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Fantasy We are: Legends

Galahad took a look at Arthur's lance and activated his requip skill his shield and sword disappearing and being replaced by a golden p polearm. Galahad spun it in his hands deftly and pointed the tip at Arthur, " Lets do this."


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Revan was fed up with waiting, so he shouted, "Marcus. I need to talk to you!" His voice resonated throughout the hall and a bit outside. If he didn't answer, he'd walk around the whole entire castle until he found him. He thought he might know where Marcus was, but he found that highly doubtful. I swear, if this was a trap I will have his head. But as I thought, highly doubtful, he thought, continuing to look around until he found an arena, and looked at the two sparring.

I am a dolphin.

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Marcus' wolf responded walking or of the office and towards the sith lord. It stopped in front of him and then turned hearing back before turning his head back in a questioning manner. "Are you coming or not?" A deep voice rumbled from the wolf's throat.

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"Ah, yes. I would like to meet the man who sent me the letter," Revan said, looking at the talking wolf. It was an odd sight to him. "Lead the way." He tightened his cloak so it wouldn't fall off while he was walking with the wolf.

I am a dolphin.

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"Okay." Arthur said. Red demonic energy gathered around his lance then he thrusted forward unleashing a vortex of red demonic energy large enough to swallow an elephant completely. It was set to concussive force though so it wouldn't kill Galahad but it would knock him out. Arthur remembered when Lancelot did the same to a couple knights who had confronted him in his Berserker state.
The wolf lead the sith lord down the hall and around the corner paying three great doors before stopping at a grander set, they opened on their own and the wolf slipped in silently disappearing after.

Galahad held his hand in midair and made a three layer defensive magic circle. The first layer was destroyed, the second stood for a few seconds, and the third took the last bit of the blast shattering but at this point Galahad just batted the rest away. Returning the attack the sun symbol blazing brightly and sending a beam with the heat, strength, and ferocity of a solar flare.

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Arthur pointed his lance and a spiral portal opened taking in the solar beam. Then many portals appeared around Galahad covering him from behind, left, right, front, and top leaving on the bottom. Arthur stabbed his sword into the ground and a creating a mine of demonic energy under Galahad. "If I were you, I'd surrender before the beam comes. " Arthur advised Galahad as the inside of the portals lit up with beam racing for Galahad.
Zoo sighed, beginning to pace towards the arena where Valus was sitting. "Valus," she said, stepping into the ring "are you sure you want to face me?"

"Quite literally, I can have the strength of a bear, the speed of a cheetah, the agility of a deer, the stealth of a mouse, the grace of a swan and the majesty of a lion." she explained, turning into each one in turn, ending with the grand bengal tiger. "I can turn from form to form with ease, from beast to reptile to bird. Are you sure you wish to go up against me?"
Galahad's eyes git that white glow again and as the beams burst from the portals he held up the axe and the blasts were swallowed up by the sun insignia. Galahad stabbed the top of the weapon into the ground standing tall, poised and ready for Arthur's next move.

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Arthur felt it the demonic energy threatening to try and corrupt him. He's been using demonic weaponry for too long, so he made the weapon disappeared and summoned a new one, it was Excalibur this time. His armor shifted and Arthur said "Okay that mode timed out so time to use my signature skills."


Excalibur cracktled an intense amount of lightning, the winds suddenly picked up. Arthur moved with lightning speed a frontal charge and a lightning fast barrage of slashed in which bolts of lightning flashed with each one. Speed clones came at Galahad on all sides some clones and others after images.
Valus nodded, "Well since you put it that way I definitely want to fight you, better to learn and work on my weaknesses now than when they can get me and others killed." Valus' body started to change, wings sprouted from his back and his claws became doubly sharp and his fangs lengthened. "A bit uncomfortable seeing as I can bite myself at any time and don't get me started on the ridiculously sharp claws. Oh and yes as a vampire werewolf hybrid I can talk."

Galahad deflected, dodged, and reciprocated the strikes, feeling Arthur's sword strike his armor a few times. As he progressed his axe started to glow fire bursting from it burning some clones, he combined it with radiance and became a small explosion flames regulating the sparring ring.

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Zoo chuckles, she had gotten a good response. "A good attitude to have! Now then, shall we begin?"

