Does anyone use Discord? I'm sure you do x) If you'd like to RP or just chat, please leave yours below so I can add you!
I love to RP, but I am away from my computer most of the day, and this definitely helps me keep in contact via mobile.
Thanks guys. c:
Not bold, more so hopeful that you're capable of reaching a point within yourself to contain what has been forced upon you, anxiety is frustrating, and it makes me happy to see others cope.
If you can't deal with it, I rather you tell me how. It's bold of you to think I'd run to such an...
Hello again, everyone. ^-^ I just like having open discussions about things non-RP related so others, including myself, can have an outlet for their thoughts.
When I was younger, I had social anxiety, so I had a hard time eating in front of people. I started eating in front of a mirror, or the...
I mean, I am a full time preschool teacher, so I get home around 6PM. After that I am role playing until I literally fall asleep. Don't know if this is a good or bad thing. x) Has anyone else gone through this? x
I definitely feel like I'm most insecure about my persona being too harsh or too much for my potential partner. I enjoy writing and having a realistic persona that's easy to follow, however I do often overthink my role or feel as if I'm overzealous in waiting for a response. I know we all have...