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  • So is there a list of what's being brought back so I can prepare and plan out things I can do? Things like the bbcode and such and if someone could tell me if I should learn HTML to produce something of quality--I'll be really thankful
    Smoky Quartz, or how I like to call them: fat Metatton, is alright--design meh. Song is good tho. 
    Are we getting something to hide announcements? 
    The Dark Wizard
    The Dark Wizard
    Yes, soon.
    Oh thanks bruh--seems kinda petty but I like the minimizing of entire sections. Cleans everything up real nice 
    Omg yes, this is like the one thing I desperately wanted changed. 

    I keep clicking links and thinking the page isn't responding; I then realize it just looked the same because the whole top half of the page is always taken up and looks identical. 
    I wish there was "Deus Ex Filter" for the Color Rpn stuff. So I can get The HIVE colors. Meh
    What would one man do with all that power? You might go crazy..
    Is the site supposed to be easier to load or no? I just want an answer cause I'm on a really bad connection. 
    In it's current state (slightly buggy, extremely high traffic)- no, it won't be loading easier for anyone, I'd imagine.
    Minimizing entire sections of forums are really nice--can we expect to see minimizing for both Announcements and the "Who's Online" sections?  Or specific genre of rp forums? 
    So uh. If you did some really intense coding in your private forum--I would look at the mess and horror that is left behind. 
    thank you wise one
    It's like see the bones of your friends strewn about. Bracket there! FORWARD SLASH THERE! OH  THE HUMANITY ALL THAT WORK. You can hear their lamentations....

    And thanks for the update wels, I can't stand seeing my little codes in such pain! 
    I'm livid. My comp crashed after losing a connection. My post that I was editing didn't save. I LOVE IT OH MAN I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT
    I'll be the burnout hipster guy who sings in a blue grass rock band and you can be the "is she or is she not lesbian?" internet famous gal
    I hide things that don't need hiding. I'm scared that subconsciously I've seen a horrible sight and now I gotta hide stuff to not repeat it.
    I had gotten so upset at how bad I fucked up BBCode I literally just deleted a 2 hour project. FUCKING LOVING IT
    I feel you, maybe on a smaller scale but I put alot of time and effort into a character sheet one time. Ended up screwing up the font code and it all looked wonky.
    Once I see the page break I wanna throw my keyboard into the screen.
    I don't like the fact that it becomes a shit's and giggles fest once I get a color wrong cause I'm FUCKING COLORBLIND. But alright. Cool.
    I'm not colorblind but my cousin is and I'm not going to lie, it's pretty funny on easter when he can't find any of the eggs because some blend in with the grass according to him.
    I thought I seen every type of edge there is, but now when I see certain people agree to kill people en mass I am in awe and disgust.
    Are people seriously pissed off that Bismuth was in the wrong? Really? She wanted to create a massacre to save people she was massacring.
    Perhaps it's a mixture of both as well as there being no unified effort to understand each other as well as view the other as a equally functioning human being. For sure, but I honestly feel like all this concentrated violence in the media is taking what little empathy we have.
    Yeah, in a way it has, it doesn't glorify the violence--but it doesn't emphasize the tragedy of it. And even then if we are told the tragedy we become even more desensitized to it after hearing about it so much--There's like no winning with this shit lol
    there really isn't - it really makes me worry what the world is going to be like in a couple of years if we all have the mind-set of soldiers. Hate to be negative but I can't see any big solution to the mess we've created for ourselves.
    You hate me cause I have no peak-cause RIde on outer edges of infinity. Dont worry flames of hate at the bottom of this shit make go higher.
    They were at fault not me. How was I supposed to know orphanages are flammable? Like who really is at fault here? Thats right think about it
    Yeah, I know right? Like the time I stabbed someone 27 times in the chest. How was I supposed to know that kills people?
    Did anyone make a thread to show what we'd lose for some neat BBCode tricks after the update? Like thing that would be impossible to do?
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