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  • I'm.. so sorry, every time I come on RPNation I get absolutely overwhelmed with bad memories of being accused of ghosting a roleplay I was apparently "disinterested" in (I wasn't, shit got busy and I didn't have the means to say so at that time).

    I'm not used to the current-day roleplay community as it stands because I can't readily trust that I can go at my own pace without angering someone else in some way.

    Just know that I was interested, but that I can't roleplay here, I'm too anxious no matter who gets in touch with me and I may just have to stick to roleplays with my close circle elsewhere, I am the world sorry for wasting everyone's time.
    I'm sorry you feel that way :/ I know there are roleplayers here (I play with some of them) who are very respectful of the fact that their partners may not be able to post as fast as they (or their partners) would like, and many (I roleplay with some of them also) who want their partners to be happy and write at a pace that is comfortable for them. But I understand how past unhappy experiences can color viewpoints. I hope someday you'll be able to return here and try again.
    Sorry you had to go through that
    Oh jeez I should have checked your pfp before sending something ad I am still new, I'm sorry you went through that, it really does suck that you went through that and it scaring you to not want to try out stuff here.

    I hope you are okay wherever you are and know it isn't your fault, we have a life to love afterall.

    Sending hugs to where life takes you.
    Debating giving this site another chance. It's hard when the community at large believes that Extensive Periods of Silence are equal to "Ghosting" or "Disinterest", rather than just not having enough steam most of the time.

    I'm a very low-energy person to begin with so I take those accusations VERY personally, and I am also upfront when I am disinterested in something-- you will ALWAYS know if or when I am!
    and, for the record, there's a difference between ACTIVE and LONGTERM roleplays, I have no idea when in the recent decade the line was blurred between the two. A Longterm Roleplay is one you can set down and pick back up at literally ANY time. Seriously, what the hell?!
    I once kept a 1x1 RP going with a buddy (AND with super long, unexplained hiatus/break periods) for over 8 years straight because they and I understood this completely. It's sad how others struggle exhibit the same kind of patience on this platform.
    From my understanding, the "blank" provided by one's silence should not be auto-filled by the other participant. It's just unfair on all accounts, and just an excuse to give up on an RP opportunity that could otherwise have been fulfilling (should there not have been such a miscommunication on the parts of the desperate). :-_-lines:
    lol right?? It just feels like self-projection from said parties sometimes. I just don't get it, and it does not feel so kind and just kind of ruins it for the roleplayers involved altogether.

    People are just so quick to judge another player for their lack of spoons, it's just BAD.
    I deeply apologize, I am no longer interested in upkeeping the 1x1s I had on here, as I've been disengaged with this site itself for quite some time. This is no one's fault, all of you had very nice writing and I enjoyed it the little time I'd committed to 1x1s. I do not know if I'll pick this site back up or not in the near/far future.
    on that note, please feel free to hit up any of my socials found in my "about", if you want to stay in touch!
    I'm back, but because of my sporadic activity (or rather, lack thereof), I'm going to be very selective with 1x1s. Please only approach me for one if you don't mind unforeseen delays or extended absences from myself. Thank you.
    Things got busier than expected this month, but I have a new laptop and will try to get back to everyone when I can after transferring my files onto it OTL;; I'm so so sorry for the continued delay!!
    Those involved in a rp with me, sorry for not getting back to anyone right away!! Been setting things up for Halloween tomorrow XwX;; Will catch up when and where I can afterward~
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