The Great Awakening Begins...
(Purple means Psionic Communication, Green means vocal speaking)
Valsrim awoke in his cryo chamber, the sign that the time had come for the newest conquest. Another system laid before the seed ship, left to be plundered and conquered like the ones before. A cycle...
Sean The Rat
Interaction/Mention: The Mutant and The Armor @Lord Moldoma @Karcen
Location: Central Park Marketplace ---> Behind The Auction Stage (General Description provided by @ManofManyRoles)
Action: Investigating
Sean looked around as he ate his food, the crowd waiting for the auction to...
Hello my name is Archdemon but you can call me Arch, and I'm a 23 years old guy who goes by He/Him pronouns from midwest america so my timezone is CST/CDT. I would prefer is my rp partners were 18+ as i prefer to rp with people around my age. I've been around for about nearly ten years on this...
Sean The Rat
Interaction: Open
Location: Central Park Marketplace
Sean strolled around the marketplace, taking a look at the items and the prices. He wasn't the wealthiest person here, but he had enough caps he saved up to get something of value. He was hoping for something mechanical to help...
Sean The Fist
Age | 31
Build | 7'3 and Muscular from fighting in the Warren Arenas
Marks & Piercings | A long scar on the left side of his face as well as multiple stab scars on his body.
Profession | Helpful Homeless Scavenger
Weapons & Gear |
His Fists
Anything in the environment that...
Damn you're still around? havent seen ya for a solid while.
Anyways I'm here to add in my obligatory interested since fallout is a favorite setting of mine.
I'm surprised sometimes when I don't see any rps for some series on here. Like Trollhunters. Always felt that'd be something that would be popular as an rp setting.
Name: Haruto Shima
Hero Name: Arachknight
Interactions: @IG42 @krytonminu
Mentions: @Karcen @Lucius Cypher @Norschtalen @Dextra @IG42 @SilverInu @Samevi @PlusUltra (I think i got everyone in the group or around)
Haruto saw how all over the place Ryan was, though he wasn't sure if it was...
Name: Haruto Shima
Hero Name: Arachknight
Interaction: @krytonminu
Haruto had woken up way too early since his family had expected to get him to his dorm at like 6 in the morning. Instead now it was being done at 4 in the morning. He couldn't help it, he was way too excited to go to UA. So...
Name: Ryujin Tatsuma
Hero Name: The Crimson Dragon/Dragon Samurai
Interaction: @IG42
Ryujin watched as the police went and collected the bikers he had just defeated. He went to an officer and explained the gist of what happened so that it goes into his report. When he finished he simply...
Ever since Kamino, crime has serverly been on the rise. Without the Golden icon of All Might most criminals became more brazen with their crimes. Even in cities like Musutafu, where heroes were a plenty, crime still rose. Bands of criminals began forming to consolidate control over cities, one...
Hello Japan! This is your Host Yanobo Akira coming at you with the world's information. Before we get right into the news we have an announcement to make. Our studio and many arround the world will be broadcasting a documentary about America's most dangerous villain. I won't say too much, but...
Name: Haruto Shima
Hero Name: Arachknight
Interactions/Mentions: None
Haruto was busy in his room in the afternoon, threading his silk into various dyes and colors. On days when his silk isn't really needed he usually does this to have a stockpile of colorful Silk prepared. It's helpful when...