Darth Gangsta Mar 2, 2016 Is it weird that I find that people making their characters "pretty boys" in RPs annoying? . . .
Darth Gangsta Mar 1, 2016 Never hold your farts in, they travel up your spine and into your brain. That's where shitty thoughts come from. O.o
Never hold your farts in, they travel up your spine and into your brain. That's where shitty thoughts come from. O.o
Darth Gangsta Feb 28, 2016 What is it with academy RPs? Too many of them, they just destroyed the Fantasy section.
Darth Gangsta Feb 21, 2016 I wanna punch a waffle right in the face. So hard, it'll have like a hole in it's super tiny face. It'll get what it deserves. PANCAKES!!!!!
I wanna punch a waffle right in the face. So hard, it'll have like a hole in it's super tiny face. It'll get what it deserves. PANCAKES!!!!!
Darth Gangsta Feb 12, 2016 The Remy Boyz are Illuminati . . . 1738? The Illuminati was created 1748 . . .
Darth Gangsta Feb 5, 2016 I met Olympian Eddie Hart and Cheerleader Krazy George (The dude who invented the Wave)!!!!!!!!!!!!
Darth Gangsta Feb 3, 2016 For all the girls that wear make up, it's called a face, not a coloring book.
Badum tsss