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Futuristic Sunset Horizon

Apocalypse Selfishness alone is sufficient to bring apocalypse upon a nation. - Khem Veasna

  • Enver Kestrel Mouvsayi - Turn 1bca14ebfca0c66550208570f6e5bce91.jpg
    27, Extravagant

    Tech 4

    Coconut Radio: Enver can build things with less resources than normally required.
    Energy Weapon
    4 Units of Breakfast - 1 Consumed This Turn (9/10)
    2 Medkits
    2 units of tools
    1 Table Lamp
    The Gauntlet: Welding and Soldering
    Party: 9 TotalLuxyr Kyrillos Mouvsayi, Helldiver
    Fighting 2
    Tech 2
    Smoozing the Space: Can substitute Tech for Charm.
    Dr Lisa Ophelia, Dr to The Rich and Famous
    Medical 4
    Deep Medical Knowledge: Can use Medical to roll for flora/fauna Knowledge.
    Kyle Icelos Dehaan, The Model
    Athletics 2
    Talent(Posing) 2
    Perfecting Posing: Kyle can use his Posing skill to be completely silent and unmoving.
    5 Rich Civilians
    Hunting 2
    Enver's First Hell-Dive
    [Post Theme] - [The Verdant Forest]

    It all came crashing down. Plans, relaxation, catch up; what I had planned for the both of us gone to the wind. I should have known that my rebellion, my defiance to the social order would not go without strife or punishment. For why would the powers to be allow me to play them so? And remove Luxyr while they are at it. Damn us both for I defying their greed. I would lie to myself if I did not feel this bud of regret, blossoming into pain. For he did not deserve this. Though I am sure he will enjoy the time. Helldiving, his passion. And now I by his side. But, I feel the shadow of death, an old friend. It lingered here. This planet was not safe. Lost to die on this world. And easy to cover up everything. Well played you political bastards. Should I get off this planet, there will be hell to pay. No holding back. Revenge... they always cautioned against it. But, I see no wrong with giving consequences to people's actions. It remains sane lest it consume me.

    But, I felt his hand on my shoulder. Lux. And just as he did, we touched down. Vibrations echoing through the pod. Then, a thud. Landed, we landed. A minor miracle. Then again, I looked over and the controls for the pod laid in his lap. The fact the drop was smooth shouldn't be a surprise. Lux's hundredth, thousandth, time dropping from a pod? Kyle shivered beside me. Losing his mind as it were. Every indication suggests I should as well. And truly, I should. But... I suppose being on death's door more than not numbs one to these things. Machines inserted into every office, cut and incisions to add more. Pumped with drugs to numb bloody everything. Stop caring, you just stop caring. Unbuckling Kyle from his seat, I helped him out of the pod before sitting down with him in the cool grasses. A cool forest, with tall trees and strange creatures. I held him close. Hyperventilating, shaking, clammy palms; Kyle looked over his shoulder at me, his mocha eyes wide. He... was still naked. Did he not get his clothes earlier? Not that it mattered.

    Lisa came out from the pod behind us, handing Kyle a set of clothes in the pod. Looked like Kyle's, "Grabbed you your clothes."

    Kyle took them, wiping his eyes of tears. I wrapped my arms just underneath his chest. He still shook like crazy. But, as he leaned back into me, he slowly stilled. "I'm gonna die aren't I?"

    As the others tensed at the question, I... snatched the moment. It wasn't like me. But, my heart ached for Kyle... I wouldn't let him die. Any of them die. I got to my feet and the words... came out. Was it the stress? Or simply the resignation that no matter what happens, it was acceptable? "If you follow my lead, we'll make it."

    Lux proudly stepped out of the pod last, the stock of his rifle to his shoulder, "Best not to be on the ground, predators love to linger on the forest floor like this." He smiled over at me, "So, instead of me telling you about my adventures, I get to have you with me."

    "Severely under geared and still recovering from your stents?"

    "Gotta prove I'm the best somehow. If not, Valhalla will call for me." Ancient battle traditions. The Vikings if not mistaken?

    I flexed the gauntlet on my arm, "Then, the pods should be salvaged for supplies-"

    Another pod entered the forest. Lux rubbed his nose, "We are not alone. Heh, wonder if they know what they're doing." Kyle and Lisa shrugged. Kyle with a deep tremble in his breathing. Lisa slowly taking in the forest. Disbelief, shock. Fitting. If only I could be the same.

