Gaius Danius Griinia
Apparently Infamous
Here is the premise from the original interest check
In this RP I plan to have exactly what the title suggests
A group of godslayers sharing an apartment
This RP will chronicle their day to day lives as trouble always comes to annoy them
The Gods featured in this will be not be OC
The God of the Day/Week will be played by a different person each time to keep things fresh
Each character can have slain up to three Gods, gaining three to five powers from each
As one may guess, this is an OP RP
The point is that these people are fighting GODS AND WIZARDS
In this RP I plan to have exactly what the title suggests
A group of godslayers sharing an apartment
This RP will chronicle their day to day lives as trouble always comes to annoy them
The Gods featured in this will be not be OC
The God of the Day/Week will be played by a different person each time to keep things fresh
Each character can have slain up to three Gods, gaining three to five powers from each
As one may guess, this is an OP RP
The point is that these people are fighting GODS AND WIZARDS