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  • Trying to get back into RP again...Im basically out of partners and Im trying to be active once more...
    I won't bother making excuses for my absence, it's been a rough few months with moving and whatnot. Sorry I haven't been around.
    If your going to just ghost me, DO NOT bother talking to me about an RP. I am DEAD SERIOUS. I just had to delete 10+ conversations from Here and Discord because of ghosting. If you don't really want to RP or just don't talk to me in general. DONT WASTE MY TIME!!!!
    my sympathies. I share your pain and know all too well how that feels im sorry =(
    I am stunned. I just don't get it. I've been actively searching for an RP for TWO weeks and Jack squat! Nothing! WTH.
    Jesus can walk on water.

    Babies are 75% water.

    I can walk on babies.

    I am 100% going to jail.

    (it's a joke, relax Karen)
    You know, it's really frustrating when I'm searching for an RP partner, on someone else's post, you see they have nothing but "BUMP" on the post for the last week, you send them a message to RP, they see it and nothing, no reply, no "Sorry not interested". Just left on read. Rude.
    Just Great... a couple days ago my then best friend and ultimate RP partner stabs me in the back and basically calls me a selfish prick when I try to tell him about how I feel about life in general, and I can't even distract myself with a decent RP because...Nobody seems to want to anymore, I get ignored, left on read, and forgotten about. I'm tired and so very much alone. If anyone out there wants to chat, hit me up, but if you're just going to berate me about venting here, don't. you might be the one to push me over the edge. I don't know why I expected anything other than disappointment....
    For a pretty busy RP site, Im not finding much luck with an RP as per usual....It's fine. I'll show myself the door.
    I'm starting to remember why I left this site for so long...
    You looking for an rp partner? I was searching dmc and your name came up
    Wow, I can't believe I never saw this. I apologize. If you still wanna RP hit me up.
    Yup, still interested.
    Im just an idiot who can't keep a role play partner because either I don't respond, and forget, or I get completely ignored by the other person.
    Turn that frown right side down.
    I'd like to, but I can't seem to keep a RP going for longer than a few days at most.
    No one is perfect- keep trying.
    Hey there. Haven't heard from you in a while. How's everything going? I totally understand if life's is getting in the way. Stuff happens.
    I also hate it when people think of the entirety of the story before we actually RP! For example...

    You are character A, who has done these amazing things, then these events happen later and I am character B who has done these things and this will also happen later.

    1. You are telling me who I HAVE to be...
    2. Where is the story building? You just took all the fun out of it! I have no creative room!
    Derpy Dev
    Derpy Dev
    Honestly half the fun of 1x1 RPs for me is obsessive madman planning lol. But it does stop being fun at a certain point for certain.
    Normally I hate surprises, but for my RPs they're necessary. I like a little planning, but give me too much and I don't even wanna write it. If I already know what happens, I lose interest.
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