Designed and coded by Nano.
Please do not remove the credits or claim the code as your own work.
// accents
// top //
// "green" bg + texture image //
// name + filler text //
// first name
// last name...
heyyo I have been freed (work hours over) so I can have character thoughts
I've never had a pirate character so we gotta start from scratch but this sounds too fun to pass
Karine & Kohvee & X0 - - collab post with @lohlunat - - - - - - - - - - - >
Kari's incoming argument was interrupted by commotion at the bar, as no less than two full crews went suddenly chasing out after someone. Nothing unheard of for this kind of location, but something about the girl they...
@lohlunat hey want to do a collab post so we can do some dialog together before going ahead and going to where everyone else is? so people don't have to wait on us
that would work, though we'd have to figure out how to get them in on what's going on
I left whatever Sef said to my characters completely up in the air thinking y'all could fill in with overhearing whatever your character needed to get interested in what they were talking about but no one is...
@Hiuly of Starmoon ok your person was at the bar and then went to the dock area so I guess we'll pick up any characters from the cantina area first and then head that way