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Fandom percy jackson - the realm of the prophet



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The Quest
[/div][div class=stoneContent] Things are not going well for Camp Half Blood. It seems like every day yields another challenge: a demigod is bedridden, unable to move or perform the simplest of actions. The children of Apollo have taken the biggest hit--they have all been rendered blind. With most of the healing force down, Chiron had no choice but to consult the gods--but they've fallen silent. The offerings are no longer being received, the flames that commemorate each and every god and goddess have gone dark.

Awaken by a dream, one daughter of Athena heads to the Oracle, to consult it. The result? A shaken demigod and a furious scribbling of things at three in the morning. It isn't until five coffees later that both the demigod and Chiron have an idea of what they're up against. The prophecy the demigod received still remains a secret to this day.

The setting is clear: the meeting hall in the Big House. Serena Renée Evers, the leader of this quest stands at the front, her expression calm but the twist of her ring an indication that she is lost in thought. She handpicked this team, confident in each of their abilities, even though she has yet to meet some. Her gray eyes are stormy--there is no reading them as she gazes out around at the assembled group in front of her.

A quiet nod from her begins the meeting, and Chiron wheels away. There is no supervision. Good luck, demigods.
[/div][/div][div class=stoneCredit]Coded By || @StoneWolf18[/div][/div]
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the leader / tags: @ everyone / mentions: @ everyone

Needless to say, Serena wasn't too thrilled with having to go on a quest. Yes, she knew exactly what she had to do in order to save her teammates, but she didn't like certain lines in the prophecy, no matter how much she tried to convince herself to remain optimistic. She had given Chiron a list with the names of the team she wanted, and to her surprise, the centaur hadn't questioned the number or the characters she had picked out to join her. She knew her roster was sketchy--but she needed each and every one of them. Her cabinmates had found that she was unwilling to talk about the quest--she remained firm. The only ones who were going to know what they were doing was her teammates and Chiron. Serena quietly set down the mug she had been taking a sip of her seventh coffee from as the last team member made it inside the hall.

"You are probably wondering why I've called you here." She began quietly, crossing her arms as she met each and every gaze with a level stare. She had an aura of calmness around her, an aura that could not be mimiced. "As you might know, Camp Half Blood is under attack by a strange malady. This malady, however, does not come from a natural cause, but rather the workings of a prophet." She said, beginning to explain. "Meet Tiresias. A prophet of Apollo, and a favorite of Athena. It is said that his power of sight was so powerful that even the most powerful leaders would come to him to seek accurate foresight. When the gods' civilization shifted over to the New World, he remained stuck in his homeland. We think that he is upset with the lack of...well, reverence, considering that none of us knew about him for the longest time. The curse he has woven on our friends and family meets the same magical signatures as him, so it's confirmed that he's the culprit."

"I've asked you here because I wish for each of you to accompany me on this quest. I do realize that we are over the limit of demigods for a quest, but each of you was specially selected for a certain aspect. I did not waver in my choices, and each of you have a talent or characteristic that will aid us in our quest. However, I do understand the complications of what we are getting into. We will be navigating to the Ancient Lands of Thebes, and the rules are different there. There is the potential of casualties, though I have several precautions in place to ensure that all of us make it back in one piece. I have done my duty by forewarning you, and now the option is up to you. If you do choose to accompany me, you must tell me now, and pack immediately. Weapons, any thing you need will be an excellent idea. If you choose to step aside, let me know now as well. I will have a replacement for you within the hour." Serena said calmly. Her posture was perfect: her back pin-straight, her eyes ahead and expectant.

©SociallyAwkward™code by social social

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The Big House


The others

thirteen thirteen
Open for interaction

Standing alongside her brother and sisters, Noelani took in the misty morning air along the sand. She watched out through the deep mist at her siblings as they began to walk into the water. Each one waving their hands moving the mist around them before vanishing into the grey mist. Noelani stayed on the shore keeping the splashings of the waves away from her. Hearing a soft voice in her head she nodded. Raising her hands up she lifted the mist and moved it 10 feet off the water top and pushing it a bit further. "Get ready to swim guys." She said with a smile and nodded as her sister sent her the confirmation. Pushing her hand up the mist dispelled into small pockets and her siblings reformed and fell into the water. Waiting for a moment there was sinking feeling in Noelani's chest, before she heard the all clear and let out a soft sigh. Waving out to her laughing siblings she watched them swim back.

"That was awesome! We can fly!" One of her sister said with a smile as she went to pick up a towel only for the first towel to float up and shoot towards another sibling.

"Well not really. It's a not like we can do it alone." Another sister said with a smile as the towel came to her and she dried off. "Besides we have to keep teleporting inside the mist. It's pretty taxing."

