So it's been ages since I've been on here, I want to RP but don't really know *what* I want to RP so I may be lurking for a little bit *shrugs* That's all! *throws confetti*
I am about to begin book the sixth of my Unfortunate journey. I hope to finish the expedition by the end of the week, at the latest. It has taken me two days to re-read the first five books, and I am saddened to say, while well written, they are a miserable tale of woe and misfortune. The author of these books has been kind to forewarn the reader about the terrible events that befall the book's protagonists, but I did not heed their warning. I will continue to embark on this journey to the bitter end, hoping that perhaps once, something good might happen.
Ugh I just wanted to apologize to those who I'm RP-ing with (and I'm too lazy to do this individually ;A I just haven't been feeling too well and haven't had much motivation for anything. I will sincerely try to get posts up in the upcoming weekend/week, I'm truly, truly sorry.