Senior Member
Hello to all who stumble across this! My name is Mint, and I'm a 20 year old searching for a roleplay! I consider myself to be fairly detailed, but the writing sample provided hopefully shows it more then I can tell it! But before that, onto the stuff you need to know!
> As mentioned above, I consider myself to be fairy detailed and write in the third person. As such, I request the same as my partner. I tend to write until I find a good end point, so my length varies, but you can expect 3+ paragraphs out of me!
> Im fairly active, and can churn out a in character response several times a week. I don't ask the same of my partner as I have a lot of free time, so do not fret! Focus on the big fish!
> Using animated/drawn fcs (though if you prefer realistic and we're doing an original roleplay, I can change it up! As long as the picture itself isn't ai.)
> I enjoy fantasy, adventure, action, conflict, interesting character dynamics and slice of life
> I tend to lean away from trauma/angst heavy roleplays, cheating, abuse and in general dark topics. That's not to say we cannot explore the impact of these topics through our characters, but I prefer to not roleplay it out. However when exploring the impact, respectful is the way to go! Like y'know, not romanizing harmful things
> A partner who will build off of ideas with me! Especially during the planning process, I find it hard to enjoy a roleplay if I'm just getting 'okay sounds good' replies all the time.
> I make them on the fly, so I'm capable and accepting of all identities and sexualities. Please make a character you feel comfortable with, I focus more on personality and development over gender roles or looks!
> That being said, if you're someone who only makes and roleplays one gender, we might not be the best match
> As mentioned before, personality is something I focus on. Had too many run ins with people romanticizing bad things and op ocs. As such, I like to stay far away from those kinds of characters, as well as one dimensional
> I love making and playing multiple characters, and would prefer a partner who doesn't mind doing the same. I find it easier to navigate a roleplay if both parties are playing multiple characters.
> Romance is not a necessity for me! I love a good platonic roleplay just as much. I only do romance if the characters mesh well!
> If interested in roleplaying with me, please pm me! Tell me something about you and/or any triggers you might have, the plot you were interested in and anything else that might be important to know about you right off the bat! This is to ensure we make for good roleplay partners!
> I fear I am kind of awkward right off of the bat, so please excuse the general me-ness. Trust, once we get a good thing going I am a chronic yapper and listener! I love making memes, headcanons and silly jokes about our characters!
> Ghost friendly! I get how it can be awkward, so I won't force anyone to tell me anything. If you lose interest or no longer want to roleplay, feel free leave the conversation! No hard feelings, and I find it easier to tell when someone's lost interest that way.
Below is an example of how I write so you can see!
Looking up at the sky, Alani's green eyes practically glittered with excitement, flashes of brief color flickering across them from the reflection of the fireworks she seemed so keen on watching.
Fireworks. A start to a new life, and the end of an old one. How funny that fireworks had been the reason she was here in the first place, yet oddly fitting.
There's a swell of something in her chest that she doesn't care to identify, instead turning with a wide grin to her older brother who donned a casual yet guarded stance; his own eyes lidded and distant.
"The fireworks are pretty, right Car? Take my picture, I wanna post this!"
Alani fumbles for her phone, nails tapping against the screen as she hurriedly unlocks it; mouth moving at equal speed. "New year, new me y'know? Gotta show out!"
She shoves the phone into her brothers hand without delay, trusting him to take a acceptable shot of her in the outfit she'd perhaps spent too much time deciding on and skips several feet away to strike an eager pose.
Ever dutifully yet still quiet, Carter snaps several pictures - knowing she'll want multiple ones to pick through.
"'Kay, now me and you." She all but demands, and Alani takes her phone back in favor of smushing herself against him, shoulder to shoulder (admittedly with a slight gap due to the height).
She grins into the camera herself, accepting the lack of enthusiasm in Carter's face as he accepted the duty forced upon him.
"Keep this up and imma crop you out of my pics from now on." She threatens, getting pinched in the side as a result. She shrieks -very ticklish- and dances away out of his reach.