"We could always try increasing the height." Noelani said as she dreamily rested a chin on her cheek. While in through her stomach growled and she laughed, "I think it's time to eat." Turning she made her way back towards the mess hall. However, on her way to the hall Chiron came over to the group and called her out. Waving the others to go ahead she talked with Chiron. Surprised to be called to another quest Noelani smiled as she was asked to go to the big house. "Of course! I love quests! First time I got my adorable puppy!" As other campers were headed towards the Mess hall Noelani made her way towards the Bib House. Making a sly detour towards the cabins to grab some snacks.

Carrying a satchel full to the brim of snack she made her way to the Big house and noticed she wasn't the first one there. Waving to them as she walked in she pulled out a chair stepped on it and sat right in the center of the table. Without any notice she placed her satchel in her lap and pulled out a bag of sriracha chips and began eating. When everyone arrived Noelani noticed that there were quite a lot of campers joined for this trip. Eyes going hazy and distant Noelani began to wonder the paths that they will travel, the friends they will make, and the losses they'll receive.

Before she knew it Serena was already talking, as she mentioned the maladay Noelani thought of her two brothers who have begun to be affected. It wasn't as bad as the Apollo cabin yet she could see them begin to deteriorate cognitively. For those in Hecate's cabin they didn't worry they believed that soon a path will open to help her siblings. Hopefully this path will be the one to lead them to a cure. Deep in thought as Serena continued, and Noelani didn't realize that she was laying on her back eating pocky as Serena finished.

Pushing off from the table she rolled forward and off the table and landed beside Serena. "Traveling the Ancient Lands of Thebes, the path is there." Placing a hand on her chest she smiled, "I for one, will be joining you on this quest Serena." With some quick sleight of hand a pocky stick appeared in her hand and she began to munch it. Raising the box she offered a pocky to Serena.

While the rest of the camp might be in a panic over this illness that was claiming everyone Laura found a dark humor in it and had even had a few laughs at the others expense, though in her room where no one could hear her. Laura in truth had thought she would do as she always did when anything happened in the camp, stay in her room and let it all blow over some chosen half bloods would of course fix it and everything would be right as rain. Still it was a bit cathartic for Laura who hated the other half bloods to see them all stricken down made to be even weaker than her for once unable to flaunt how much better they were than her. It was good to Laura to see others so weak that even the weakest most pathetic Half blood could be stronger than them. Larua would enjoy this while it lasted , or enjoy it from her room as she didn't plan to leave her room or her cabin any times soon, and with so many falling sick the cabin was finally quieting down. It was the first time that no one else was working on anything finally letting Laura have the quiet normally denied top her. What Laura could not expect, what she would never expect was that she would be called on to help with this plague and if not for mention of a prophesy Laura would have laughed the one who told her she was need out of her room then shouted and sore at them till they left her alone. With a prophecy things were made more complex as Laura knew that one couldn't fight such a thing in stories trying to deny a prophecy only made things worse or at least you made it come true by trying to avoid it. Thus was it that Laura had to go tot his meeting and on a damned quest as there was no way she was going to fuck with fate and get screwed over for it.

Laura sat ea the table her clothes were ill fitting looking a size or so to big for her overly skinny frame, she wasn't skeletal thin but still she didn't look very healthy. Her skin stood out as not just pale it was chalk white almost unnatural as if someone had tried to make it even whites than normal. Her overly long prematurely white hair was clearly barely cared for full of split end and knots with her bangs cut haphazardly like a child had taken scissors to her in a fight and never corrected it. She wore sunglasses even indoors and behind their darkened surface her pale red eyes seemingly lacking pupils were stained a dark blood read. All of this gave her a rather monstrous appearance if someone thought she was some form of monster spirit that had wandered into the camp it would not be a first. As the seeming leader spoke Laura scowled it was clear to all she did not want to be here or in the company of healthy half bloods as just seeing them reminded her always of her own inadequacies.

The speech itself annoyed Laura as well, giving them a fake choice this was a vision, this was fate, there was no choice if you ran it found you, the only way out was to let fate take you. The other half bloods with their strength might have the power to try to ignore fate but the weak her couldn't she would be swept away with ease by the current. A quest to go find someone in Thebes likely the one in Greece and find someone no one had ever even heard of. That was one stupid plan that seemed more like the leader just wanted to globe trot over solve anything.

