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  1. Nebula

    Literature NaNoWriMo!

    You bet I am! We'll have to discuss plot ideas sometime and have writing warm ups. It's my first year as well, I found out about it just recently.
  2. Nebula

    RpNation: The Convention

    Ryan placed his hands to his sides and examined the worry in Liz's features. She was right in a way, but she was also a worry-wart - he knew this. The snow outside wasn't going to stop anytime soon but at least they were indoors where it was warm. "Why wouldn't we be?" he let out a laugh and...
  3. Nebula

    RpNation: The Convention

    (Holy bologna I missed some *comes to save the day*) Ryan held his hands behind his head and watched quite a few people come up to Liz. She appeared to be the center of attention and he couldn't help but chuckle at how she reacted to it. He knew how she was, especially after role playing with...
  4. Nebula

    RpNation: The Convention

    Ryan yawned, trudging through the snow that just so happened to come down in the most unlikely state ever. Today was the RPNation convention, and Ryan was one of the many who had been invited to participate in the lovely convention. Sure he didn't have many friends, but he seen some people he...
  5. Nebula

    RpNation: The Convention

    I'll join in! Just wanted to post here before so I didn't look like a weirdo.
  6. Nebula

    Zombie Apocalypse/Post Apocalyptic (Group Role Play)

    I'm interested! I'm also into the post apocalyptic plot, so each character can reveal their back story when they want.
  7. Nebula

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Before they reached Hithegrove, Orydd had gone on ahead to the house of their burglar, the Hobbit. Teddy Mumford, as they had said was his name. Dain had his suspicions. Though he had never met such a creature, and theirs was certainly a rare name among any but their own kind, Dain was aware of...
  8. Nebula

    Home Behind & World Ahead ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )

    Thanks! I'm super excited.
  9. Nebula

    Home Behind & World Ahead ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )

    Name: Daintheren Ironhammer Nickname: Dain Age: 30 Gender: Male Race: Dwarf Height / Weight: 5'2 / 150lbs Occupation: King Under The Mountain Personality: Dain has the demeanor likened to that of the rocks and metals of the Mountain he once hailed from. He is a Dwarf whose temper...
  10. Nebula

    Home Behind & World Ahead ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )

    Ah, you have such lovely writing, I'm so glad to see a LOTR / Hobbit based role play that has freedom and isn't like the original! I'm gonna reserve this spot until furthermore, I can't wait. :)
  11. Nebula


    ​ Virus owner: nebula co-owner: liztopher To read information about the storyline or other things, please revert back to the information thread here. To join the roleplay, please fill a character form out here. RULES- This is a zombie survival, wasteland type of role...
  12. Nebula


    @Luka Posting thread now open. @Sprinkles228 Posting thread now open. @Autumn Accepted! Posting thread now open. @MsTeaTime Accepted! Posting thread now open. @Liztopher Accepted! Posting thread now open.
  13. Nebula


    Sprinkles228 Accepted!
  14. Nebula


    Luka Accepted!
  15. Nebula


    Virus owner: nebula co-owner: liztopher To read information about the storyline or other things, please revert back to the information thread here. RULES- This is a zombie survival, wasteland type of role play. Please follow all the rules listed below to be able to join this...
  16. Nebula


    Virus owner: nebula co-owner: liztopher ENTRY#1052 Dear Diary.. ____Something really strange is going on. My father says we need to be ready. He works too much, always slaving away at the labs, saying he's about to make a breakthrough, but that it's too top secret to tell us...
  17. Nebula

    A Primordial Journey

    "Yes, go on," Atticus cheered, clapping his large hands together and bouncing slightly on his heels. For once, a smile appeared on his rugged lips as he followed after the large group of sailors, carrying his partner to the bar for "one drink". "Just one gentlemen, I assure you. We will be more...
  18. Nebula

    Ashes, Ashes.. We All Fall Down

    ASHES, ASHES.. - A war ravaged, broken and mostly dead country exists in what use to be the United States. Through a long, and deadly nuclear war involving most of the large countries in the year 2052, the United States have been reduced to a few small patches of safe houses, with no more...
  19. Nebula

    A Primordial Journey

    Atticus turned and flashed his map to the rookie with an eyebrow raised. "Come fourth," he ordered, waving a hand. "We are nearly there to the lands and here you are, moping in your cabin!" he snickered, pointing a finger to their current position on the neat, freshly done paper. "Here, is where...
  20. Nebula

    A Primordial Journey

    On the deck of the ship sat Atticus, lounging on a lone chair with a table in front of him scattered with wrinkled and worn maps. His frames rested smoothly on his rugged face, sitting in front of his two brown irises that darted back and fourth from line to line on the paper under his working...