Hey everyone!
I would like to roleplay a dramatic and cute romance story. My preferences are below ⬇️
•Likes Anime and Korean Dramas
•Enjoys dramatic Romance RP
•Able to keep things interesting
•Use anime pics for characters
Hit me up if your...
I'm totally up for an RP, it's really difficult to find quality RP partners who have most of the same guidelines as you! I generally use Kik to RP(my Kik is SQU1DG1RL) just let me know if you're interested~! ^-^
Hey everyone! I'm looking for a long term male RP partner. I typically RP modern of fantasy and I prefer using the app Kik to conduct my RPs. I love dramatic heart breaking yet very sweet RPs (similar to Korean Drama kind of dramatic XD). Msg me if you're interested~!! ^-^ My kik is SQU1DG1RL...