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  1. untamedwonder

    Multiple Settings Roleplay Partner Search. (Fandom or Fantasy)

    Do you have any other anime's you would like to roleplay with?
  2. untamedwonder

    Realistic or Modern ✰Looking for a Solider! ✰

    Hey! Im Allison. Here is the starter in case you might be interested! Small villages are being rapidly destroyed, and the people left behind have been too traumatized to talk about what they had seen. Thousands of lives taken, several different villages turned to ashes, and no one knew a thing...
  3. untamedwonder

    Multiple Settings ☾ Descriptive role-play partner!☽

    Hello! My name is Allison, and Im looking for a descriptive role play partner (Quality> Quantity)! I don't mind your gender. I have been role playing for 6 years, so I have a bit of experience. I am into all the genres listed below, and I would love to hear some of your ideas regarding some of...
  4. untamedwonder

    Realistic or Modern Knight x princess

    Hello! Im interested in this roleplay! I would love to be your princess.
  5. untamedwonder

    Fantasy Empire at war

    Hello! Im Allison, and I would love to join this roleplay. Im new to this site, yet I am not new to the experiences of roleplaying. I would love to portray a vampire, or a dragon. Possibly a mix of both, if you'd allow that.