Really love the ice goddess plot! I have a couple of characters who could be perfect to be rped in this setting, so if you're still looking for a partner for this one I'd love to do this one with you! :3
So, to all my partners, I'll probably be on a mini hiatus till Friday (or next week max) because I just have a lot going on in my life atm (only good things though, no worries!^^). I'll try to get my replies up as soon as I can :'3
Akeela \\\ Rise \\\▷
Akeela was backing away once more, at least until he tripped and fell with his hand right onto a ring made of silver that was laying on the floor.
it probably had belonged to the older man.
Hissing painfully, he darted away from the silver while a circular burn, in the...
Akeela \\\ Rise \\\▷
Gosh darn it, this harness-
he wasn't alone.
Just when he had managed to free himself of that darn thing, Akeela noticed the figure standing in the unlit doorway, staring at him.
He could hear his heart racing and the scent of adrenaline emerging from the man before he...
Akeela \\\ Rise \\\ ▷
This human was beyond unusual. First, he had chosen to take a dog that was tall enough to put its paws on his shoulders standing up, then he didn't hesitate to drive to a pet store with him to get everything set up for him right away.
he was actually touched by so much...
Akeela \\\ Rise \\\ ▷
They called him Shaggy, but that wasn't his name.
And he wasn't an Irish wolfhound mix either, despite their 50% certainty regarding his breed. Fact is, the reason why they had never been able to really determine what kind of dog he was was because- well, he wasn't a dog...