    "Then we'll have some more to work with. Isn't this planet dangerous Lux?"

    He grinned from ear to ear, "Oh yeah, I'm gonna have some epic moments to tell the boys later."

    "You will. But, work with me so everyone else will make it too. We all know you will."

    Looking back at me, he gave me a strong stare, with his eyes focused on me, "You and I will definitely survive. But, you were always the smart one, even before I knew who I was. Just let me do the talking. You a bit too out there for most people." It is so.

    I scratched my chin, "You five, look around for anything of interest. Not a lot of plants. Anything useful is appreciated. Dr. Ophelia, would you mind identifying the plants to see if anything could be helpful? Kyle, stick with me. You can use the tools to help me deconstruct our pod... and likely theirs. Lux, go over and give 'em a banter. If they will help us, then more the merry. Then come back to cover our gatherers.... Everyone know what to do?"

    Lux winked, pulling the motorcycle from the pod. Speeding off into the distance of the other pod. Lux...

    Lisa led the five into the area to gather supplies. Leaving Kyle and I.... Should I tell him? Suddenly now with the rush ending, I felt it. Passion? Tenderness? Was this the romance Lux raved about? Kyle raked the back of his head.

    "So... where do we start?" Kyle racketed a set of tools to his new belt.

    "First, disconnect the power supply, lest we want to ride the electric slide." I wanted to reach out to his arm. But, it quickly found its way to me as he fished through the panels to the power supply. Cutting through the metal with the gauntlet's intense heat from its welding mode. And he positioning the metal just right for it. I felt the hair of his arm on my skin and he looked over. Searching for something, I could see in his eyes. What were you looking for?

    No matter. Once the pods were deconstructed, I could finally itch the treehouse idea that had lingered in my mind since I was a child.
~ Turn 1 ~
~ Lord of the Bots ~

  • Knelt in the sand, a vision of crystal clear waters stretched out before Jeremy as radiant sunlight beat down upon him from the bright blue skies above. In any other circumstance, this would be a prime holiday destination, and Jeremy would be enjoying it with a drink in hand while stretched out on a sun lounger. But these were no other circumstances. Breathing deep where he knelt, the realisation of all that has transpired ran through Jeremy's mind a mile a minute, a sickening feeling in his gut mixed with an inexplicable sense of... accomplishment.

    "Gratifying Realisation: Ah, so it was you, Master." H3M3's robotic voice would split through the sounds of the lapping waves. "You destroyed the starship, the Sunset Horizon. Surprising. It is rare indeed to find an organic with as much regard for life as a machine."

    "That is not what I intended!" Jeremy barked, anger rising in his voice as he rose to his feet, turning to the assassin droid. "That was... that was all an accident!"

    "Salving Clarification: Oh, Master, I am not criticising you in any way, though I understand it would appear as though I were from the viewpoint of an organic. I am actually rather impressed. Usually such events would be caused by my good self, yet I now find myself in the service to one capable of comparable destruction as I am. I believe you and I will be quite the pair, Master."

    "Comparable destruction?" Jeremy eyed the robot wearily. "Exactly what kind of robot are you?"

    "Self congratulatory introduction: Oh, I would be more than happy to introduce myself. I am H3M3, an Assassin Droid manufactured by Helix International, possessing of a wide variety of skills including but not limited to; assassination, sabortage, explosives, torture, combat both hand-to-hand and with the use of a wide assortment of weaponry, strategic and tactical analysis, as well as a wide variety of capabilities allowing me to infiltrate structures and groups, both in stealth as well as in plain sight. I am well versed in neutralising threats, both human and alien, both lethally or non-lethally. Honestly, I could go on, but I am sure this paints a picture for you. Should you wish for something, Master, simply ask and I shall deliver."

    Jeremy could not quite believe what he was hearing. Helix International is a hugely famous company back on Earth, involved in all manner of things. It is not surprising to find that they make assassin droids as well as much else, though this must be a product offered to a very select and private group of customers.

    "How did you end up on the Sunset Horizon?" Jeremy asked. "Who was your previous master?"

    "Regretful Explanation: Master, I am sorry to say that I cannot tell you. In the event my ownership passes from one organic to another, my memory core is automatically wiped, and all data from before that moment is forever lost. Do understand, Master, that those who possess droids like myself are very private people, and my manufacturers were very careful to ensure that their customers were protected. This benefits you as well, of course. In the unlikely event I am destroyed, or become possessed by another, my memory core would be wiped again, protecting you as much as it protected those before you. Beyond this, there is little else I can tell you."