" So that is it someone is making you all sick?" Larua more said than asked her tone showing she found it funny that one person was laying them low. There were those in her cabin affected butt here was no love lost between her and her half siblings. The truth was a little more complex Laura had long viewed herself as separate from the others they were half bloods, they were heroes in training and she was a failure. " If i go i might just thank him for doing so it has been nice to get some quiet around here " She continued with a chuckle before looking right at the would be leader with a glare it should be clear Larua didn't care for her siblings or any of the half bloods still she didn't look like someone about the storm out laughing to watch everyone fall apart. " Still unlike you bunch i don't get the convenience of saying no this was a vision a prophecy and i know i can;t fight fate as your kind might" She said again separation herself from them in her wording. " So i must go even though i do not like it at all or want to "
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Grayson ran his fingertips along the ashen and desolate hearth. The fire that once brought his offerings to his father, extinguished; the same as every other cabin. Normally, Grayson wouldn’t have been bothered by it. Had it been only his, he would’ve assumed that Hades was just throwing a fit of some kind and moved on. Yet, as he glanced at the cold pits, he knew whatever was happening was far worse than a godly temper tantrum.

After the mysterious illness plagued the Camp and the smothered flames, Grayson had made a personal trip to the Underworld to speak with his father directly. He was troubled to find his father's throne empty, as well as Persephones. After a couple of unsuccessful hours of searching through the different fields of the Underworld and speaking to multiple entities, Grayson had shadow traveled immediately to the Big House to let Chiron know of his findings. Or lack of, to be specific.

Grayson reached into the pocket of his jacket, pulling out two pomegranates. “For you, dad. Wherever the hell you went.” He mumbled, dropping a pomegranate next to the pile of others collecting at the base of the hearth. The Son of Hades let his gaze wander to the Persephone shrine, before stepping over and setting the fruit down next to the offerings from the Goddess’s children. She was always sweet to him when he visited, despite knowing well that Persephone was not fond of her husband’s affairs and wasn’t too pleased with his birth.

He hums at the thought, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket. The silence he’s found doesn’t stay for long as a voice startles the teen out of his thoughts. Grayson turns to find Chiron, wheeling his way towards him. The man is quick to apologize for the interruption and requests his appearance at the Big House immediately. He’s not very specific as they walk together, opting to solely mention that a prophecy was involved.

After a short goodbye, Grayson is surprised to find quite a few demigods have been summoned for this meeting and not so surprised to see Serena was the one leading it.

He follows the group inside, settling on a seat across the table. Interlocking his fingers, Grayson leans forward on his knees as Serena explains the details of the quest. He hums in thought, listening to the others. His attention is caught by the humored tone of the girl to his left. He’s not too sure what could possibly be funny about the situation. Yet, his better judgment tells him to drop it, so he does. Instead, he turns his attention to the conversation at hand.

“It’s a significant risk taking this many people on a quest. But, if anyone can pull it off, it’s Serena.” He stated, settling back into his chair. “I’m in.”
[/div][/div][/div][div class=rightBanner][div class=mainPic][/div][div class=quote]What doesn't kill me better run.[/div][div class=tagBox]GRAYSON VENTURI
Location: Big House
Mood: Calm
Serena ( thirteen thirteen ), Laura ( Karcen Karcen ) [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a

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thirteen thirteen

Eve has been sitting on the floor in her green house her plants wrapping around her fingers as she checked over all of them delicately. A lot of campers had some sort of affliction but she couldn’t figure out what it was and her mother hadn’t been responding to her messages and she hadn’t felt her presence in a while. While a lot of campers weren’t particularly close to their godly parent Eve was close to hers being the only one really her mother was happy to speak with her but for some reason it was like she had vanished lately.

She’d head there was a quest and decided to go see if maybe she could join. She froze her plants growth so they wouldn’t die since she was the only one who could care for them she wasn’t about to lose her whole garden just because she was going to be gone for a while. She grabbed her satchel that had a notebook full of plant informations and recipes from healing wounds to awakening a passed out comrade and headed to where everyone was gathering seating herself quietly she listened to what the others had to say. The quest sounded like it would be dangerous but it was necessary and since most of those with healing abilities were down Eve knew her herbal medleys could be incredibly helpful.

“I’ll go.” Eve almost whispered looking at Serena, she was a bit nervous about going but surely it would be the right thing to do.

the leader / tags: Lilliana2 Lilliana2 Sophrosyne Sophrosyne Karcen Karcen The Suspicious Eye The Suspicious Eye / mentions:Noelani, Laura, Grayson, Eve

Serena felt a strange sense of pride overtake her as she heard each of them accept her quest invitation. They were all different characters--Noelani in the way she accepted easily, Laura with her distaste, Grayson with his unconditional confidence in her (a confidence she was yet to develop), and Eve with her quiet, timid acceptance. That was fine--a diverse group was a new set of eyes, an amalgamation of different perspectives. "Excellent." She murmured, beaming at Grayson for his praise of her, before snagging a single stick of the snack offered to her. Her slender fingers held the biscuit daintily on the end while she nibbled the chocolate covered end.

