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  • hey dude check out the rp i made up ( about Harry Potter series )
    its in the forum, under the Movies category
    join if chu like Harry Potter! >:D
    oh, it was a file on my sister's laptop
    alright dude chur in, so just get chur character ready and start rping! i greeted chu on there
    i saw it, its cool :3
    duplication, eh? nice choice, man :3
    or should i say Snowpaw :D
    nah, man(:
    just put chur info by wht it says at the top, and join
    someone else just joined, trust me, its not a problem xD
    DO IT! xP
    dude, CHILL.(:
    alright, then ask someone wif better experience. like: EpicFaerieTale or chu can tell the girl who made it up herself, her name is Neontails
    hope i helped, but im new to this too >.< :3
    DUH!!!!! xDD
    lol, wassup man?
    im rping wif my friend now, chu can join :3
    just go to "forum" and on roleplaying members it says uncatoregized or whtever >.<
    then on the top it says "Ears, whiskers, tails?" and click. :3
    good luck! and nice user man
    Hi Guys!!! ^.^
    I'm new to this site (my friend recommended it).
    And i dont know much about it...
    But im hoping that will change x]]]
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