0 0 0ptimisty Jun 18, 2016 A note to anyone I'm currently RPing with: I'm leaving this site. Obviously no one is interested enough to participate in an RP with me
A note to anyone I'm currently RPing with: I'm leaving this site. Obviously no one is interested enough to participate in an RP with me
0 0 0ptimisty May 27, 2016 It's 90 degrees fahrenheit today (or 32 degrees celsius) and I'm practically melting. I don't get why people like hot weather. :/
It's 90 degrees fahrenheit today (or 32 degrees celsius) and I'm practically melting. I don't get why people like hot weather. :/
0 0 0ptimisty May 7, 2016 Watched Zoombies last night. I'm sure none of you have heard of it, but it's terrible.