    "Inciting statement: Rather than occupy your mind with my past, Master, you should be more concerned about your future. Considering what you have done, your goals should be to protect yourself from the consequences of your actions, which will be dire if you are caught."

    "What do you mean?" Jeremy asked the droid.

    "Inciting Explanation: Master, you realise that once it is discovered that you destroyed the Sunset Horizon, the relevant authorities will seek to apprehend you. While you have aptly demonstrated your capabilities, contending with the forces of Earth would be another matter entirely. If you wish to remain free, and alive, you would need to assemble the means to protect yourself."

    "I... I have already wiped any traces of my involvement aboard the Sunset Horizon's." Jeremy told the droid. "No one will ever discover... discover what happened."

    "Probing Query: Are you quite sure of that, Master? Do not be so quick as to think you are safe. These things have a way of coming to light, one way or another, and I suspect that detailed analysis of the ship's wreckage and its data systems would eventually reveal your involvement. Perhaps it may take years, decades even, but what you have to understand and take to heart is that you are no longer an innocent. Should you be discovered, you would be considered a terrorist, and will be hunted to the very ends of Earth space."

    "Terrorist?!" Jeremy exclaims in bewilderment. "It was an accident!"

    "Derivative Explanation: And yet, telling the authorities it was 'an accident' will do little to comfort the many thousands of families, who have now lost loved ones because of your actions. In short, Master, do you truly think anyone would believe you? Would you, if someone else claimed the same?"

    Hearing this turned Jeremy's stomach. Thousands. He has just killed thousands of people. It was an accident, he never intended for any of this to happen, but H3M3 is right. It does not matter if he intended it or not, nor would anyone care. He is a mass murderer now, and nothing in the universe will change that. Jeremy's hand flew to his mouth, before he was forced to turn, violently vomiting upon the sand, his guts wretching as the reality of his situation dawns upon him with each passing second.

    "Gratifying Statement: And so you see your predicament. You only have two choices now. You can either sit here and wait for the authorities to catch you, at which point you would be trialed and convicted and imprisoned for life. If they are feeling merciful, they might execute you instead. Or you can abandon any pretence of what you were, abandon any notion of returning to life as you knew it, and embrace your new path."

    "My new path?" Jeremy said under his breath, looking wearily up at the droid. "What path?"

    "Delighted Revelation: Why, the path outside the law, Master. To stand outside the jurisdiction of lesser organics. You have demonstrated you are capable of a great deal, and now, beyond the reach of those who would fear you, you could embrace all you are and all you can do, fulfilling your hearts content without anyone getting in your way. And, should someone get in your way one day, you can unleash your full arsenal against them, without concerns of what it may cost you. This path, Master, is the path of true freedom. It will not be easy, and few organics are truly so capable, but I do believe you are one of those few."

    "And... you will help me?" Jeremy pulled himself back onto his feet. "How?"

    "Prideful Explanation: As mentioned, I am well versed in matters of strategy and tactics, not to mention that my capabilities are most suited to activities outside the confines of the law. I can advise you on the proper course, and even predict actions that may be taken against you."

    "And what do you advise now?" Jeremy asks.

    "Confident Analysis: While there are many unknown factors at this point, one thing is certain. With the Sunset Horizon's destruction, an effort will be made to rescue survivors. It is a matter of debate as to how long this may take, therefore time is of the essence. Certainly, there were some influential people aboard the Sunset Horizon, and their powerful friends would wish to see them rescued. We have two choices. We can either hide, concealing ourselves here until rescue efforts are complete, or we can attempt to stop the rescue by destroying any starships that enter this system."

    "Destroy them?" Jeremy exclaims. "Why would we do that?"

    "Detailed Explanation: Because, once this planet is swarmed by rescue efforts, there will be no stopping it. With these rescuers will come law enforcement, and an investigation, and there is no knowing how long this may take. Do you truly wish to spend decades of your life underground? By destroying the ships that would rescue survivors, it will make it quite clear that this system is dangerous, too dangerous even to save those marooned here. Earth authorities would have to decide if military action is required or even worthwhile. This planet is a nature reserve. There are no colonies here, no strategic resources, and nothing worth dying for. I predict, once Earth knows coming here is hazardous to even enter this system, they will quarantine this system and prevent any further incursions for the safety of those outside, leaving us safe here. And, with no investigation, no one will ever come to know what happened to the ship, meaning there will be no manhunt for you."