Of course, there was the slight problem of Laura. The other was clear to show her disdain of her authority and the quest itself, and that set Serena on edge. Don't get her wrong, she had been associated with many who sought refuge amongst dark humor and perspectives, but the solace in others' pain was something that didn't sit well with Serena. She made a mental note to come back to the girl and pull her aside later: this was a mission that depended solely upon them, and she wasn't going to have a single bad apple spoil everyone else. That wasn't an option. "Thanks for those of you who have accepted. As for those who haven't, you still have some time." Serena said.

"For those who have accepted, please go to your bunks and take anything you might need. Say goodbyes, do whatever you need to do." Serena instructed, her gray eyes unreadable in the dim room. "I'll meet you back here in thirty minutes with a briefing, where we'll have a consultation on what route to take, what our first course of action is. Then, when we board, I'll go over the prophecy with you all." Although she was a leader, Serena was a firm believer in delegation. She didn't want to just make decisions while leaving everyone else in the dark. "I'd suggest you leave now. And for the sake of everyone, say goodbye." The last statement was a quiet addition, and it was filled with someone who had too much knowledge about what was going to happen.

©SociallyAwkward™code by social social

The children of Hypnos were rarely called upon to participate in the more thrilling tasks at Camp Half Blood. At times, they helped put people to sleep. They helped extract memories. They enjoyed a peaceful existence at a safe haven for young demigods. Madeline Wu had no idea exactly what she was going to be thrown into the day she was called upon to enter the Big House. They all knew about what had been ailing the tired campers. Despite the chaos throughout most of the camp, her cabin almost felt as if it were located in an entirely different dimension.
The cabin had remained largely unchanged, the inviting and comforting atmosphere making it a place other campers could seek solace.

It was for that very reason that Madeline hadn't been expecting to be chosen for the quest to find a cure. She let the door to the Big House creak open as she entered, opting to stand behind a chair rather than sit. If she dared to take a seat, she could very well pass out while Serena was speaking, and that didn't seem to be polite. She had already arrived late, after all. There were a few other demigods in the room, but Maddie opted to focus on what the daughter of Athena had to say. The explanation of what their journey would be like turned to mush in her brain, going in one ear and out the other. The only thing that was shockingly clear was that she had little choice. Serena had chosen her for a reason, and there was no real reason to decline her request. Her orange Camp Half Blood shirt clung to her torso due to the heat, and she wanted nothing more than to get back to her warm bed and fall into a peaceful sleep. She raised her hand, hoping to get the chat over with so she could head back.

"I'll go," she declared in a small voice, looking across the room to the girl who had taken charge. Madeline had some level of respect for her, even if they weren't particularly close. As long as she could get through the quest in one piece, then there was nothing to worry about. "See you all soon, then.."



a being with partial or lesser divine status, the offspring of a god.​
Aaron Alsina

A hot shower. Steam flowing over every part of Aaron's body in a thick white fog. His hair stuck firm over his back as the water coursed over his person. The morning shower was when Aaron thought, for the most part. About the bigger things that required the most focus, not that he did it often. In a camp for demi-gods, all he had to worry about was staying clear of the blades, and who'd used his hair gel last. Aaron loved his gel. But today it was different. Unlike before, where he just passed through the events, fearing the ever "impending doom" or whatever Chiron was so stuck on, Aaron had a thought. No, a real issue nagging at the back of his head. Of all the members of Aphrodite's camp, he'd been chosen by Serena to embark on a quest- likely to find the solution to the recent loss of eye sight to Camp Half-Blood's demigods. He'd have dismissed it as some sort of tampering from the Romans, but Serena was serious when she'd invited him to the Big House that morning. And after this shower, that was where he'd be headed, still unsure of the answer he'd come to give them. In spite of the roughness at camp, Aaron was fine. He wasn't blinded or injured, so why risk his own life for the others, when he could sit safe here? He'd already found a way to access the internet and his Instagram, why go all the way to Thebes when life was- the best it could be here?

It wasn't after half an hour Aaron had finished his shower. Ill-advised to spend that long in the shower, Aaron didn't care much for the Half-Blood rules unless they benefited him, and he'd ignored the whines of his bunk mates until he'd decided he was done with the shower. The running water flickered and died as he turned it off, and pulled the curtains off. He retracted the towel, and wrapped it around his waist, before exiting the shower. Unlike his usual self, Aaron was silent in dressing up. With the seriousness of his expression, his cabin mates dare approach him in this state. He used his special lotions and moisturizers, donning the orange 'Half-Blood' t-shirt, black shorts, and a pair of Jordan sneakers. Over his head was a white silk wrap, strings hanging over his back, and shiny diamond studs that radiated from his ears. And in the end, two puffs of the best cologne he could find at camp- not that it was even good anyways. Decent, but Aaron's charm always found a way around it.

