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  • dont day attention to this, i may come back to this and i need a place to store it. 

    So I borrowed a character skeleton sheet to show you what I was hoping to play as.

    [SIZE=15.3333px]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px]Daen [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=15.3333px]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px]22(natural age)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=15.3333px]Gender: [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px]Male[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=15.3333px]Species: Half-elf, half-human[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=15.3333px]Appearance: [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px](I would like the chance to draw a character actually!) He has slender frame for a human, but more broad than an elf. His amber eyes are nothing special, at times they seem to fade in thought. His hair, however, is a shining silver. Old tales tell of the gods themselves blessing silver haired elves. But never for a half breed. Rough hands, scars here and there, small feet. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=15.3333px]Personality: [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px]The only type of personality for the adventurer: free, wild and carefree. He hates the idea of being caged to a single place. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=15.3333px]Backstory: [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px]He never knew his father, the elf, since he was taken away for defiling a human noble. His mother was unashamed of their union, however, she was forced to give Daen to a temple to avoid a scandal. Here he was raised and schooled, though no brother of the cloak would he be. He would spend his days doing the most trivial of tasks to keep him out of sight. Until one day, he was scrubbing the floor when thieves broke into the temple. Rather than sound the guard, he offered them a gold statue and begged to come along. They took him to a band of mercenaries, thieves, and pirates, making him one of their own. He never looked back, becoming enamored with the wild world beyond the pews and chambers of his city life. He's been with multiple bands, but after the many years, he's skilled enough to take work on his own.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=15.3333px]Other: He carries a small scimitar and dagger, but true to his nature, he'd rather run than risk a fight. But most of that is based on whim.[/SIZE]

    I would like to see Daen become more than who he was meant to be. That being said, Mr. Shiny-Locks shouldn't have just the high road to the hero. Ideally, give him a few victories, have him come to the realities of a war-torn land, make a couple personal sacrifices, embrace destiny, silver-hair for the win. That's the basic of the basic, I can write a more detailed version later. For the setting, I was leaning towards tropical, coastal regions with a desert and jungle/forest more inland. We can decide on cities and kingdoms once we establish a few races in the land. Anything I missed, more anything? Less anything? 
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