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  • Users: Endu_Makyr
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  1. Endu_Makyr

    Fandom Fate/Noble Souls: Missing Link (IC)

    Wisoot Nernsai, or "Acolyte" as he preferred to be known as, cleansed his gauntleted hands of debris and some fresh blood. He grabbed a white cloth from a nearby table and patted down the blotches of blood on his armor and the amount caking his hands. Where'd he get this blood from? Why the...
  2. Endu_Makyr

    Fandom Transformers: Into Infinity - Characters

    NAME: Iacon ROLE: Personnel Management ALTERNATE MODE: Iacon has a Cybertronian hover-truck shaped and designed in spirit of Optimus Prime’s earthen vehicular mode. APPEARANCE: Iacon is a large Cybertronian who bears great resemblance to Optimus Prime in physicality though bears a noticeably...
  3. Endu_Makyr

    Fandom Transformers: Into Infinity - OOC

    Question: Are "Point-One-Percenters" allowed?
  4. Endu_Makyr

    Fandom Fate/Noble Souls: Missing Link (A Cyberpunk-Themed Doubles Grail War with Fandom Characters as Servants) [CLOSED]

    I was debating the Chakram, but Firewalker and Divine Spears wasn't NP-worthy.
  5. Endu_Makyr

    Fantasy One True God - CS

    WIP APPEARANCE: A young male of fair skin, thin yet robust build, with black hair and brown eyes. Garbed in black priestly robing. NAME: Nathaniel D. Muselk ERA: Obsidia HEIGHT: 193 Centimeters WEIGHT: 65.1 Kilograms REALM: Purgatory PERSONALITY: Nathaniel is a reserved young man who seldom...
  6. Endu_Makyr

    Fandom Transformers: Into Infinity

    It's very heavily based on a YouTube video's SG Optimus. Is that fine? The character I have in mind is an Autobot who holds an almost fanatical belief in Optimus Prime and designed his body in resemblance to Optimus — though it's a twisted belief. Think Tarn of the DJD, but an Autobot. He...
  7. Endu_Makyr

    Fantasy One True God (Closed)

    What roles are currently filled?
  8. Endu_Makyr

    Fandom Fate/Noble Souls: Missing Link (CS) [CLOSED]

    I'm not certain whether I'm meant to first make a request to join through the "Interests checks", but here I go. Also, the false Servant is going to be... iffy. Master CS APPEARANCE: NAME: Wisoot "Acolyte" Nernsai AGE: 15 GENDER: Male MAGECRAFT SPECIALITY: Illusion. Rather than a...
  9. Endu_Makyr

    Fandom Transformers: Into Infinity

    I'm interested.
  10. Endu_Makyr

    Fantasy One True God (Closed)

    I'm intrigued. I'd like to participate.
  11. Endu_Makyr

    Introduce Yourself!

    Greetings. I am Makyr. I am relatively new to roleplay, though have found it quite agreeable. I have a preference toward formality and tend to be quite wordy.