Ironically she isn't too far from the table where all the food is being served, and doesn't hesitate to make her presence known - holding up her phone.
"Guys! We should take a picture together! This year, and every year that comes!"
For fandom based roleplays, I do strictly oc x oc; oftentimes with no canon characters. Basically, I just use the established world and none of the shows cast. This does differ depending on the circumstances ofc.
I'll be including plot/roleplay suggestions for each fandom if I have em!
Stars used (out of five) to indicate my interest for said fandom at the time!
Pokemon ★★★★★
- average pokemon journey roleplay where our ocs receive a starter and go off into the world, challenging the gyms and whatnot.
- just found a pokemon region generator thing and it's inspired me to essentially play as a guide; and yc is the player starting out on their journey. No pokemon, everything is entirely random + percentages for pokemon so you might get a common one or rarer one(in terms of routes) We can add rules like one pokemon per route, battle damage calcs, or whatever. Rivals, gym leaders, etc will be made for the real experience.
- pokemon mystery dungeon where one of us is a pokemon turned human, and the other has been a pokemon. Optionally, they can both have been strictly pokemon. Take on quests, level up and all that good stuff.
- ocs who are pokemon rangers? They travel around, quelling angry pokemon and fixing problems.
- pokemon gym leader oc + one of the type specialist trainers that you battle before the gym leader oc
For this one ofc your team would need to consist of a specific typing
- two pokemon gym leaders ocs who meet on a big island that's pretty much only accessible to hugh ranking people such as gym leaders or elite four members. Its like a vacation to reward them for working so hard. For this one, teams with specific types y'know. Can optionally be elite four trainers if you want.
- a strange string of murders have been plaguing the clan, and no one knows who it could be! Kits, elders, queens, deputies - no one is safe. Everyone is afraid, and relations between clans weaken as they fight and argue amongst themselves. Option A: our ocs decide to sleuth together to find out who it is. Option B: it's our ocs who are the murderers
- a strange virus has taken over the world, throwing it into ruin. It started with the prey. Twitching, foaming and aggressive. Then, it got to the predators. To the cats. To the clans. Now, they're attacking others. Can the clans survive? Or will they perish? Who knows. (Basically a zombie apocalypse x warrior cats roleplay) (Thinking that the virus spreads via saliva from an infected getting into open wounds.)
- warrior from a clan gets kidnapped by a twoleg who thinks their helping. From there we have:
>> kidnapped with another warrior(can be from an opposing clan or the same one) and they have to figure out how to escape
>> Brought into a home with a kitty pet, where they're forced to look past their differences to help the clan cat get back home
>> Thrown into a shelter with a former stray; where they figure out how to escape
- a more standard warrior cats roleplay. We make a clan and fill it up with ocs, playing multiple characters each. Can be small or large, any biome and even fanmade ranks/religion! We can throw unique challenges at them as well for fun.
- our characters involved in a prophecy of some kind. There's so many different ways to work this out, so I'll leave it vague. But the general two options are: They have to go on some kind of quest - or save the clans from some big bad
- One clan has lived it's entirely life resting comfortably in seclusion (was thinking the mountains, but can be changed!) and suddenly, new cats move in nearby. These cats are a worn and tired group of misfits who were forced to leave their old home and have traveled for moons. The long standing clan doesn't wish to share their turf, but these new cats aren't taking no for an answer. They've been through too much to up and leave, and as tensions grow - will they clash? Or work something out? Up to us!
I generally don't write hybrids for the roleplay due to past experiences where people had that 'hybrid animus with 1000000 powers' sort of oc; so just keep that in mind.
- standard wof jma roleplay where our ocs are clawmates. I don't intend to follow the canon storyline with Dark stalker, but we can think of something. Maybe an assassin sent there to kill royalty and the entire school goes up in a uproar?
- gimme a prophecy but for our ocs. The standard dragonet one? For a full cast, we can write multiple characters each, maybe 2-3 each. Doesn't have to be the prophecy itself, as we can make something up!
