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Realistic or Modern The Metso OOC

Heads up then, im making a waitress! she also works occasionaly behind the bar, and acts as an entertainer [singing] that is, if you will allow entertainment in The Metsos
I was thinking of making a (slightly) deranged sort of errand boy. Need someone to run and get lunch? He's on it. Need someone to burn down a building? He's on it. Basically someone you send for anything.
I was thinking of making a (slightly) deranged sort of errand boy. Need someone to run and get lunch? He's on it. Need someone to burn down a building? He's on it. Basically someone you send for anything.
Ha so like an intern . . I'm not speaking from personal experience at all
everybody's using Fyuri's code, and then there's me... XD

if it's a prob, I'll change it no problem~ I just started with that code, so I finished with it. But I did add all the same categories, just incase
Sorry, I've been so inactive I was really busy yesterday and sadly today is also gonna be busy too
Also, I saw a question about secondary characters. That's totally fine. Make as many as you want

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