twitter is an opinionated place, and by opinionated, I mean bigoted. Don't let them affect what you do for fun, besides, not to be racist or anything, but black people in my neighborhood treat white people about as badly as black people used to be treated [and still are in some cases].
Just do...
INTROVERT x INTROVERT! Please GOD choose me I can finally apply my NEET to something! Okay I came off overly excited but hey, if you wanna chat, just hmu and we'll see what we can do.
I'm looking for someone to RP with me, and get through a long-term characters first arc. Her name is Iruga Hinoi and she's a professional wrestler in a age where wrestling isn't just entertainment anymore, the violence is real, the blood flies and brutality is the name in the biggest wrestling...
I can't just leave you hanging, I like your character but she's a little too similar to Rogue for me to find her interesting. You can still PM me, but I don't thin we'll be doing this RP, sorry. ^^