- A vague idea/AU that loosely follows the canon event of Nightwing submitting to Glory's rule, yet largely unhappy with being told what to do by a rainwing. In an event known as the Black Flight, many Nightwing left the rainforest to try and build back their numbers. They asked for land and help from other tribes, but we're largely turned away. Eventually they settled on a rocky island far out, angry and promising revenge. Hundreds of years later they adapt to their new climates, and are ready to extract revenge, from taking the rainforest back, to reminding the other tribes that Nightwings are superior. (Basically the typical high and mighty Nightwings raise their newest generation of youth to be extreme warriors to take back the rainforest since they believe it's owed to them. We can decide if our characters actually do it, or find out the truth and turn on them!)
I'm a bit rusty on this admittedly, so I don't know canon areas but I'll look stuff up. We can also just assume things are far into the future bc bleh, who cares about perfect accuracy?
- school of dragons type of roleplay where our ocs are receiving their dragons from the hatchery and learn how to ride + bond with them.
- People who hate dragons (or want to use them for other purposes) and want them gone come to berk, and our ocs have to stop them. Not a fully formed plot, but basically bad guys gotta be stopped and our ocs stick their nose into it. It can optionally be a single character each, or we can play 2 each for more variety.
- admittedly I don't have a plot in mine, but I'd love to simply have our characters with monsties of their own, doing quests and quelling angry monsters! Optionally, we can be a rider + hunter duo who are paired together to try and mend relationships between the two and create mutual understanding (would prefer to play the rider for this!)
Yes, this is entirely based off of the new lion king movie that came out! We can roleplay within our own pride, most likely with 1-2 main characters and the rest being named npcs with a named personality trait or two. Options include our ocs living out their life, the pride having to leave their home or general problems.
For any undertale roleplay, I stick with the og one as Im not knowledgeable about the aus
- two human children (can be siblings or just friends) fall down and into the underground. This loosely follows the undertale gameplay plot but with our ocs, and we decide what happens.
- Harvest Moon ★★★★☆
- Cozy slice of life farming roleplay that involves two friends moving to a pretty much abandoned town and fixing it up. We can include residents that specialize in certain things, slowly adding to the cast - which can simply be npcs if you wish.
As mentioned before I'm very big on adventure stuff, so alot of my plots deal with fantasy elements because I cannot help myself
Stars used (out of five) to indicate my interest for said plot at the time!
Average fantasy plot - ★★★★☆
Fantasy world roleplay where it's like in the games. Do quests for coin, travel around and drop by at a tavern for some drinks! This is a very open ended idea, as our characters can be anything! Two strangers meeting for a quest? Members of a renowned guild? Maybe they're some newbies trying to make it big! Super vague to fit all characters in here!
The Hunt - ★★★☆☆
The hunt is a national event that occurs every few years, welcome to every race in all of Eldora. In it, teams of two are randomly selected via magic ribbons that bring them together, and are warped away to a magic arena that seems neverending, and holds variety of different biomes. The duo's job is to eliminate all other teams by obtaining their ribbons, and protecting their own. As the game goes on, the neverending arena shrinks bit by but until only one team remains - the victors of which win one grant able wish from the king, and get cemented as the victors of Eldora.
Zombie Takeover - ★★★☆☆
Your typical zombie apocalypse roleplay, yet with a slight twist. The Ivan Orphanage is a place where children without anyone else to take care of them are raised. However, when the zombie apocalypse hits - all the adult caretakers flee for their lives, leaving behind the residents.
In this, we'd play kids orphaned due to different circumstances, from siblings to friends. Thinking 15 for minimum age though, concept from twd games
Hell on Earth - ★★★☆☆
Everyone knew something like this would happen, but it was always contained to movies - not reality. However when a science experiment gone wrong leads to mutated animals turned monsters with a taste for human flesh taking over the world, everyone is rightfully horrified. Cue the HPA (human protection agency) rising up to train kids from birth into the perfect counter against these monsters known as Devourers.
