation League of Legends Club

    I'm bronze 3 atm, I don't care to much about rank so I play aram alot and rift with friends only. I can play any role besides adc. I really have mains, I play alot of fighter and tanks, gnat being one of favorites. My ING is Swift Ninja Ace
  4. Acethekidd

    Video Games Any games that you think are Overrated?

    Fortnite, it looks so boring
  5. Acethekidd

    Video Games Ultra Sun and Moon

    I honestly don't think they will be adding new Alolan forms, but you never know. I hope they do.. I wish they would add new pokemon besides the UBs
  6. Acethekidd

    Video Games Games No One Remembers

    I bet no one remembers space channel 5
  7. Acethekidd

    Video Games LoL Season 7

    My friend is Mia umu he says he's busy with life. Meh, I guess I'll just aram
  8. Acethekidd

    Video Games LoL Season 7

    I'm sure the community will to, but I'm not one of those people lol Awesome, so I'm stuck in sliver 2. I get the worst teams becauae they are toxic, don't want to listen or they just troll. I have the most easiest games to umu
  9. Acethekidd

    Video Games LoL Season 7

    I like his rework, but his ult is easy to miss
  10. Acethekidd

    Video Games League Players?

    Singed in aram is sooo fun. That's where I learn how to play most of my champions 
  11. Acethekidd

    Video Games League Players?

    Oh yeah,  I normally play aram and I'm gold v. I'm still bad tho xD
  12. Acethekidd

    Video Games League Players?

    Yo, I play on NA servers. I also have a pbe account if you guys wanna play on there sometimes  NA account;  Swift Ninja Ace PBE;  Acethekidd  Roles by order;  best to worst  Jungle Top  Mid  Support  Adc  Jungle champs ; volibear,skarner,  reksai , kindred ...
  13. Acethekidd

    Video Games League of Legends

    Its not completely free. Theres some stuff you gotta get with money like rp
  14. Acethekidd

    Video Games League of Legends

    My summoner Is Swift Ninja Ace we could play. Im not all that great, but I am good as an support. Im also looking for rp so I can get an lulu skin