When the girl politely refused Dylans request Dylan was gonna sit back down at the bar. He WAS gonna sit down at the bar where it not that he heard someone yell.
This would normaly not be a problem if Dylan had not sat down WAY too long for his taste. So needless to say when the perfect excuse...
While Dylan was fideling around with the menu's trying to accept the party invite, he heard someone say.
Dylan immediatly reacted "hey if you want we could team up. I mean We already have a small party lined up." he said while nodding to both R00k and Azh'Shir. "If thats alright with you i...
When dylan heard the words 'party up' he immediantly was paying attention. As a fairly social guy Dylan never liked to solo. Then he noticed the exange was between 2 so he could cram his way into the party "Hey mind if i join to?".
@Endaii @DanGriin
After managing to escape from the shop keeper Dylan found a small nice tropical bar. Apon further inspection he found that the barkeep was a quest giver. Dylan choose a quest (kill 3 mad monkeys) and decided that he wanted to recharge his ap so he sat down put on some music and relaxed for a bit.
Dylan put on his own vr headset and booted up his copy of Titan age reborn. When he saw the character creator he diceded that he wanted to go the sneaky route. As he spawned into the ingame world he came to a relization. He didn't have a lantern. Dylan decided the best way to correct this...
Irl Name: Dylan Bandit
In-Game Name: Oltar
Age: 15
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: straight
Race: dragonborn (black)
Class: rogue
Bio: Dylan was born in australia in a smal rural town. He has an okay time in school, he likes to hang out with his friends and because there...