Aaron stood up from the side of his bed having tied his shoes, and finally, stepped out of his cabin for the first time that morning. Surprisingly for those at Half-Blood who knew him, by himself. He was often accompanied by some other Aphrodite camp girls, and even girls from other cabins, but today he'd managed to shun them before they even had a chance. Instead, he sunk his hands into his pockets, and made his way down the dirty terrain towards the big house. On the way, a bright red-sparrow descended from what appeared to be the clouds, and perched lightly over his right shoulder.

"Took you long enough." Aaron thought to the bird over his shoulder. Miguel and Aaron could communicate telepathically, though the servant of Aphrodite wasn't always too friendly about it either.

"What's with tha' brooding. Your moms says you look like shit. Not her exact words, but you dig?"

"Yeah, yeah, what'd she say about the camp? And Thebes? What's she going to do to help?"
Aaron asked, but it appeared as if he was staring hard at the bird on his shoulder as he walked. Plausibly giving the campers around him an uneasy feeling. But he didn't care much as he'd gotten used to the weirdness of Miguel and his dynamic.

"She says the gods have fallen silent. Whatever the quest is- you've only got the gifts she's given 'ya, kid. That's if your selfish ass even goes."

"Ha, ha, very fun, Mig. Now get out of my head, I'm entering the Big House."

A soft gust of wind patted Aaron's shoulders as the sparrow flew off, and disappeared into the distance. Wherever Miguel went when he wasn't with Aaron. He climbed the steps to the Big House, and pushed the door open. He found his own seat by the table, next to Grayson. Aaron nodded at the other camper, mildly surprised, but didn't voice it as his attention turned to Serena and her speech. It was humbling, to see someone so driven, and obviously ready to lead the campers to what's likely their deaths- but be so calm about it, or at least appear that way. Aaron's eyes turned on Laura's as she chuckled at the situation, he clenched his teeth for a moment before turning back to Serena. He echoed the same response, most of the others had too. "I'm in."

location: camp half-blood, big house
mentions: serena thirteen thirteen , grayson Sophrosyne Sophrosyne , laura Karcen Karcen , everyone else
mood: brooding, slightly annoyed


code by @pasta


The Big House

Serena, Aaron, Eve, Gregory,Madison, Laura

The others

thirteen thirteen
Karcen Karcen

"Awww, snowgirl.。.:*♡"Noelani said with a smile as she glided over to the every grumpy Laura. Easily getting behind the girl Noelani wrapped her arms around Laura into a tight hug. "No one truly gets to escape their destiny. (*˘︶˘*).。. boop!" Noelani booped Laura's nose playfully as she leaned against the small girl, keeping her close. Laura was a grumpy one but Noelani always enjoyed her presence. She has such a strong Aura and her skin always reminded her of freshly laid snow, it was striking to her. Besides Laura always had awesome snacks in her room.

As the others spoke up Noelani noticed that there were quite a few campers she knew well attending. Grayson and Eve the well mannered children of the underworld. Though Eve's affinity of plantlife clearly shows that she is more closer to Kore that once was than Persephone that is. Regardless the Goddess and the girl are both kind to those who show kindness. Madison the child of Hypnos, one she didn't know well but she carries a dreamy aura. Aaron was one she knew quite well, he was quite popular among the other campers, most of the Aphrodite cabin were. Aaron came to her for much of his mystic assistance, surprisingly he requires it far more than she expected. Still it's quite fun to work on perfecting anti-love spells.

Watching the others as they all seemed to agree to the mission Noelani, Lani to most, looked forward to the quest. This would be her third prophesied mission and her fifth outing for a quest. The children of Hecate are known for traveling all kinds of paths, it's quite hard to keep them from wandering. I'll get to see my cute puppy again! I wonder how Chewie is doing. I hope she hasn't gotten into too much trouble without me. "She was so hard to catch the first time. But now she's so well trained. I shouldn't worry so much." Noelani finished aloud and looked down at the glaring Laura with a smile. Pulling out another Pocky stick from thin air she popped it into Laura's mouth. "Eat, you're not you when you're hungry (*´ω`*)"