    "Conclusion: It is better to destroy any ships attempting to rescue survivors, than to risk all that may come as a consequence of those rescue efforts being allowed to happen."

    "You are talking about killing more people!" Jeremy barked at the droid. "Hundreds, if not yet more thousands."

    "Reticent Confirmation: I am, Master. If this is too much for you, then you can choose to surrender yourself. But know that doing so will do nothing but destroy you. No one will thank you for it, and no good would be achieved. But by doing as I suggest, however, you have a better chance of securing your freedom, and achieving all you may wish to do with that freedom. Think carefully about this. The choice is yours, Master. Choose wisely."
Ari Update:

Action 1: Ari and the gang will use the heavy blankets to put up an awning to give shelter against the Sun

It was a literal breeze to set up an Awning using the Heavy Blanket by connecting it with some of the shady palm trees. It will very easily keep people safe from the sun and will allow 10 people at any one time do so, keeping them safe from the sun’s scorching rays.

Action 2: Ari and the Gang, inviting Julia’s people over to watch Ari’s best hits on the playback device.

Everyone appreciates the normalcy that just sitting in the shade and watching a bunch of movies brings. There is laughter, there are tears, there are plenty of good vibes. When all was said and done, everyone felt just a little bit happier than when they had begun the recent day.

Both Ari and Julia’s groups gain a +2 Morale Bonus on checks for the next turn
Boom. With a sudden, jarring impact, the shuttle slammed into the ground at an angle, sending a wave of mud and water splashing upwards as it skittered, carving a furrow deep into one of the few patches of solid land that dotted the swampy area. Kyle groaned as he slowly came too, unbuckling his harness and moving towards the front, where the Pilot was. "How bad is it?" He asked, craning his neck forward and peering at the array of screens arranged around the narrow visorport. Garbled text and flashing lights blinked rapidly, and several error codes came across, using complicated terms he had no idea what they meant. What he did know, however, was that it wasn't anything good. The emergency lights offered some mild light, but whether main power was still up or not was anyone's guess. Kylie's hands moved in a blur as she flipped several switches and made a few gestures, her eyes dancing left and right as she focused. "Not good. We took some hits on the way down. Thrusters were damaged and we landed at a bad angle. I won't know the full damage until I run diagnostics, though. We didn't land anywhere good, however. The topography map indicated we're in a swamp. Lucky for us, the air here is breathable. Probably won't smell too nice, though." She gestured towards the visor, where they could vaguely see the landscape before them. "That's about the only good luck we have, that's for sure. I'll get back to you on how screwed we are, until then, can you go take care of the others? I've gotta focus here." He nodded, retreating.

He turned his gaze back to the 6 individuals they had come with. "You guys alright?" He asked. One of them nodded, groaning. "Christ almighty, Kyle. What the fuck did you get us into?" He grumbled. "I just wanted to pump some iron, not go on a safari trip." Kyle huffed, crossing his arms. "Stuff it, John. We got attacked or something and we had to get out. Lucky we got us a shuttle and not one of those pods."
"What's gonna happen to us?" Julia asked, her gaze flicking to the left and right. The others slowly unbuckled their harnesses. "Where did we even land?" One of them asked. Kyle hesitated, turning and glancing back at the screens. "Kylie said we landed in a swamp. The air should be breathable," He muttered, approaching the door and twisting the lever. There was a soft hissing noise as the door slowly dropped, offering a convenient ramp down onto the ground. Kyle hesitated, then walked dwon and stepped onto the ragged looking land.

Yep. This was a swamp, alright. He glanced around, groaning in dismay. He didn't know much about survival techniques, but he did know that a fucking swamp was definitely not an ideal dropzone. "We couldn't have landed somewhere better?" He asked himself as John came out, squinting slightly as he looked overhead. "At least it's daytime," John offered, trying to look for upsides. "Hopefully we have a solid amount of supplies and stuff...alright, John, can you go help...uh, what was her name...Kylie, right. Can you go to Kylie and have her give the shuttle a once over and see what needs to be fixed? Maybe we can get her up and running again?" John turned and cast his gaze to the left and right, surveying the battered shuttle. "Uh, from my eyes, Kyle, I don't think that's gonna happen. Not easily, at least."
"Won't know until we actually take a look! Now hop to it!" Kyle snapped at him. "Ok, ok. Jesus..." John muttered, ducking back into the shuttle. The others in the shuttle slowly began to file out, eyes squinting as they adjusted to the light as they peered around. "Any of you guys know survival techniques?" Kyle asked them. They gave him blank stares. "Great." He huffed, walking back into the shuttle.