Our characters would be said kids (though adults now, think 18+) I actually have alloottt of lore for this, mainly about the monsters and way of living, yet characters can still be made in a way that you want!
Cafe Dilemma - ★★★☆☆
This new cafe is awesome! The drinks, food and atmosphere are just about perfect, with employees who seem to care more then their paycheck makes them! It's no surprise business is booming, which leads to new people being hired. And Muse A is one of them! It's pretty great. Maybe aside from the occasional snooty customer or wailing baby anyway. But the owner is nice, the benefits are good, and everyone here is great! Mostly. Muse B kinda sucks, and they don't even work here! Friends with the owner, though undoubtedly shady. Will the two of them ever get along? Who knows.
Yes, this plot is entirely based around a character concept/oc I have who is Muse B. I have no shame, but who doesn't like a fun cafe scene?
Magic School - ★★☆☆☆
Laxe's Magic Academy is a pretty standard institution where teens learn how to harness their magical abilities, which often manifests itself in different ways: from shape shifting to spell casting! The dorms here are always ready to accommodate students throughout their time here, and fun events
L.A.G.S - ★★★☆☆
Lanfords Academy for Gifted Students is a new up and coming school for students who have unique gifts. From fire powers to telekinesis, L.A.G.S promises to teach all students how to harness and use their gifts to better society. But...doesn't there seem to be something strange here too? Beneath the surface, maybe this good willed headmaster isn't all he seems to be...and the staff too. There's something about this place that needs to be uncovered, but what will happen once it's brought to the light?
I'm where now?!? - ★★☆☆☆
Standard 'Trunk-kun got me so now I'm I got isekai-ed into a new world'. There's a few variants that we can do:
> Characters get thrown into a manga/webtoon (the details of which can be made up) and into the bodies of pre existing characters.
> Characters get thrown into a new world which they have no idea of how it works
For either of these options, fantasy or normal is okay! And if fantasy or normal, we can give our characters abilities similar to the menu pop ups in most isekai's, which allows them to 'level up' and get stronger. Even open to them turning from regular to op!
Planet Tpia - ★★☆☆☆
The galaxy is vast, and Earth is not the only planet containing residents. Certainly more magical, the planet Tpia is home to many, yet categorized by three: Magic Users, Shifters and Nature Folk. However with three unique needs, this often led to fighting by the leaders of each group. However on the longest day of fighting that swore to be the end for all, goddesses came down from the heavens to stop them, leaving behind the Tri-Unity Statue, a symbol of peace. This led to an easy alliance between all sides for the next few decades, but upon mysteriously vanishing due to unknown circumstances, the threats of war rose once again. With the only lead being a strange magical presence in the human world, can our characters band together to find the statue, all while blending into a new world?
The Protectors - ★★★☆☆
For what could've been centuries, hunters have always existed. They hunt down supernatural beings, eliminating them before they can become a threat to humanity; a small and unseen force. However, equally small and unseen are the protectors, who understand that not all supernatural beings are bad - and this offer safe havens for them to live peacefully, permanently or not.
Another rp idea based off of a oc of mine! Your character will be the supernatural being, and mines the protector (plus I have a few supernatural ocs). This was initially meant for werewolves, but am open to other suggestions! Additionally, I did have this concept awhile ago so it features realistic face claims, but we can always jot down appearance details if it's not your cup of tea!
Magic Girl (and Guy) Academy! - ★★★★☆
Everyone knows that when the forces of evil reign terror across the galaxy, people with magical powers will appear in their time of need to stop them! Utilizing blasts filled with the power of friendship that smells like bakery treats, they always get rid of the baddies - citizens cheering them on. But how do these girls pull it off? Magical Girl (and Guy) Academy of course! This school pumps out the absolute bests superstars to take on danger, protecting world from evil!
Characters can either be newbies to this academy, or longtime students here who have recently been sent to a world for evil vanquishing.
