zachie mel Jun 12, 2018 when your teacher waves around a tentacle pen in your face. me: GET YO BULGE OUTTA HERE
zachie mel Apr 3, 2018 it would make my day if someone read and commented on the story i worked so hard on typeing up, especally with my hurt fingies
it would make my day if someone read and commented on the story i worked so hard on typeing up, especally with my hurt fingies
zachie mel Mar 30, 2018 easter memories: so when i was little, each year at easter i would get a mini egg carton with gum eggs inside, what about you guys?
easter memories: so when i was little, each year at easter i would get a mini egg carton with gum eggs inside, what about you guys?
zachie mel Mar 30, 2018 zachiriel is a seahorse in some ways, he majesticly gives birth to babies from his pouch
zachie mel Mar 15, 2018 is it me or does anyone remember those bubble gum candy crayons they used to sell at the dollar store and they would like be little sticks
is it me or does anyone remember those bubble gum candy crayons they used to sell at the dollar store and they would like be little sticks