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  • Hullo, SaintHax. Would you be interested in joining a game? Just thought it'd be cool to play with someone of your experience. 
    Hey-- I'd love to, but ... :'(  

    I honestly don't have the time.  I have a D&D game group twice a month, a boardgame group every Thursday, a 4 year old daughter, and a wife is has a busy schedule with travel.  Oh, and I just lost my new Jr. Automation Engineer (or will Friday), so work is nuts.

    I will try to post some on here, and I'll answer any messages as quickly as possible, but committing to a game isn't something I can do.  Bone2Pick invited me here, and I am glad I discovered this little corner of the Internet though :-)

    TBH-- I'm probably a worse PBP/PBE gamer than most people, as I've never participated in it before.  I sincerely appreciate the offer though.
    I completely understand! Just thought I'd check, in case.

    Any friend of Bone is always welcome at my table, so to speak. And I make a habit of collecting table vets who haven't done much PBP (mainly because getting my city group together in one place at one time has been challenging lately).

    If you ever reckon you can spare a few half-hours a week let me know and I'd be glad to have you onboard. 

    Good luck with that manpower shortfall - if you're mid project that must be a nightmare. 
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