I'm looking for a well-rounded person who loves dragons, fantasy-based backgrounds and characters who can grow as we move along. If you ever read of the books Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland then you're in for some rather deep, death-filled and even emotional roller coaster ride.
I would be...
Godfather Death: http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/type0332.html
Oh, no. ._. All I'm seeing is the Tim Burton adaptation and that is not what I had in mind. Lol. I'm actually referring to the knight from the manga Alice in Wonderland though the knight will be a female this time.
@JohnEgbert: I'll give you a better low down once we start PM-ing of my character if that's alright.
@torakiji: I'll happily accept that. :D Which one do you want to be?
Oh, well, for starters his name is Tobias Aravind (Tobi for short). He's more of a dark type trainer, mainly as he often is misunderstood because of his rugged appearance and unapproachable. He's actually a lot nicer than he looks. He's seventeen about to turn eighteen and fresh out of the john...
We can do OC's to get a head start on things. I have an OC in mind that I've been keeping on the back burner for a while. Aha. Where do you want to role-play? The PMs here?
Ah, not a problem at all! I actually don't mind waiting out for replies and since this place notifies me more often than other sites it'll be a refreshing site to see when you reply. Either Pokemon or Kingdom Hearts will do. We an do OCs and OOCs if we get tired of one or the other.
I am relatively new to this site but not the fandoms! I've been roleplaying for a good amount of four of five years and have the experience for mature role-plays. I'm in my twenties, a college student and a full-time job/worker so my hours may differ in the middle towards the end of the...
Tsunayoshi Sawada
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Appearance: Tsuna is a short and slim young man with spiky brown hair and orange eyes. He inherits many traits from Giotto and his mother, Nana.He wears a yellow blazer with an N shaped logo on the left side and a blue tie...