A thousand apologies to all those I owe stuff to. as you may or may not know I was in a small car accident mid-November (no injuries! But my wallet is definitely hurting) and was sick all last week up to and including now. To add to that shitstorm I recently found out that my grandmother has three lesions on her spine, which more than likely metastasized from cancer they've yet to identify elsewhere in her body. so in a nutshell I'm juggling a number of stressful things and creeping my way back to hobbies like writing and drawing in a slower process than ideal. Bear with me pals ;v; and again, super duper sorry I keep slipping off into oblivion and not replying
Sorry I've been pretty much MIA lately! been sick and juggling holiday business. Also I have family staying over my house for a month so if I'm drunker than usual, there's your implied explanation.
trying to carve a semi-elaborate piece on a pumpkin and first i slit my thumb across the carving blade and then it breaks halfway through :')))) guess this pumpkin was never meant to be...