He began inventorying their items. If there's one thing Person vs. Wilderness had taught him, it was some basic things like this. They did have some rations. Not a whole lot, but enough to tide them over, especially with some rationing. Ration the rations. Heh. Amused at his own wit, he noticed they had a tent as well. Not bad for survival, but pretty sparse. Then again, he imagined that even if these shuttles did crash land somewhere, it was supposed to be on a civilized planet, with people who KNEW you had crashed and would be arriving shortly to rescue you. Given their location and the fact this planet was, in fact, not inhabited (that he knew of), he doubted that would be happening any time. Regardless, he slowly stood up, turning to meet the searching eyes of the people who gazed at him.

It was time for him to take charge. It was time for the ultimate workout. Clapping his hands together, he began to do what he always did: give orders to help people improve.
1. Task John to assist Kylie with assessing the shuttlecraft and its condition (to figure out what needs repairs and what doesn't)
2. Task the remaining gym goers to slowly branch out and case the area, searching for points of interest and other survivors
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William Update:

Action 1: Will sends the passengers to collect plant and soil samples from the local area for identification, using his kit to splice them and the sunflower and corn samples into a new species that could grow in the area.

Unfortunately, the group wasn’t exactly the best at locating local plants and soil. The soil was received as well as something that looked like a Potato that was Rainbow Color.

The splicing for hybrid plants, however, went much better.

Before they knew it, they had a hybrid of the corn and potato. It was to be called: Cornato. It was able to be fully grown in a week and was PERFECT for growth in this environment.

Gain 1 Unit of Cornato every turn.

Action 2: Will studies the nearby flora/landscape and plants each of the seeds to see what grows.

Out of all the seeds, the only ones that seemed to grow in this environment were the tomato seeds and the Turnip seeds. Everything else withered and died before it could take to the soil.
Enver Update:

Action 1: Enver and Kyle will dismantle to two pods for resources while the other search for useful plants.

Enver and Kyle easily dismantle the two pods, gaining the most amount fo materials without waste. They even managed to put together some makeshift weapons in the process.

Gain 20 Scrap.
Gain 4 Spiked Metal Clubs

The others went and searched for useful plants. They brought back a few that looked like they could be useful. A thick, fuzzy Black Plant. A delicate White Closed Rose. A Thick Green Plum. A hearty Golden Daisy.

Action 2: The group will search for a suitable patch of trees to make a treehouse with advanced accommodations.

It didn’t take too long to find suitable trees to make a home. Construction began in earnest with wood gathered from the bottom of the verdant forest. The HEAT above the treeline was practically unbearable. But they worked in shifts and constructed a home. Using up much of the collected scraps, they put together a cooling unit to make sure their new abode was at a good temperature and they did not melt.

The walls were not just insulated, but also protected with metal in case of any sort of animal attack. They had a small “refrigerator” set up near the cooling unit. An outside kitchen was made as the intense heat above the treeline made it easy to cook without having to add heat.

Bunk beds were put together for the group, enough for each of them. A viewing area was constructed on a porch. Nothing could be seen beneath the treeline as it was incredibly thick.

However, they could see a LARGE desert to the East.

Lose 15 Scrap
Jeremy Update:

Action 1: 3 Worker bots dismantle the escape pod and the construct a Robotics workshop

Jeremy and his bots made relatively quick work of dismantling the escape pod, managing to gte about 11 scrap worth. But the that was immediately put into building his robotics workshop.

It was all used up in the process, and it certainly wouldn’t be anything to write home about, but he managed to put together a robotics workshop for himself. With it, he could make repairs on any of his robots by using 2 Scrap per robot per repair. It even managed to have a small one person bed for Jeremy to rest in.

Action 2: H3M3 is to search for technology

H3M3 conducted a thorough search for technology. After tracking down scans, footprints and the like for a week, he managed to locate a Pirate Encampment. It looked as though it would have whatever they needed to survive. Of course, those pirates would not give up anything easily.