Monster Hunters - ★★★★☆
Inspired loosely by the game, out two characters would be recruits whose sole goal is to hunt down and beat various monsters - the species of which can be made up. Giant rat thing that uses its tail as a whip? Sentient flower who controls the forest our characters have to journey in? Yes, yes and yes! We can even have crafted gear. Maybe an amulet with a sirens voice stored in it that is attached to a megaphone and lulls enemies into a trance. Or fireproof armor made from dragon scales. The world is our oyster, and we're the clams
Accidental Awakening - ★★★☆☆
After a huge fight with other gods that resulted in their banishment, Muse A was cursed to be forgotten by all mortals. And a God without any followers is a weak one, their powers draining steadily until they were none, and until they faded away. However, an accidental discovery of an old temple by Muse B accidentally awakens the long forgotten Muse A, who latches onto their first worshipper, accidental or not. Now awake, what will Muse A do? With the threat of the other God's being able to sense their revival, it was certainly become tricky.
for this I have no preference on which muse I play at the moment!
Resort of the Gods - ★★★☆☆
Every few hundred years, all the Gods of the World gather about on a massive resort to see friends, and leer at foes. But the rule of no fighting usually stops anything from breaking out. Usually, there's always one or two problems that occur when you're drunk after all. Now, after hundreds of more years have gone by - the newest invitation arrives. What will this gathering be like? Hopefully, half of the place doesn't get lit aflame again...
Pack Mentality - ★★★☆☆
Nothing much to this plot really, but I'd love to roleplay as dogs. Maybe they're a bunch of abandoned guys who form a pack, or maybe they live in a place with a lot of pet households so they're neighborhood pals. Just a bunch of dogs who know each other and get along - or don't, not super picky.
The Prince(ss) and their Guard - ★★★☆☆
Unless you are born into into, stability is hard to find in the Kingdom of Roverna. For Muse A, this is especially true. They've partaken in many unsavory acts just to put food on the table, their life a struggle. However this all builds up to being caught by a guard. In most cases, their rap sheet would've gotten them thrown into jail. But they are saved unexpected by Muse B, a child of the royal family. Why? Its hard to say. But Muse B has plans, and Muse A has found themselves thrown into it.
For this, I intent to play Muse B! Yc/Muse A can have done whatever you'd like, from assassinations to simple thievery. And if you want to have a fun little twist, we can include powers for a fantasy/medieval twist!
More plots will be added later! TBH if you have an idea that you think I might like, feel free to share it! I tend to prefer looser plot ideas where I can craft a character to fit - as opposed to too many restrictions and expectations.
Unlike the original plot ideas, these are more loose, usually broken down to character types and/or vague settings. Some of them can be combined with each other, or my original/fandom plots!
The role I prefer will be bolded! If none are, then it's free game!
- Golden retriever x Black cat (depends on the roleplay!)
- College roommates
- General roommates
- Childhood friends
- Chaotic friend group (for this, I imagine we each play a character or two, perhaps in a highschool or college setting?)
- Person who lives in seclusion x supernatural being they've befriended
- Single parent x single parent (potentially with the added plot of their kids like the other parent and want them to be together. More on the romantic side, but it can also be platonic.)
- single parent x best friend(s) who helps raise their kids
- yapper x listener (or, extrovert x introvert)
- merperson x stranded from ship
- merperson x pirate
- foster parent x the kid they end up keeping (don't think I have to say this but STRICTLY PLATONIC.)
- found family
- parent x their adopted child who definitely isn't human (funny if they were more 'evil-esque' like a demon or something related which leads them to being bounced around home to home, but the parent accepts and loves them. Optionally, the kid can just be a metaphorical demon as opposed to an actual supernatural creature.)
- evil(?) supernatural entity x the child they adopted
- character who lives in the countryside x character who lives in the city.
- feral younger sibling x calm older sibling
- cheerful older sibling x grumpy younger sibling
- I'm bad x I can make you worse pair who are evil af and only get more evil when together. Lil schemers who will take over the world at some point. (Pair this with a fantasy or sci fi thing for an extra kick)
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