Noelani that was one person that Laura honestly could not deal with as nothing she said or did would get the girl to leave her alone, in fact the angrier she got the more Noelani seemed to be around here. This had eventually made Larua just give up on driving the girl away and just try to contain her anger until Noelani left as getting mad made her stay. Larua had just learned to tolerate the overly touchy nature of Noelani and not try to wriggle free as Larua was as one would expect was not one for being touched or any kind of contact. Still she could never drive off Noelani off and perhaps she had come to actually enjoy the visits that broke up her normal routine. To make Laura admit this would take an act of the gods as if she showed she even tolerated even one person Larua didn't know what would happen as if that would mean she was accepting she might be like any of these other half bloods. Larua let Noelani hug her and let out a fight of relief when she thought she was free only to have some pocky pushed into her mouth, instead of throwing a fit like some might expect Larua would nibble on it a little. While Laura was clearly not a team person it was a at clear she could learn to tolerate others and not freak out over everything. Still Laura could not just let this go she felt if she just accepted this then she would appear as some kind of cute animal trying to look threatening over someone that was just hateful, but with Noelani there was no winning.

" That's snickers idiot" Laura said though the normal spite she spoke with was not in her voice if anything she sounded embarrassed. The announcement they had 30 minutes before they were getting a briefing meant that Laura needed to work fast, something that she didn't do very well, walking all over the camp to get some things and have time to make it, yeah that wasn't happening. This meant she needed help and if Laura had any more time she wouldn't ever think of asking for help but Laura understood how these save the world missions worked. She knew it would require that accursed word, teamwork. This meant as she couldn't do something in time she should ask for help as sickening as the thought of asking the half bloods was. There was only one half blood Laura could even tolerate asking help from simply because she could pass it off as a job with a pay.

" Noelani if you get me a large satchel i will give you some snacks" Laura said her tone almost dismissive as if she expected a yes regardless of what Noelani might think, and in some way Laura did, but well Noelani was the one that likely would understand this was the only way Laura could ask for help " i will meet you in my room " She continued again expecting it done as the few times she had done something like this Noelani had never said no.

The Suspicious Eye The Suspicious Eye

Eve headed back to her cabin she already had her herbal medleys so she just grabbed some snacks and food for the trip along with a dagger and whip. It was odd using a whip instead of a long sword but it was good for long range and it kinda mimicked the way the plants she manipulated could move so it was much easier for her. She hoped they wouldn’t see any intense combat though because she wouldn’t be much help. She also grabbed some more first aid stuff such as bandages splits and supplies to make stitches hopefully she wouldn’t need them but she wasn’t sure. She rushed back to wait for the others and to get details on the quest.

(I’m sorry it’s so short it’s been a rough week :( )
The Son of Apollo: Aquilo Watson
: Big House
Interaction: His sibs
Mentions: Karcen Karcen

i look nice.png

'Why is this rat in the prophecy', was the first thing in Aquilo's head as he headed to his cabin. He felt it was needless to say he was going to join his pretty much big sister in her quest, but was really pressed to not punch that Laura girl square in the face the moment she showed any distaste not in just his siblings and everyone else effected, but also humor. It was something Aquilo clearly wasn't happy about.
The insults in his head were definitely cloudy as he collected his things, but they were interrupted as a younger brother of his spoke up from his bed in a worry
,"Quilo, are you going somewhere?" His voice, small and weak reminded Aquilo he was packing and he turned the child's way as if either of them could see,"Yeah, I have to go on a quest. I don't think I can tell you what just yet, but I'll be back to take care of all of you, okay?" The whole cabin went silent for a second, Aquilo's brothers and sisters didn't know what to say. He was helping all of them cope with their illness as he was the only one not effected,"Hey I have something to say, that you leaving us now is okay. I cannot rhyme, so I'll stop soon this time," a couplets cursed sister spoke up trying to reassure her brother, it didn't work that well. Aquilo really didn't want to go, but he knew if he didn't his siblings would suffer. Thinking of that quickly reminded him of that horrible Laura girl who said what she said, and for a moment Aquilo felt hate. He was so angry. It wasn't fair that it was his siblings who were hit this hard, his sort of innocent brothers and sisters bed ridden for no good reason; what really took the cake though was Laura, hearing the words come straight out her mouth made Aquilo's blood boil. If Serena didn't fix that, he would. As the annoyed teenager finished packing his things, he left his cabin without a word to see his only sibling that wasn't bed ridden and get things over with.
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The Big House to Laura's Room


The others

Karcen Karcen

"Oh a snickers you say like this?!" She exclaimed as she waved her hand around and another pocky stick appeared in her hand. Looking at it she smiled and shrugged, "All I have is pocky today. I can't fit snickers up these sleeves." The Hecate cabin were all in-tuned with the mystic arts and ultimately had no need or desire to lear stage magic. However, Noelani always enjoyed the mystery of sleight of hand and enjoyed practicing to the annoyance of, quite frankly, everyone.