Zoo dropped into a low stance, teeth and claws bared before stopping for a moment. "Not that I don't believe in either of our skills, but considering that us landing our attacks probably mean horrible wounds which will be probably fatal, how do we not die?"
"Gonna take alot more to match me now Galahad." Arthur said. Thunder ceased from his blade but in it's place a fiery golden light enveloped Arthur's blade. "I can do the whole sun thing too." Arthur smirked. Arthur and the speed clones attacked again each slash releasing burst of solar energy. Arthur was going beyond the lightning from before and was instead now attacking at lightspeed."I thank you Galahad, I'm able to test out all the stuff I normally don't get chance to test." Arthur said. Then Arthur increased the gravity on Galahad to slow him down and limit his movement. Arthur yet still rained down devasting slashes that unleashed minitature solar flares.
Revan walked in, looking around. "Hmmph, fine," he muttered, waiting for Marcus. He was growing impatient by the second. He knew impatience wasn't honorable in some cases, but honor meant nothing to him. Revan knew Marcus was near him, and he didn't feel the need to explore, so he waited.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Marcus sat at his desk writing For Revan he saved him forward the wolf materialized beside him. " Glad to see you made it. I've called you here because you were seen in a vision in which a group of heroes battled off what may be the most dangerous force in our history. That said are you willing to be a part of this group."

Galahad saw the rush is attacks coming at him and tapped into the next layer of his power. The training grounds were flooded with light as six angelic energy wings spread out from his back. A torrent of light energy formed a protective shield as the stable landed. Only the last bits broke through the shield shattering Galahad's upper armor from his helmet to his breastplate a few cuts bleeding on his now bare torso. "That was interesting."

Valus looked at Zoo, "Come at me with all you have I can take it... hopefully.... I'm more worried about what you'd like to set.... I typically train in situations as hazardous as real conflicts."

( Apologies for the lateness Happy New year to all of you beautiful people.)

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Morgana walking around the palace before deciding to take a book from the library to read as she heads back to the training grounds to read and watch them train since she has no interest and sees no reason to train as she is one of the strongest witches alive.
"We're going angel now." Arthur said as he used Divine force too assume his own Archangel form. He bladed then emitted immense amounts of holy fire, he thursted forward and holy fire rushed to wrap Galahad in an white infero.

Soon though, a sound of flapping wings other than that of the arch angels was heard, and Maleficent appeared above the trees, hanging on to her legs, Caricon.The faerie dropped the Elf as he threw out his staff and it returned to him like a boomerang it's edges now sharp with Elven crafted gold matching the armor that he wore on his chest. "How about finishing our fight, mortal," he said spitting on the ground next to the human (now arch angel) form.
Maleficent sighs softly as she lands and ruffles her feathers as she stands nearby, looking bored with the entire thing since she finds this pointless when you can use words instead of violence. "I'm going to wander..." she said to no one as she headed inside the palace, looking around as her wings drap behind her.
"I am no hero. I might help though. Tell me what we are fighting," Revan said calmly. He took off his robes so it was just his armor, mask, and hood. His light sabers were next to each other on his belt as he awaited the reply from Marcus. He started to tap his foot on the floor as he looked around.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
"Galahad we're going to call it a draw. I have other matters." Arthur said turning back to his human form. He looked at the elf and said "You can't win." Arthur didn't even need a warm up this time he teleported behind the elf then swung his blade at the speed of light to cut off the elf's arm then followed up with a point blank solar flare.
This time the Elf was ready at the swift teleport he swung around and the sword missed him. When the solar flare came he had the grass rise up to cover him and absorb the light. As the dead grass fell to the ground he began to spin his double edged spear, turning it fast that it doubled as a shield, which many Elves (including Caricon) did use it as. "Your going to have the use more than your petty magic, human," he said his breath a little heavy from having to control the brute strength of nature.
"I'm not even at full power yet." Arthur replied. "Atleast I'm not struggling to use my power. Just face it I don't even have to use full force to beat the likes of weakling like you." Arthur's blade glowed with white holy fire as he swung it unleash an inferno of holy flames to surround the Elf burning away all the plant around him then the flames closed in on the Elf then erupted upwards mimicking a volcano.
Maleficent makes her way back and sighs tiredly as she rubs her temples. "King Arthur." she stated calmly while watching them, her eyes glowing a faint green but made no move to interrupt their pointless fight, well to her it was pointless.

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