From his stealthy observation, it seemed that there were 10 PIRATES within the encampment and they were armed with Energy Rifles.

Considering the distance, they could be safely left alone if not dealt with. And they would not be able to track down the assassin bot due to his stealthy nature
Lord Gloom
"Fuck, are you serious? Really? Out of all the environments we could land in, we had to land in the desert. I never really like the desert. Jesus christ. Fuck! It's so hot in here! We're going to be so musty! Geoff! Look at my clothes! Do you think this is a dessert outfit? Of coure not! This is a fucking suit! Help me take this off!"

Geoff and the 5 other servants quickly went to Lord Gloom's side to help him take off his layered clothes.

After a while...

"Young Master, I suggest we scrap this pod for anything useful before proceeding to another direction." Geoff suggests to Lord Gloom who merely nodded and waved off his hand in approval. Geoff, the bot, and the 5 servants quickly went to work.

Action 1: "Come on, my dear servants. Scrap this pod and see if you can find anything useful!"

Action 2: "Deserts can't possibly be in the north so north we shall go to see if we can find something. Trust me, I got an A+ in Geography".... The teachers were bribed to give him A+ on everything
Kyle Update:

Action 1: Task John to assist Kylie with assessing the shuttlecraft and its condition

The damage was not as bad as they had feared. It could be repaired. But, they would need about 20 Scrap to do it. If they were on the Sunset Horizon, they would have a steady supply of equipment and supplies in order to fix such damage.

But while Kyle is not a mechanic by any sense of the word, she would be able to fix it if she had enough materials to at least make it fly planetside. If space travel was wanted, Kylie says you'd need an actual mechanic to help do that kind of fix.

Action 2: Task the remaining Gym goers to slowly branch out and search for areas of interest and other survivors.

The Gym goers travel as carefully through the swamp as they could. One of the female gym goers lost one of her shoes in the search and had to retreat back to the Escape Pod. But the other 4 continued onwards.

They managed to uncover a few things:

A Large Frog Like creature (The Size of a Human Being) that was a VIBRANT RED color. It sat in the middle of a Mud Pile and did not move except for the occasional croak.

A Large collection of Golden Brown Mushroom like plants

A human skeleton with tattered clothing trapped in the swamp. It looks as though it holds a Laser pistol in its hand.
Lord Gloom Update:

Action 1: Scrap the pod and see if they can find anything useful

The group followed Lord Gloom’s command and scrapped the entirety of the pod. It actually went much better than expected, with only one member of the group becoming injured in the process. I’m sure they will be fine. Maybe.

Gain 21 Scrap

They also manage to through using other available materials, scrounge together enough Metal Spiked Clubs to outfit every member.

ACtion 2: Travel North to find SOMETHING

The group travels for a week, carrying all of the belongings and such of Lord Gloom, north through the desert. It seems to be endless and go on and on. In fact, it seemed like they would almost certainly die soon of exposure from the hot desert sun.

But when all hope seems lost, Geoff spots something sticking out of the sand. After some careful and not so careful digging, it looks like a buried Sand Barge, sticking out of the Sand. Perhaps if it ends up being secure, they could move in or at least get protection from the desert.

(Adventure time?)
Mr. Zoban
Turn 01

-2 Units of Rations
-Damaged Robot
-3 THICK blankets
-2 units of Magazines
-4 Pairs of Winter Clothes*

Mr. Zoban climbed from the pod, working to guide the others out with a focused expression. He had seen many thing in his life and this was supposed to be one of his last cruises before he moved on to another life. Another place to forget who he had been long ago. To make sure others forgot who he had been. It was something that drove him to be the professional and upright figure aboard the Sunset Horizon. Guiding others by example and remember times when leading had been more grim. More intense than simply avoiding the thrown punch of a haughty high class passenger. Right now, these people needed Mr. Zoban. All the better they not discover his true depths until it was needed.

"Well, gentlemen, it would seem fortune, the gods or sheer dumb luck has smiled upon us! It seems like we'll be need to get ourself established. You three seem to know a little about nature?" Mr. Zoban looks to the trio of patrons who he recalled in his passenger greetings to be known hunters.

"I want you and Moose to get a stable camp ground set. We can't stay in the swamp itself. Too dangerous, bad ground and all that, yes?" He gestures to the burbling and glooping mud in certain spots.

