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  • So it's been ages since I've been on here, I want to RP but don't really know *what* I want to RP so I may be lurking for a little bit *shrugs* That's all! *throws confetti*
    If you ever want to role play with moi, I am a few clicks away.
    I genuinely appreciate you reply, thank you!!
    People keep saying the new IT trailer is scary and I'm sitting here laughing at how silly it is XD.
    Same here. It was a good movie, but not really all that very scary — might've been the over-hype, though, but I'm too cynical and gritty to be terrified these days.
    lol Well it was my brother. He was older than me in that time and you know how boys are. They love scaring their younger siblings.
    I am the older sibling x3 The funny thing is I'm pretty easily startled, but I'm not really outright afraid during most movies x3. I do definitely believe the hype might be a factor in it, I have had that issue with other movies though.
    Why does attempting to edit BBCode result in random extra BBCode that ends up breaking everything? .-.
    Yeah but can I permanently keep it on BBCode editor? Because I don't use rich text editor unless I'm only using very basic coding .-. Otherwise when I switch it over I get a jumbled mess.
    Thank you so much <3 <3 I didn't even see it x3. I appreciate the help <3
    It's supposed to snow really badly and one of my clients hasn't cancelled for tomorrow yet ;A; I dun wanna ;A;
    You there!

    I noticed you lookes at my profile, and I would like to offer you a happy greeting!

    I am Pandora, Pandora the box, to be precise! A wonder to meet you! ^_^  
    My friend made me question how all of my OCs would react if they suddenly realized they were characters created for a fictional universe.
    I am about to begin book the sixth of my Unfortunate journey. I hope to finish the expedition by the end of the week, at the latest. It has taken me two days to re-read the first five books, and I am saddened to say, while well written, they are a miserable tale of woe and misfortune. The author of these books has been kind to forewarn the reader about the terrible events that befall the book's protagonists, but I did not heed their warning. I will continue to embark on this journey to the bitter end, hoping that perhaps once, something good might happen. 
    Pst you know about the new Series of Unfortunate Events series, right?
    I'm sure there is, but I have no idea where else it might be O.o (It only came out this past Friday if I'm not mistaken)
    Alright. Now that I know it's a thing I'll do some digging tomorrow.
    Good luck! I hope you find something and enjoy the series! :D
    Ugh I just wanted to apologize to those who I'm RP-ing with (and I'm too lazy to do this individually ;A;) I just haven't been feeling too well and haven't had much motivation for anything. I will sincerely try to get posts up in the upcoming weekend/week, I'm truly, truly  sorry.
    Waiting in the car singing to the radio. Some guy getting something out of his truck stared at me like I'm the weird one.
    Bad news, I need like three root canals and a couple  of fillings. Good news they said they can knock me out for it!
    I can't tell if that's odd or normal .-. I might be some weird anomaly where I willed myself not be in pain longer than a few days for all I know .___.; What did you dentist say when you went for your check up? owo
    I honestly don't remember. All I remember, that could have probably affected it is that I had my wisdom teeth done in between getting a crown for the root canal (it went like, root canal done -> wisdom teeth -> permanent crown). For all I know though the pain could not even be connected to the wisdom teeth. 
    That's possible it was a combination of the two/three procedures.  I'm not a dental student, I don't know enough about this to be certain x3 (though I'm sure I could ask one of the many dental students in my school x3). But I'm honestly not all that worried about (at least no more than I would be about any sort of dentist appointment .-,;  )
    At the dentist send help ;-;.
    Rock And Roll Boy
    No worries, just relax, it'll be over soon... *gets out dentist tools*.
    Survived Xrays and cleaning, dunno what else to expect; -;
    R.I.P Mr. Willy Wonka <3
    Noooo I was blessed in my ignorance D: who will help me inherit a magical chocolate factory and sing songs about imagination to me now </3
    W...we still have the movies ;A;

    I also just found out one of my clients died, this is the second one this year ;A;
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