Popping the pocky stick into her mouth she happily began munching, the stick shortening with every nibble. Resting her arms back around Laura, Noelani looked down at her as she asked for her help finding a bag. Knowing full well that Laura knew she was going to say yes, Noelani wanted to drag it out. "Hmm, well I do like snacks and I have quite a lot of very useful bags." She mused with a smile on her face. Twiddling her fingers, mist began to revolve around her, trailing outside and above the camp. CHOMP! Finishing her pocky stick with a loud chomp she hugged Laura tightly, "of course snowgirl!! I'll see you there!" Squeezing Laura tightly, her grip suddenly vanished as Noelani teleported away in the mist.

Looking at the options of bags the Hecate cabin had Noelani looked at all the practical large satchels and backpacks they had around. Why do we have so many boring bags? The Hecate children are a strange lot, useful to most who require a magical enchantment, they trade their services for odd bobbles, shiny objects, pieces of bodies or strange ingredients for future potions and spells. Looking through the leather bags she tossed through them. "None of these will do. Where are the good ones. Ah ha!" Noelani said as she pulled out exactly what she was looking for.

Appearing in Laura's room she raised up her hands full of bags. "I'm back and I brought gifts!" Placing the four bags she grabbed on the floor she picked up the first and extended it out to Laura. "Here's the first one!" The bag was a violet and pink large bag with a cute black cat in a tiara and the words Mow~gesty in big silver letters on the side. The avid scowl on Laura's face was adorable, sliding the bag up her arm she picked up another bag. "Or if that's not your taste, here!" She spun around and lifted up a large My Little Pony backpack, a vibrant pink as it was completely covered in Pinky Pie.

"Noo you're more of a Rarity girl. Hmm. I know!" Looping the strap with her foot she lifted up the third bag. It was a tie dye rainbow bag with the word Fashionista in bold gold letters. Gaudy as it was the worst was that the straps were feathered, like a boa. "You would look fierce in this!" Noelani said with a playful wink.

"Okay okay, here's the one you want." Having had her fun Noelani dropped the other bags and walked over to the last and picked up a small pouch bag that was shaped like a ball of fire. Bedazzled red and orange gems dancing along the stitching she held it out to Laura. "I know it looks small but it's a bag of holding. You could put half this workshop in it. It's light and cute to boot! Just like you snowgirl."

Laura had gone to her room and started gathering things up she had asked for a bag, but she didn't plan on keeping it just a normal bag as she unlike many knew how to enchant things and thus could make a bag of holding type bag and thus hold everything she needed easily. TI was one of the few things she might actually be proud of if not for the fact the others just didn't try if they did then she was sure they would out do her. That was one truth she was sure of anything she could do anyone could do better if they tried. Laura suspected she wasn't going along to fight monsters, they had plenty of muscle, so they must want someone from her cabin to make things and given her cabin was almost all laid up their pickings were slim. So she decided to gather up her tools and enchanted objects fridge, computers , tools, a collapsible forge someone else made that she felt she needed more.

Then Noelani showed up teleporting in or at least seeming to there was no telling just what the mystic masters of hecate were doing and what all was illusions. The bags were what Laura expected overly cute overly bright in short very annoying. Laura would have preferred a simple satchel like a mail man's or backpack that was simi popular. Laura let Noelani go through the many bags she had brought showing them off, planning on getting annoyed and just picking whatever looked the least flashy. That was until the final and seemingly only serious bag came up. The small pouch bag of holding was sort of what she had planned to make, though the opening was smaller it likely stretched knowing how skilled the hecate cabin could be. The bag would save Laura time as she wouldn't have to enchant it herself and Noelani seemed to know what she had wanted to do. Laura was slightly annoyed that her intentions could seemingly be read she liked to think most people knew nothing of her, with only her parents really knowing her. Noelani was the exception it seemed the one person in camp that could tell what she was thinking. The comment Noelani made after that made Laura blush ever so slightly as she lacking real communication was not good with being called cute given her almost monster like looks she didn't get many praises.

Well you saved me time getting the kind of bag i wanted though it isn't the satchel style bag but whatever. " Laura said opening her self filling mini fridge and pulling out a snickers bar, one of the many candy bars she had in there along side a soda bottle, chips, and other small food." So you at least earned this, though i almost don't think you should have it telling a lie is bad" She said sounding slightly annoyed and slightly smug being thankful just wasn't in her " I know i am not cute, I scare my own cabin when they first see me" She explained there was little love lost for her in the cabin she was almost a monster inhabiting the cabin rather than a sister.

