Ethan Anderson

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  • Hi, sorry for the randomness. I hope you don't mind. :) I just have a question and I don't know who to ask. How did you create your OOC tab on your Roleplay "Fighting Club" thread?
    Oh, that's okay. :) Being new in a site is so confusing.

    Really? Wah! >.< Just post on the Roleplay Tab your interest? Thank you!
    Ethan Anderson
    Ethan Anderson
    Haha, cool.
    I have a question about your RP. What would be your role?
    Ignore that. That was me assuming something. And no, it did not resolve anything. >_<

    I'm open to both, though kinda leaning towards the female role, :) Sorry, I'm closing the thread for now until I get it all sorted.
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