"If I were argue with one thousand knowledgeable people, I would surely win the argument. But if I were to argue with one fool, I would lose the argument." - Ash-Shafi'ee.
Did you guys actually go and read the site policies and information over there, or am I the only one who reads? There is a section of Iwaku that is dedicated to erotic roleplaying, or sexual content in age-locked areas, but that doesn't make it an erotic roleplaying site. I have read the fine...
While I do not fully understand and agree with the logic behind this decision and stance, it is the decision of the administrator and we will have to step back and respect it. I was just caught off-guard at the misinformation and misdirection that has been going on - but it isn't my place to...
Quite enlightening, I suppose? I think it really all depends on how site owners manage it. It's quite natural for different people to have different priorities. This site will never allow sexual content but that is their choice and I am not surprised.
Minor nitpick from the thread that...
Touché~ However, I would like to point out that the other sites are also likely aware of state laws and may have their own methods of verification. Is it really such a good thing to throw shade on other places? I know RPN is awesome, but I am just a tad bit amused at the quick dismissals here~
Legal or not, I don't think it's very professional for an admin and staff to publicly name other sites here. US Laws are more than just 'teenagers cannot smut' considering they CAN give consent in specific age groups.