The Suspicious Eye The Suspicious Eye
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As the meeting adjourns and the others proceed to gather their supplies, Grayson takes a moment to let the room clear before his gaze wonders to the older teen who had been sitting next to him. He stands suddenly, stepping over to Aaron before lightly bumping into his shoulder to gain his attention. The teen then spins on his heel. “Race you back here,” He grins, stuffing his hands into the pocket of his jacket and falling back into the first shadow he had spotted.

The shadows practically melt away as Grayson steps out into the dark setting of the Hades Cabin.

The cabin always gave him a sense of melancholy, though he guesses he can blame his younger self for that. After arriving at camp, a little over five years prior, Grayson was thrilled to find out he had a cabin to himself. Considering he had to spend a month bunking with the rowdy children of Hermes, the desolate cabin had been a huge relief. Even if it meant that he was sleeping on a mattress in the corner.

A week later, Chiron had knocked on his door, bearing gifts… from his father. He faintly remembers thanking the older being and promptly leaving the gift, a small wooden box, in the drawer of his nightstand. At the time, receiving a gift from a parent he’s never met, much less a God, left him conflicted.

After a solid two weeks had passed, Grayson’s curiosity got the best of him. Inside was a single black debit card with his name on it and a rather gorgeous onyx ring with a single red ruby. He understands now the significance of the items now, but at the time, the meaning was a complete mystery. Mystery or not, finding out the card contained actual money on it in the following days, Grayson had decided to do a bit of redecorating. Though he definitely wishes someone would have stopped his younger self from painting the walls black and purchasing furniture to match.

Slipping the ring on, he decided then, that when he came back, he’d finally change the awful decor. If he survived, that was.

Settling on a simple book bag, Grayson packed a couple sets of clothing, a blade he had hidden in the base of a drawer, a baggy of ambrosia and nectar, as well as a couple of other necessities. He’d been on simpler quests in the past, but they all seem to pale in comparison to the stakes tasked on this one.

Grayson grabs a pomegranate from the table beside the door and slings his bag over his shoulder. Stepping out into the sun, the teen makes his way back to the Big House.
[/div][/div][/div][div class=rightBanner][div class=mainPic][/div][div class=quote]What doesn't kill me better run.[/div][div class=tagBox]GRAYSON VENTURI
Location: Big House
Mentions: Aaron
Tags: fin fin [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a

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Laura's Room to The Big House

Laura & Grayson

The others

Karcen Karcen Sophrosyne Sophrosyne

Noelani's playful smile fades as Laura called herself a monster. Her voice darkened to a low steady tone. "Who says it's a lie?" Noelani walked up to Laura and leaned in closer. "I think you're very cute." Leaning in even closer her nose almost brushing against Laura's Noelani looked at her with serious eyes. "You know if you want me to prove it with a kiss. I'll kiss you any time you want." Running her fingers through Laura's milk white hair, gently grazing the curvature of her jaw, she smiled. "All you have to do is ask, snowgirl." Lingering for a moment longer she tickled Laura's nose with the tips of her hair and stepped back, taking the candy bar in one fell swoop.

"I'll give you space to sort out what you want" she paused a bit longer than the norm, "to pack." Turning around she made her way to the door and picked up the other bags she had brought in. Not looking back she opened the door and stepped out. “Don’t forget snacks!” Noelani waved goodbye and vanished from the door frame leaving Laura to her thoughts.

Making her way out of the Hephaestus cabin she made her way down to her own and stepped in. With a brisk flick of her wrist she threw the spare bags into the pile and made her way past the cabins infinity door. This door, which was once the shared closet, now opens deeper into the Hecate cabin. As expected of the children of magic the cabin was much larger on the inside than the simple visage outside. Neverending marble halls with doors made by every child of Hecate there was and will be, each having made their room for whatever they desired. Feeling the wrapper in her hand she made her way to a messy dresser. Using her teeth she tore off the wrapper and began snacking yet again. Spear, water, snacks, mushrooms, lighter...is there anything I'm missing? Oh duh! Holding the Snickers in her mouth she began to pull out the drawers in search of something. Beyond the jewels and silks that lay in the drawer Noelani found what she was looking for a small silver whistle that she made herself. The silver chain dangled off the end catching the morning light illuminating her smile. "Gotcha!" Resting the necklace on her neck she slammed the drawer shut and made her way out of the cabin towards the big house.

Noticing some of the others were already waiting she smiled and waved to them. "Hey guys!" Making her way towards them she hopped over the banister and onto the deck in front of Grayson. Grayson was a strange one, child of death and souls, but she knew he was a good and respectful kid. Hecate may have helped Dermeter get Persephone back from Hades, but Noelani would happily play wingman to Grayson if he ever needed it. In exchange for petting a hellhound. "How's it going Grayson? You ready for this new quest?"


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