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  • Does anyone want to help Spain spank the rest of the world by becoming a DoW or Diplomat in Nations of Men?
    @Freeman - Are we just putting the Nation thread in the main forum as a separate thread?
    @Stewie - shall do, and thanks :) @Ren - one of us shall eventually get our game going if it kills me ;)
    @stewie - There's also Paradise (my RP) and Nivirres (Renarion's RP) looking for players to get started. You can find them in Opening Night.
    *waves fingers in your face* You want to join Paradise, you 'will' join Paradise, you are now obsessed with Paradise.
    Exactly 12 hours until I can get ME3 :) Being in Aus really sucks sometimes -.-
    ... Only my co-favorite book of ALL time (with Hitchhiker's being the other) :)
    .. Damn you TDW :( I have to wait until Thursday 8th before it's released here. Though I pray they'll break street date like with Skyrim
    Assassin's Creed 3 is being placed in late 1700's colonial America? It's official, 2012 is the end of the world...
    @TDW - when you offer $ competitions for posting, and people still don't post, you sort of have to cut your losses.
    @TDW - nevermind, got it now :) Use to just pasting the link and it auto-embeding
    @TDW - silly question - can we embed youtube clips in posts, or can we only link to them?
    Going to start working on a Sci-Fi Survival/Horror (think the original Alien crossed with Fringe) Freeform RP if anyone is interested?
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