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  • No problem. I'd be happy to continue our 1x1. We can just start a new one and continue were we left off. I think flower and shadow were talking in the library. I'm sure you can find the role play in the inactive section
    It happened 3 days ago as well.. :( But he just lost the person who had faith in him, and saw the good others didnt, he lost the one who loved him more then he loved himself (: People who leave you aren't worth your tears. :') But yeah, i made a new rp Call Lies of the Gorgeous people you wanna join that one?
    They'll start out human but they'll slowly gain powers and turn into different species as they stay in the forest. Shadow could already be in the forest since he's a dark elf. Shadow and Creed both will already be in the forest. Creed will start out normaly with his mask and a killer. He'll turn Adrianna lycan when she enters the forest. I'll get pictures lol.
    Sounds good with the pairs. Just to add a bit of a challange Kile and Adrianna will be together already for the beginning lol. I was thinking maybe they all get trapped in an enchanted forest that doesn't let them excape but gives them all their needs. sort of a is it a Nightmare or Dream kind of thing. Mysterous things start happening.
    Lol Yes...I play MUCH more in my role play Fighting academy. Anyways. Your characters....I guess Ari and as i call him Yuki. Makoto would be fun to have. The rest is up to you. (Maybe SHadow for Flower.)
    Sure we can do a 1x1 lol. So let's see....do a role play with Nick and Deathwish. (Since they are twins) Kile and Creed? Lol! Ok but the characters that go with them is Alice (The six year old.) Adrianna, Flower (Goes with Nick and Deathwish.) I have character packs if you will. lol
    Hey. I did post on Order of the lycan seeing if I can get it back up. (Sort of been feeling bad about it. You also can get your mis Makoto character back.) So if your interested in reviving it...I've posted. I will tell roarke as well.
    Well i am happy to be called your friend ms. ali. I try to be kind and optimistic about everything. It helps in everything.
    :D Why thank you! And i thank you for letting you into your RP miss! Well i have Rped for quite a while also, i used to go to a place called Gaiaonline, as well as a place called nationstates. gaia was much like this place but larger, and a bit more harder to get people to join rps. Nationstates was made up of massive literates so it took a lot of focus and time to post there.
    Like Lite is always mentioning his home to the west. Because the way i introduced him, he is from a practically an entire different world that i created. But sometimes i do indeed create characters from there world.
    Well haha, i guess it could be that but idk, People tell me i'm a good writer/story maker. Its all in the character i'd say, i usually only use Lite. I more or less created and entire world based on my character Lite thus i can use him in anthing and just slightly tweak him. The more you play one character the better you get at playing them.
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