"While you do that, I'll work wwith Chef Gorban here to get our supplies accounted for and to start dismantling the pod. We'll need the parts and materials if we're going to survive. Hopefully it may be enough bits to get our robot friend here running once final tally is made," Zoban said as he talked as if addressing his latest batch of newly recruited deckhands.

"Let's be out it, my friends. We're going to need eachother and all the things we can find."

Action 1: Moose and the Patron Hunters will explore and establish as camp ground to build a base camp.
Moose, Biker Lord - Athletics 4, Fight 4
Hardcore Biker: When driving a vehicle, decreases the penalty on rough terrain

3 Patrons - Hunting 2

Action 2: Mr. Zoban and Chef Gorban will start sorting and salvaging the pod for materials and parts to transport to the camp ground.
Chef Gorban, Cruise Chef - Craft 4, Farming 2
Chef Par Excellance: Can make any food last for double time.

Mr. Zoban, Ship Concierge - Charm 5, Crafting 1, Medical 1 Tech 1

Masterful Supplier- Can make resources last Longer.
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Mr Zoban Update:

Action 1: Moose and Patron Hunters will explore and establish a base camp

The group travels around the swamp, making sure to avoid any obvious dangers that sprung up. They managed to find an area that was well situated to be on actual solid ground with surrounding tree cover.

Using the trees, they managed to make a few lean-tos that should provide some light cover for their group members. They also prepared an area for a camp fire to be able to cook any food that they capture.

Pretty basic, but its better than not having anything.

Action 2: Mr Zoban and Chef Gorban will start sorting and salvaging the pod for materials and parts to transport to the camp ground.

The duo begin dismantling the pod for materials and managed to gather about 8 units worth of scrap in the process. They also manage to create a makeshift metal trundle to help carry the robot and the supplies.
Leonard Sparrow
Turn 1

Leon looked up from the control panel he was taking apart as he heard a groan, noting how long it had taken before even that sound was made.

"Up and at em Sleeping Beauty," the mechanic pushed the bundle of wires off his lap and turned to look at the stirring form of Adam Xixas. "We've got a few things to talk about."

"I have nothing to say to you Sparrow beyond warning you that I'll be suing you for assault," the admin glared at the other man, pushing himself up gingerly. "Along with destruction of property and-"

"Can it Xixas, we both know I've got enough witnesses who will agree that you were trying to leave people to die," Leon sent a glare at the other man, tapping his wrench carefully against the metal floor in a slow pattern. "But, if you stop putting up a fight and help us survive I'll see about persuading the others to 'forget' what exactly happened as we left the ship." Lean leaned forward, looking Adam directly in the eyes as he stilled completely. "Or, I can put you down right here and right now and tell the company you died during the crash. Make your choice Xixas, I hope you make the right one."

"Damn you Sparrow," Adam scowled, hands clenched at his side and one eye half swelled shut. "Damn you right to hell, but I refuse to die here. I will work with you, don't expect me to be happy about it but I will."

"Good, first things first then," Leon grinned as he dumped another pile of wires into the executive's lap, oil immediately staining his suit. "Get those separate out for me would ya? Need to figure out what I'm working with if I want to turn this thing into a signal tower!"


Action 1 - Attempt to determine if any of the flora or fauna in the surrounding area is edible (Led by Jack, Equipped with Baton.) - 10 Passengers, 2 Bodyguards
Action 2 - Attempt to turn the landing pod into a signal tower of sorts (Led by Leon ) - 4 Servants, Adam

Rations - 2 (-2) = 0
Alcohol - 2
MREs - 2
Various Weather Clothing - 4
Leonard Sparrow update:

Action 1 - Attempt to determine if any of the flora or fauna in the surrounding area is edible (Led by Jack, Equipped with Baton.) - 10 Passengers, 2 Bodyguards

After careful searching and testing, they discovered that the Red Vines were edible, though terrible in taste. So that could serve as a food source in a pinch.

A BETTER food source was discovered in the form of small green spider looking creatures. They were a bit stringy, but tasted rather succulent and weren't too hard to catch. At least for now.

Action 2 - Attempt to turn the landing pod into a signal tower of sorts (Led by Leon ) - 4 Servants, Adam

It took time, effort and far more of the pod than they would have liked to use, but they managed to turn the pod into a signal tower.

Immediately, they started getting a repeating message. However, it seemed to just be a bunch of numbers repeated over and over again.

