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  • Sorry about slow replies. I'm not getting ANY notifications other than PMs or invites, so I'm not ure what's going on. Plus I've been catching up on homework...and I went out and got the AOT game :b
    I'll shoot out some replies in a few hours. Going home for the weekend so I'm trying to get everything ready to go
    Sorry if I'm slow replying to things other than PMs, for some reason I'm not getting notifications.
    Going to reply to RPs and then head out for class. Back in around 5.5 hours, but I'll try to reply in between classes if I get the chance!
    Anyone looking to do 1v1 anime RPs? I'm not that best at getting them started though ^_^;;
    Sorry about the slow reply, my internet freaked out. Can't rely on university wifi to save my life. aNway, a 3 person rp is cool with me! I do mean fandom, yeah sorry xDD I watch a lot of shows so I'm sure I have something in common with the both of you
    Mediocritys Muse
    Mediocritys Muse
    Well then perhaps a threeway party PM is preferable to posting in a status update? I'll get one started real quick like I suppose. 
    sure sounds like fun!
    I escaped the day without any homework, so I'll be on for most of the night
    I'll be taking off in a half hour for class, will be back for an hour in between classes. Overall I'll be done with them both for the day in about 5.5 hours, so I'll be a lot more active then :3
    It looks like I won't be starting any RPs tonight like I had hoped
    A Mysterious Figure
    A Mysterious Figure
    That's a shame, but hopefully you'll be able to soon :)
    I hope so too ^_^  My major in college tends to be pretty lax on homework assignments, so I'll actually have time to be fairly active on here once I get going
    Looking for anyone to role play as an individual or group. I'm willing to try any sort of RP ^_^
    Not really haha..I'm new to this site and formal RP in general. I'm reall used to people that do the old 

    Person 1: blah blah *does something*

    Person 1: blah blah

    thing. I'm looking to just join in on stuff right now, but if you have any ideas I'd be more than happy to :3
    You like futurama, because I think I have something for you.
    Not really, but thank you!
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