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  • We hurt without moving. We poison without touching. We bear the truth and the lies. We are not to be judged by our size. What are we?
    PM any guess answers so as not to spoil.
    You're in Jack's World and he has only one law. There is a mirror, but no reflection. There is a door, but entrance or exit. What's the law?
    Just think positive, they say. Everything will get better they say. Tell me, when has that saying ever come true?
    Freyu Valentine
    Freyu Valentine
    Not that often in all honesty, the only thing you can do though is keep trying to live. Life is a pain in the neck and I think you've just gotta push though the cruddy moments to get to the happier ones.
    Never....but thinking positive does make it /seem/ better.
    Yin Valentine
    If I made a promise to reply today, it will get done. Its a day before my big family get together though, so give me a bit of slack here.
    Mostly just curiosity. I tend to go looking though random roleplays on days when the boredom is largely present. I happened across a roleplay you were or still are in, and read through a lot of the stuff posted. I happened to like how you wrote some of it, and thus checked your profile and followed you. ^^
    Ah, I see. Well, if you want to talk, or if you have an rp I might be interested in, don't be afraid to hit me up. ^ ^
    Alright. :)
    Rather busy irl. If you read that thing called a 'signature' you'll find out why. Please. Have. Patience. Please. Thank you! ^-^
    Hi! Who're you? O.o
    Probably nobody you know. I was looking through the FairyTail: A New Beginning to see if I migh tjoin, and I happened to like your style of rping, so I followed you. I hope that's okay...
    No problem! I'd love to have ya. Let me know if you have any ideas
    Hey on Wildwood rp, is it ok if my character doubles up on some courses, as in takes two courses of one type of subject in order to advance himself. An example in highschool would be to take Geometry and Algebra II in the same year, then the next year take Pre Calculus.
    Sure why not. The only one I won't allow that for is Control of Magic. Other than that, so long as it fits into the schedule, sure.
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