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  • I go on another trip next week but I won't be gone for as long! I'll be gone from the 19th-23rd! So if My responses are slow in that time just know I am not ghosting!!
    Sorry I haven't been active today, it's the anniversary of the passing of someone close to me. I'll be back tomorrow <3
    Apologies if I have missed any replies! Currently battling a really bad depressive episode and we're coming up on September (the worst month of the year from me). So feel free to poke me if I haven't responded in a bit! Kisses!! <3
    Apologies for the silence! I promise I am not ghosting! I’m currently on vacation for another week so I’ll try and send responses when I can! Thanks for understanding!
    Hi! Sorry I haven’t been incredibly active, my puppy died! So if my responses are slow I so apologize! I’ll get back to you when I can!

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