Iskandar Dec 26, 2016 I have mixed feelings about a new doujin artist I found. I like but also dislike his art. Woo
Iskandar Dec 26, 2016 Going to see a movie in an hour with people I don't know and don't want to know. Then I should be back on
Going to see a movie in an hour with people I don't know and don't want to know. Then I should be back on
Iskandar Dec 25, 2016 i want to leave this place, but I'm spending the night in an RV and seeing a movie tomorrow ffs
Iskandar Dec 25, 2016 So my computer decided to die, and I can't get it to start up now, so I'll be MIA until it gets fixed
So my computer decided to die, and I can't get it to start up now, so I'll be MIA until it gets fixed
JKai Dec 25, 2016 *kills you* There, your dead. No more comments, ribs, roleplays. You are dead, my job is done. If you'll excuse me I'll be taking my ribs.
*kills you* There, your dead. No more comments, ribs, roleplays. You are dead, my job is done. If you'll excuse me I'll be taking my ribs.
Iskandar Dec 24, 2016 I really don't wanna go to the christmas dinner tomorrow. Someone save or kill me
Iskandar Dec 24, 2016 The Edgy people are waking up/being active and I love it. Pls more self deprivation.