A Mysterious Figure

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  • Sorry everyone, my hiatus is going to go for a little bit longer. Things are going downhill, but I promise that soon enough I'll have either made it through this mess or it'll be too late to fix it anyways. I'm so sorry for holding anyone up!
    Hey all. I'm going to be on a lot less frequently for the next few days or so, as I've got quite a few assignments and exams coming up that will end up counting towards my final grade (for graduating). I'll be on every now and then, but if I like a post and don't reply, you'll know why. Hopefully I'll manage to get everything done soon! Sorry about this. ^_^
    Do you ever have those moments where you just... don't want to do anything. Like literally nothing at all. And it's impossible to fulfill the feeling because you can't just do nothing. You have to go to school, or work, or do that assignment, or practise, or whatever it is you have to do.

    (This status sounds really gloomy but it's just a kind of remark on how this happens sometimes.)
    That moment when you realise you've been accidentally flirting with someone and your mind goes 'wait no stop why are you doing this' but it's too late you're married

    And then you can't stop flirting even though you know

    I will never get angry when someone sends me the wrong signals again

    I am a terrible person
    A Mysterious Figure
    A Mysterious Figure
    Ahaha nope, I'm a girl, at least, I think so (No, I am ahaha). I never really mentioned my gender, so before I changed my profile picture it happened a lot. I don't mind too much, though.
    And I had the wrong idea even after that change .-. 

    *feeling bad for my ignorance*
    A Mysterious Figure
    A Mysterious Figure
    Nah, it's cool. I mistook a friend for a girl online because of his profile picture (he always had female anime characters) so it can really go either way.
    Hm... I have so many ideas for role plays but I must contain them... I don't think I can handle leading multiple role plays at once. Besides, WHATDG has barely even begun.
    A Mysterious Figure
    A Mysterious Figure
    I'm too afraid I'll start them all, get overwhelmed and end up having to shut them all down. But the ideas are endless... One day, brain... One day...
    That's me, but with writing ideas xD  
    Historical Storyteller
    Historical Storyteller
    Hah, I guess too many ideas at once is bad since you have so little time to implement all of it. I'm still trying to start out my own roleplay but I have to pause it because I have to research on military organization.
    Why do I live on the other side of the world compared to everyone I interact with online? When I'm awake and active, I'm bored as hell because nobody else is, but when I'm sleepy and want to go to bed, I've got 100+ notifications to deal with. The things I sacrifice for my passions ^_^
    dude just give me a poke. I'll probably groan and turn over in my blanket but I'll wake up to talk to you. ;)
    About a year or so ago, I started writing this book, and I published it chapter by chapter onto this random writing website. Long story short, I got kinda bored of the plotline and I realised it was a terrible book, so I slowly drifted away from it and eventually forgot about it. Around 3 months after that moment, boom! Everyone suddenly was reading it and asking for more, so of course I had to keep writing. Now, every few months, I give up on deleting the hundreds of notification emails and I write 3 new chapters. I have other books I'm really invested in and love, and they get no readers, but this one? I'm so unlucky sometimes. :P  
    A Mysterious Figure
    A Mysterious Figure
    It's difficult, but I guess at least you end up with some fans? And who knows, maybe when I've got more free time I can rewrite it and make it something I do like.
    Yeah. I dropped Empty Heart because I don't have my external harddrive any more. I left it at a friend's place and can't get there easily to get it.
    I understand this completely. In middle school I wrote this fan fiction that literally took the ideas of all the fictions I liked at that time and mashed them up together in one giant mess. It actually got quite a bit of attention but I dropped it. I went back to it when I was a senior in high school and deleted the whole thing to recreate it and actually give a good plot and what not and now I hardly have any readers lol.

    Such a frustration.
    I came to school this morning and had a lovely chat with one of my really good friends. Then, all of a sudden I was assaulted with brightly coloured streamers and balloons by two other friends. For the first time in quite a while, I'm actually really happy for my birthday. It's been a great day, and I've only been this age for half an hour or so. ^_^  I guess I really am lucky.
    Sorry everyone!!! It was the first week back at school this week and I've been so busy, I didn't have time to come online, even just to let you all know about my absence! I'm still planning on continuing everything, so I'm so sorry if I inconvenienced anything :(  I'll do my best to catch up!
    Sorry if I'm away for a day or longer, I'm about to be swamped with work, so life will get pretty hectic. I'll do my best to update and post.
    Winter break over already?
    Sorry if I've missed anything in the last day or so everyone! I had so much work I really needed to finish before the holidays, so I just had to bite the bullet and spend all my time on assignments rather than recreational stuff. I'll do my best to catch up :)  
    Can we please just kick Pauline Hanson out of Australia instead? Just kick her out. Ban her. Throw her on the boats she hates so much and force her to leave. 

    I can't believe actual humans are like this  :S
    Usually people love it when tests are changed to assignments. But I dislike this very much. I don't want to take time out of the weekend to do the assignment, I want to do it in class time!
    Let me tell you; arranging a medley of film music for a tiny, very mismatched orchestra by the beginning of October is way harder than it looks, especially if you can't find the orchestral score online and have to arrange based off a fan made piano score.
    A Mysterious Figure
    A Mysterious Figure
    Ah, I'm not usually an orchestrator, but we're having an Across the Galaxy themed showcase a the end of the year and I just had to make a film medley. A medley is basically where you mix a bunch of songs together into one big mashup kind of song. And an octave is an interval, it's the distance of an entire scale, so the note one octave below sounds the same as the note an octave above, but it's, well, lower. Kind of like a soprano singing a note, but the bass sings it a few octaves below because they cannot sing as high as a soprano. And a fan made piano score is where someone who likes the movie or TV show arranges the theme song or piece for piano themselves.

    Yay! Such fun.
    Historical Storyteller
    Historical Storyteller

    Sorry I couldn't reply earlier, I had to do something.
    A Mysterious Figure
    A Mysterious Figure
    I was watching a movie just then, so I also apologise.  xD
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