Search results for query: *

  1. AtlannianSpy

    Realistic or Modern SLAYR: Uber for Demon Hunters

    Later... "And then I said '-and I just rewatched that movie three days ago!' and then I did like a cool leg sweep," said Renee, swiping across the table with a particularly long french fry to illustrate her story. "I still don't get what that was about, it's not like I even use karate to fight...
  2. AtlannianSpy

    Realistic or Modern SLAYR: Uber for Demon Hunters

    Clint snorted. "Nah you wont see demons able to shrug off getting brained liked that until at least knight rank. When demons reach that level their unique physical abilities, like this schmuck's bad case of food poisoning," Clint nudged the demon's corpse with the toe of his shoe to indicate...
  3. AtlannianSpy

    Realistic or Modern SLAYR: Uber for Demon Hunters

    Propelled and empowered by his very soul, Edger's sai pierced deep into the wound Renee had left on the demon's arm, punching straight through bone with a wet crunch and burying all the way up to the the hilt in demonic flesh. The demon howled in outrage and tried to withdraw its ruined...
  4. AtlannianSpy

    Fantasy Republic of Desperadoes (Game lit / Colony building)

    "You shouldn't look down on mud," Karine heard Kalakkis say cheerfully somewhere behind her as she browsed. "A decently leveled [brickmaker] can do some pretty good work with mud, that's what most of the more permanent buildings in the city are made of. This savage continent has many bounties...
  5. AtlannianSpy

    Realistic or Modern SLAYR: Uber for Demon Hunters

    "Mostly it just made me remember how completely insufferable I was as a child," said Renee grumpily, snatching up her trusty trenching shovel and scrambling to her feet to back up Edger. "So what's changed then?" Clint called from his seat on the floor, snorting when Renee flashed her middle...
  6. AtlannianSpy

    Realistic or Modern SLAYR: Uber for Demon Hunters

    Clint shrugged noncommittally at Edger. "Ehh who's to say? I've used this technique to lock down demons who would make this sucker look like a newborn kitten, but I am getting kinda rusty in my old age so-" Suddenly the demon interrupted by opening its maw and disgorging a torrent of bilious...
  7. AtlannianSpy

    Fantasy Republic of Desperadoes (Game lit / Colony building)

    "Cheerful bunch aren't you?" said the Sergeant, rolling his wide shoulders in an expressive shrug. "If you want my advice or , well, even if you don't because you're prisoners and I can say whatever I want to you: My advice would be to take life as it comes a little more. The God's above know...
  8. AtlannianSpy

    Fandom Naruto: Last of the Fallen Blossoms

    Koyome Omozukai Great, another weirdo Koyome thought as her opponent blathered on about something, to do with cherry blossoms or whatever. Unfortunately, as was so often the case with weirdos, this one was dangerous: Koyome vaguely recognized him from her time snooping through Yukari's bingo...
  9. AtlannianSpy

    Viewpoint How would you feel if you realized your partner's reply was generated by an AI?

    I'd be pretty annoyed frankly. For me the point of RPing as opposed to writing fiction is to get the creative input from another human being and an AI cant replace that in any meaningful way. Even if you edit the output very heavily an AI can't carry on a cohesive narrative and make decisions...
  10. AtlannianSpy

    Fantasy Republic of Desperadoes (Game lit / Colony building)

    Sergeant Kilakkis turned out be a bronze skinned, muscular man with a shiny, bald head and a mouthful of shiny, white teeth that he frequently displayed with wide, friendly smiles. It was disconcerting frankly, every Sergeant Karine had ever known had been a jaded, bitter shell of a person...
  11. AtlannianSpy

    Fandom The Princess and the Pariah; an Elder Scrolls Story

    The point of Lisette's boot sunk into a hollow in the ground and she pitched forwards face first into the mud. It was only her desire to remain undiscovered that kept Lisette from screaming in frustration, that and the equally strong desire not to receive a mouhtful of mud. Instead Lisette let...
  12. AtlannianSpy

    Realistic or Modern SLAYR: Uber for Demon Hunters

    "This hardly seems fair," Renee said, backpedalling out of range of a straight punch from her twelve year old self. "I don't exactly feel great about beating up a little kid," "We're the same person though," said child Renee, sliding forward smoothly and chambering a second punch, before...
  13. AtlannianSpy

    Fantasy Republic of Desperadoes (Game lit / Colony building)

    --As for this so-called "Free Republic" your majesty need not concern themselves unduly with this small matter. Far from being a legitimate threat to the security of the colony, they are a mere rabble of malcontents and desperadoes with delusions of grandeur. The garrison I command at your...
  14. AtlannianSpy

    Realistic or Modern SLAYR: Uber for Demon Hunters

    Renee hmmphed dismissively at Edger's assessment but she did relent in her assault, folding her arms over her chest and watching as Clint's spirit retreated into his body. "Bah! Kids these days! Can't even handle a little astral projecting," Clint grumbled with his flesh and blood mouth as he...
  15. AtlannianSpy

    Fandom The Princess and the Pariah; an Elder Scrolls Story

    Lisette Du Cortagne was not a punctual person. As the seventh of seven children it could be argued that the very first thing Lisette had ever done was turn up late and all her life after that she had never quite caught up the schedule everyone else seemed to be operating on. This had oftentimes...
  16. AtlannianSpy

    Multiple Settings Worldbuilding, Explosions and Super Powered Karate, an Original and OCxOC Fandom search {closed for now}

    I'm sorry man, I got way more of a response than I was expecting so I'm pretty much tapped out, I want to be able to keep my current projects going at a level that's enjoyable for my partners so I can't really take anything else on ATM.
  17. AtlannianSpy

    Realistic or Modern SLAYR: Uber for Demon Hunters

    "Oh sure, its just like bungee jumping!" Renee said, rolling her eyes as her voice rose in pitch. "I'll just bungee jump my soul right out of my body and bounce back in! Simple!" "That's actually not a bad metaphor for what has to happen," said Clint, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "Except...
  18. AtlannianSpy

    Realistic or Modern SLAYR: Uber for Demon Hunters

    "Wh- That is a gross oversimplification!" said Clint, giving Edger an aggrieved look. "Aura is NOT like sweat! and-" "Wait I do have a question now," interrupted Renee, her brow furrowing with suspicion. "If this aura stuff is so great why doesn't everybody use it? The military and stuff?"...
  19. AtlannianSpy

    Fandom Naruto: Last of the Fallen Blossoms

    "Yes, yes," Koyome said dismissively, waving away the samurai's praise with one hand. "Try not to go and die and waste all my hard work hmm?" Koyome said sweetly, watching the man draw his blade again and charge off in what, to Koyome's eye, seemed like a completely random direction. Koyome...