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  • Bored to death... I just want to find an RP partner who actually tries and doesn't abandon me after 2 weeks without a word. Too much to ask?
    Ugh, I want to RP to have material to animate later... I suck at writing but finding someone to RP with and will stick to it is a pain...
    /flails/ Woo! Excited for when I can get my RP, "College for the Cursed", going! Looks promising! :D
    Damn, need to take my laptop in to get checked. It won't even go through with system restore. :/ Sucks that my phone hardly works itself.
    *everyone (I tend to be a "Grammar Navi" on myself, you will get used to seeing this. XD)
    Interested in your College for the Cursed RP.
    However, I've never done a group RP and am slightly terrified. I have a character in mind I'd like to do, but because of how she works with her pet...uh, zombie I guess is what I'd call her, She'd kind of be two characters, bundled into one if that's okay.
    Sounds fine to me! I was already thinking about adding in the option for "pets" or for RPers being allowed to controlling a second character anyways. And hey, I have never tried a group RP before either so we are in the same boat. ^u^
    Looking for RP partners. I actually have many more characters of different types so if you are looking for something else, ask away!
    Call me "Stiga". I am NOT looking for romantic RPs but I do favor blood, war and general RPs. I am not new to RPing and easy to approach.
    Not sure if I would be "moderate" or "highly" skilled with RPing but I know I am no beginner.
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