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Realistic or Modern Bullworth Academy OOC

This seemed like a cool way to pre-establish some relationships so just finna steal this from Bowa

Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 Since she's timid and Akihiko has basically put himself up on a pedestal, he might just be neutral about her. Not berating but just not paying her any mind. Since Akihiko is pretty involved in arts like her though, he might occasionally bond with her over Artistic Garbage™

@Unlris Just probably wouldn't get along with him and he would probably annoy the hell out of him, intentionally or unintentionally. Not a fan of his blunt honesty and dense attitude. May tease him and flaunt his "I'm better than you" attitude towards him. Though they can both agree that spiders are the actual devil.

Drook Drook Thinks he's attractive but will not admit it™ If Fredrick is going through his first day at the start of the roleplay and runs into Akihiko, he will outwardly acknowledge that he finds him attractive and then if asked, sweep it under the rug like it's nothing and go onto asking about his past or leaving him alone to annoy him another day. If the two are to become friends, I could see him figuring out Aki is into cosplaying.

Bites The Dust Bites The Dust I like to think that Akihiko is the type to have a parasol over him when outside just to keep his complexion good, so he would be the type that Donovan describes as a vampire. He hates his jock demeanor and claims poshly that "He's compensating for something." Akihiko also attends parties frequently and isn't beyond filming Donovan repeating history at one of these parties. At least, he'll teasingly say "Your memes are cancer."

V a l k y r i e V a l k y r i e Honestly seems like the person he'd get along with the best? Loves his fashion but will just say to his face that it's okay. I could see them interacting by playing piano and drama/acting. Will at least try to hang out with him frequently under the rouse that "I didn't have anything else to do right now." Would act differently and in a much more open fashion if he finds out Shey's past. Possible crush but will most likely believe it's one-sided.

@PhantomMelody He'll probably just think Jaime is odd and will choose not to interact with her.

Bowa Bowa Eli's relationship explanation with Akihiko explained it best. Aki would also admire his style yet won't admit it.

@Freak_Of_Nature With the two basically being two sides of the same coin, I could see Aki getting on his nerves easily with his posh and spoiled attitude. Probably because James had to work hard to get what he wants in life while Akihiko got almost everything basically handed to him at birth.

@iWriteAboutNothing Even with being in the same clique of prep, he probably doesn't hand out with her. He'll probably find her overly optimistic attitude cute at first but then annoying after a while. He doesn't like people who are dense and will most likely find her too easy to manipulate. Their very different backgrounds would also separate them. They will agree over their hatred of spiders and love of baking though.

I'm so happy this is done now, Jesus christ lmao

Spot on! On the other end of the spectrum, Donovan would be extremely aggravated by Akihiko's high-and-mighty behaviour. Although, Don would be forced to act nice towards Gay Rich Boi™, even if Aki actively hopes to document him making another stupid move at parties. Seeing as how his scholarship is on thin ice as it is, the idea of being on the shitlist of someone whose parents have considerable influence at the school he's staying at would probably be very detrimental to his school life.

Might also copy that format later, kudos to Bowa Bowa for the coolass template!
I'm probably about to go back to sleep...but I saw notifications on my phone and took a look at what was happening :p
I don't plan on being up again until like...actual morning time here so ?? but who knows dude. This is the most restless sleep I've had in a while and idek why.
Maybe you just need to read a good book? You might be able to find terrier by tamora peirce, one of the tortall series and it's really good, I find it helpful for sleeping since it's one of those books where you find yourself trying to solve the mystery with the main character

WednesdayAddams WednesdayAddams
I need to read more of her works but she is obe of my top 10 for sure: E.E. Knight, Mercedes Lackey, sir Terry Prachett (they are making good omens with david tennant! And a trollbridge movie! I AM BEYOND PUMPED) Svetlana Chimakov (cant spell her last name right v.v ) Cornelia Funke (inkheart is my favourite) Robert Asprin, stephen king....and I just realize that I have too many authors I enjoy....though if I was forced to pick one....Terry Prachett for sure is #1 not many people can write a world as ridiculous as the discworld and be knighted! Also you can find a fair few of his audiobooks on youtube which hedges out my second choice of mercedes lackey....
I think tied for second in my list would be Robert Jordan and Rick Riordan. Cornelia Funke
is definitely way up there on my list too. I absolutely adored the Inkheart series.
Wow, planning some cute gay relationships without me guys. WOW.

Bowa Bowa that's so well thought of! I love the relationship dynamic Corey and Eli could have. I feel Corey as a character won’t stand out much, so if they were to connect in some way- I feel Corey would at first be envious of Eli’s rebellious nature, which would make him reflect and start mimicking Eli in some way? Eli 'doesn’t see failure as an option' so maybe once he notices Corey taking an interest it can start the prodigy mindset?

Yes, I definitely think once Eli notices Corey mimicking him in some way then it would really trigger him into taking Corey under his wing, making the guy his rebellious prodigy (*insert evil laugh here*). The fact that Eli is an only child would give him more incentive to latch onto Corey too after seeing how much he influenced him, it's like the little sibling he never got to corrupt - despite them being the same age lol.

Also, hello new people, welcome to our humble abode~
Seeing more characters join just makes me even more eager for this to start XD

I can already tell who Frederick will get along with and those he will not
Oh oh oh will he get along with Marni do you think? =O

Most definitely though it may be awkward between the two at first due to Frederick's trust issues. He'd find her passion for music to be an outstanding quality and an admirable goal. Even more so since she has to struggle due to her Dyslexia and ADD. There really isn't anything that would put him off that I read in her CS.
Awkward is fun lol. And she's pretty laid back. If she ever learned about his cosplaying
she'd be in heaven I think. It's something she'd always had an interest in, she'd just
never had the chance to get into it before.
Awkward is fun lol. And she's pretty laid back. If she ever learned about his cosplaying
she'd be in heaven I think. It's something she'd always had an interest in, she'd just
never had the chance to get into it before.

If she ever found out he'd try to play it off and act like he has no idea what she's talking about lol.

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