Nyx doesn't hide her amusement at Mute's newest persona and her little back-and-forth with Hunter. "Darling, males cannot figure out how to unlace a corset. Next time, call a lady to assist you, hmm?" The demoness comments coquettishly. She climbs the steps with the rest of the crew, admiring...
"Well, I would like a bag that is durable and difficult to cut or break open. I travel a lot, so being able to withstand constant movement and potential thieves is a necessity. And if it's doable, I would like it to be as discreet as possible. Something small (I don't carry much, anyway)...
"It was the least I could do. I just want to make sure everyone who can heal, does. If we have time, I think Milky needs a turn in the pod..." Lethe mews, watching the firebreather fret over something. His brow furrows when she mentions her magic ice cube. "Can you still process nutrients...
Brown ears fall back to his skull and a hot flush of shame washes over the tom for forgetting. "Sorry, Miss False!" Lethe hurries over to the mobstress, "Please forgive me." He motions to one of the nurses to help and they gently grab False, placing her back in her healing pod. He rears up on...
"Um. Yes, that would be nice. Also-" The tom follows Mirage to the living room, "might I inquire if this trip was fully funded? Because I... don't have any credits..." Thistle admits quietly, his ears falling back in shame. One ear swivels, catching Pim's anxiety-riddled rambling. His stomach...
"At first I felt.... Nothing. Utterly empty, like there was a gaping hole in my chest where my heart should've been. Her death was sudden, too. I didn't think she could die, Adrianna always seemed so strong, unwavering in the face of danger." Thrush murmurs, "For the longest time after she died...
"As much as I hate to admit it," Thrush sighs, as soon as Deceit is out of earshot, "She's right. She may not have been your mother, but she cared for you like you were her own daughter. She would want you to mourn for her, but I'm sure she also would want you to pick yourself up, dust yourself...
With a speed that is surprising for an animal like her, Nyx is between Filament and Holly a second after the slap registers in any onlooker's minds, using her size to force the tom back a few steps. She lowers her head so she is face-to-face with the electrician cat, ruby irises locking with his...
Having heard the devastating news, Thistle grabs the lipstick case in his jaws and sprints out of the cafe, following PIM and the rest of their troupe. He just hopes that Deceit wasn't lying about this relic because if Trin dies, they all might as well be dead, too. The oldest, perhaps smartest...
"Why would he... That sword is his most precious one, the one that heals wounds and revives him." Thistle whispers, brows pinched in confusion.
"I said nothing about giving the sword back to him, I said recover. So Mother, your polar opposite of policy and morality, would not have it anymore...
"Thank the gods..." Thrush sighs before wrapping her arms around the ashland kittens and giving them a big, long hug. "Explosions are incredibly loud, I'm glad you guys still have your hearing." She doesn't let the sisters go, just squeezes them a bit tighter. "It's perfectly normal to be...
When Purple doesn't respond, staring despondently at her aunt's body, Thrush leaves her to mourn. She joins Jass and Ruma. "Hey kittos, how are you guys doing? You didn't get hurt in the blast, did you?" She looks each of them over, checking for injuries. No blood on their fur, eyes look normal...
Yes, everything Deceit said is close, but not quite on the nose. "You were going to shoot Kees, then your little b*tch-boy Hunter did it for you. I don't know how you brainwashed him but the blood is on both of your paws. Eden was my friend. I liked her and she felt comfortable enough to confide...
Thistle heads right over to PIM when he crosses into this new world. "-IM!" He drops the lipstick case on the ground. "Can you identify Holy Items? I want to make sure Deceit wasn't lying. If what she said is indeed true, then we need to keep a tight grip on this. The ability to revive anyone...
A holy item? Lipstick with the ability to bring back the dead? Thistle thinks back to Hunter's demise. He fell from the cityship (that was itself falling from stratosphere) into the ocean below. There was absolutely no chance in Helheim that a single atom of the tomcat remained after that. And...
Deceit mentions so many things and there isn't much room to get a word in edgewise about them. Hunter's "higher protection" no one knows about? That would certainly explain how he survived the fall and explosion of the Mia'Moray ship? Deceit herself was the one who found Aceline and Flame? The...
(I'm sad to see you go, Silver. I hope you can find an RP that suits you so you can continue writing and creating wonderful characters. Don't be a stranger :) Love you, dude.)
"You knooww... A true expert in espionage wouldn't've given in so easily," Meows Thistle, "The second suspicious eyes...
Thrush sniffles, blinking away her tears. When she realizes others are looking at her, she stops leaning against her brother and tries to regain her composure. She starts heading towards Jass and Ruma but stops in her tracks when a black cat falls in the center of the room. The sorrow in her...
Thistle has to bite his tongue to prevent himself from shouting at Hunter about his side-piece. Big surprise, Hunter, she lied to you! It's her nature. It's LITERALLY her name! He simply nods to Stalker, glad she's agreeing with him on something. Pretty soon the rest of the group is promptly...
"I'm glad you're okay, sweetie. I... uh...." Thrush sits down with a heavy thump, staring at the charred crater that used to be Milky's living room. "Oh, Italia..." she whimpers.
"Every Trin?? And Italia? Damn it!" Thistle growls, stomping a paw in frustration. "No matter what we do it seems...