Radioactive Rose

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  • Lol, guess w h a t?

    G u e s s? Jk. I'm telling you. So at work, this man gave me a two dollar bill and I was like wtf? I questioned where it was real or not and had a coworker comfirm it. x'D Then the guy asked "No one ever gave you a 2 dollar bill?"

    I laughed... And said no.. And he gave me a disappointed look because I questioned it.

    I.. Never knew it existed.. Proof I've lived under a rock.
    I wish we could tone down people's status updates. I don't really like coming on here and seeing a bunch of status updates from the same person... Like, I appreciate your presence, but please. Why is this not an option?
    *Hugglez, and Pat Pat* I'm sorry ;-;
    Radioactive Rose
    Radioactive Rose
    Lol, Cam, you're perfectly fine. You update at a pretty nice pace and in a nice amount a day. xP

    I have a thing for getting frustrated at too many notifications. I can't even stand the notifications that pop up at the top of my phone. xD I slide them away.
    Yay~~ Camiton wins~ *hugglez even tighter* 
    >watched TWD season 7 episode last night


    >goes to sleep

    >askes "what is life anymore?"


    >wakes up this morning

    >remembers things I did/watch last night

    Time to rant.

    I am saving up for college. I really want to go to Academy of Art and Design in California. Costly, I know. So I am trying hard not to spend my money on art supplies and stuff I don't really need. It's hard, too. Because right now I want those expensive copic markers. Not buying them, but still.

    My sister literally spends her money on stuff she doesn't really need. She buys things she wants. Like cute sandals and flats. She has plenty already. So when I said "I don't want to be like you" (as in I don't want to spend on too much unnecessary products) she gets mad at me. She doesn't understand that the things she buys aren't things you need. She doesn't know how to save up and keep a budget. She doesn't think.

    So she said that I was going to end up buying crap too with the money that is piling in my bank account. That I was going to be like her. But I am not. I haven't bought anything expensive in a month. Especially at Michaels, my definition of H E A V E N. In fact, I'm avoiding my sweet heaven.

    Okay, so the job I have right now isn't enough for me. I want another job. So when I brought this up, she gets mad. "Just because you have experience now, doesn't mean you have to quit your current job".

    Okay, no. Why would I quit a job to find another? I could have TWO jobs. That's twice the money. And I'll have enough money to go in at the art school next year in fall, right?

    I don't see the problem. I am better at keeping my money than anyone here.

    I spend money on art supplies because I am eventually starting commissions. So I gotta spend money to get money. But I HAVEN'T been buying more art supplies. I am doing art pieces with what I have NOW. I don't get it. They don't take my career and my love for art seriously. They think I won't be successful. I know they do.
    Radioactive Rose
    Radioactive Rose
    Thank you so much.
    Saving up is a great idea, especially in the U.S., where college is expensive as hell.
    I took a year off to do the same thing, and now I am in college with no student loans, paying for it all out of pocket.
    It is possible, and I am certain you can succeed, too. As Ballerina stated, I am rooting for you, too!
    Radioactive Rose
    Radioactive Rose
    I was told to avoid student loans. So that is definitely a no-no. ^^

    Thank you for the support. I appreciate it greatly.
    Sometimes I wish I wasn't alive.
    @Radioactive Rose

    I too am a growing adult and am also struggling with my day to day.  And when I say struggling, I mean I am throwing myself into the sun day in and day out, it's a nightmare.  My father is very ill but still tries to take care of my grandmother who has dementia, which causes him to almost die countless times.  He's totaled 2 vehicles because his blood sugar dropped below 40 behind the wheel because he was trying to get to my grandmother's house to take care of her because my good for nothing uncle won't come home.  Then the same good for nothing uncle has been bringing bed bugs to my grandmother's house which hitchhike off my dad's clothing and come to us at home...I can no longer even sleep in my own bed, my own room, the room I grew up in...We got the place sprayed for the bugs but my uncle...He goes back to that same place he got them from in the first place and re-infests my grandma's house after we spent all that money...All because he doesn't care about anyone but himself and drinking with his buddies.  My job is..well lets just say I work for one of the worst companies in America...and I have been injured countless times...yet the continue to ask me to do the thing that got me injured in the first place instead of letting me heal...I haven't had any luck finding any other job so I'm stuck there...I can't even get my breaks and lunches on time...They starve me and treat me like a slave for the most part...Then we finally get my grandma to agree to live with us...but she's more of a handful than we thought...She'll forget who we are and what she's doing here almost every 15 minutes and then she'll wake up at obscene hours and not go back to sleep...I was already having sleep trouble as it was because of my fear of being bitten by more bedbugs, but now I have to sleep on the couch in the front most room so that she doesn't try to leave the house at 3, 4, or 5 am and get lost or hurt...

    Because of all this I am just in this storm...I somtimes wakeup and find my dad passed out on the floor because he forgot to take care of himself...It was just the other week that happened, he was face down on the bathroom floor...I thought I was too late but thank goodness I wasn't...Because of all this I do NOT want to move out and try and start my own life because I feel like if I leave either my dad or my grandma will be in grave danger.  And I can't quit my job because I need the money to help around here and pay for my healthcare and liability insurance.  I'm helping someone make a video game but we're making such slow progress it feels like we'll never get the job done...I keep putting myself out there and trying romance only to get rejected for some stupid reason or another...It all seems pointless and makes me feel like nothing at all sometimes.. SO believe me when I say I know how you feel...

    But don't ever give up.  Things won't be like this forever..There's something to that old saying, "If there's a will, there's a way."  I've never heard of a storm that lasts forever, or any kind of endless rain.  The sun has to come out sometime...One of these days things are going to turn around.  Just keep fighting the good fight...
     Hey.. If you need to talk im here~

    Like everyone has been saying, don't give up, find people to talk to, and it will all end okay! 
    Throw on an old episode of Scooby Doo, those are great.
    What is life anymore?

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