Upon being assisted up out of the cushiony grave by Kasumi, Bi-Han would nod to give his silent thanks before beginning to follow her towards the tournaments briefing before watching her turn back around and open this book which seemingly summoned a smaller version of one of the deities who...
Bi-Han would follow Kasumi to their room. He'd look around, unfamiliar with the layout of a typical hotel room he begins investigating any other small rooms, such as bathrooms or storage spaces individually. He was almost expecting the room to be trapped if it wasn't for the fact that injured...
Sub Zero remained investigating the call of Azazel when Kasumi questioned him. He was starting to question how so many people were unaware of the other realms, he knew that the deities mentions alternate universes, which wasn't a completely unknown prospect to Bi-Han but what was truly stifling...
"I've been wondering that as well."
Is Bi-Hans response to Kasumi before he heard the call behind him
A demon lord? Bi-Han did not like the sound of that and would turn to face the source of this...
"I have faith in our abilities, we were all brought here for a reason."
Bi-Han would look at Kasumi, for a moment she almost could have passed as a fellow Lin Kuei if he didn't investigate further. He continues to evaluate Kasumi's appearance, trying to pinpoint any visible strengths or...
Standing in front of the door he reads the sign displaying his team name and two partners, he was already introduced to Cal but this Kasumi was a name unknown to him.
"It would appear so, as well as another contender I am yet unfamiliar with."
Is the response from Bi-Han to Cal's remarks, he...
Bi-Han would have a puzzled look on the limited part of his face anyone could see, he had never heard of a Bracca realm before, he decides its probably some city in Outworld and upon seeing who he now knows as Cal's hand reaching out for a greeting he takes a very firm grip on his hand
"I am...
When this tunnel of light consumed Bi-Han he had just rediscovered an old abandoned Lin Kuei temple hidden in the land that most earthrealmers referred to as China. It was only moments after pushing open an ancient stone door with the symbol of the Lin Kuei that Bi-Han was blasted by light...