They could still send a signal out of they wanted to. Though who knew who was listening?
Turn 2 has been UNLOCKED!!

All players now need to subtract 1 unit of food from their inventory for every block of 10 people in their group.

Any players in the desert MUST subtract 1 unit of water from their inventory as well unless they have found a steady source of water.

Starting this turn, EVENTS will now occur with each processing.

Tutorial Mode is finished and the real game begins NOW. Good luck!
Cortova smiles, looking over their haul of fish, and the improved shelter the others have built. "Alrighty, so far so good! Now let's see if we can't get a signal out, and can we use the solar panel as a generator. The battery on the bike will work for a trip. We just need to not open the fridge at night too much."

Attempt to hotwire the solar panel from the bike into a multi use generator
Make a signal fire from grass
- horatio robertson -

─── post ────────────────────────────────

The first few days had gone better than Horatio could have hoped. He had befriended some native animals but most importantly he had found as food and water supply. Meanwhile his sister had repaired the damage to the zoo so that it was now environmentally secure.

They had worked well together so far, Horatio taking control of the animals while Elena had taken more of a logistical role, monitoring supplies and ensuring the safety and security of the group. They were an odd pairing of siblings but together there was hope that they would be able to get through the situation...for a time at least.

─── actions ─────────────────────────────

- Earning Their Keep: The eight monkeys, two cheetahs and two bears are instructed to now go on daily food hauls for the red fruit.

- 2 Brown Bears:
- Fight 8
- Hunting 4​
- 2 Cheetahs:
- Fight 4
- Athletics 8​
- 8 Monkeys:
- Hunting 4​

── Bonuses: ─────────────────────────────
[Psionic 4]
[Animal Handling 4]
[Advantage to Animal Based Rolls]

- Home for Friends: Communicate with the Skitterers and request a regular supply of Skitterer Silk in return for allowing them to use a section of the zoo to call home so they can safely cocoon and pupate. The intention is to use the silk for a variety of purposes depending on it's strength and durability e.g. make rope, use it as fishing line, for traps, clothing, bow string etc.

── Bonuses: ─────────────────────────────
[Psionic 4]
[Animal Handling 4]
[Advantage to Animal Based Rolls]


"In my short life I have already learned that animals are more honest than humans. A human will lie to your face and then stab you in your back, at least an animal will go straight for your throat if it wants you dead."]
Horatio Robertson

─── theme ───────────────────────────────
Turn 2
William H. Fletcher


Unexpected Event Detected
Memory Recollection Activated
Fragment Located
Playback Begin? Y/N
Response Timeout Error
Playback Loading…

“-really no need to come over. It was a small fire,” Fletcher smiles so that it’ll carry into his tone through the phone. He holds the speaker a few inches away from his ear as the shrill voice of his middle child comes through, Madison calling him up to voice the dissident of the three of them yet again. It’s gotten tiring to say the least, and he finds it minorly infuriating that they’ve only started this tirade right as he finally managed to get back on his feet after the bad news.

Heart, lungs, some issue with his blood that he couldn’t be bothered to pronounce, really it was a miracle he could still be up and moving. A fainting spell while grocery shopping took him to a medical professional for the first time in twenty years. News that he hadn't wanted to hear. Donors were an option, technically, but his case was so poor that it was unlikely he’d get the call before his timer was up. Just a cocktail of new medications to choke down to hold off the worst of it while the side effects made him snappy and miserable.

Then A.S.H.D. found him.

It was as if there was a light in his life for the first time in twenty years.

Not that his miserable children could understand that. No, they were always needling him over some imagined concern. They forced him to be careful, he caught Maelyn counting his pills once so now he keeps track too, hides them or flushes them. She was too clever, sadly A.S.H.D. told him that meant she’d have to be first. It was alright, he’d be ready.

“As much as I’d love to continue this chat,” he really wouldn’t, “I have a Society meeting coming up here soon. I won’t keep you for now, Maddy. Take care,” Fletcher hangs up to the sound of more complaints en route. It was annoying, really, his phone kept buzzing in his hand as she tried to call him back. He didn’t have time for this though, there was work to be done.


Fletcher blinks, some soft whirling sound at the back of his skull winding down. The crash jostled something back there, and without an extra set of competent hands the repair would just have to wait. He realizes that Rudyard and Mason are still staring at him, waiting for an answer. He supposes a few seconds of silence with a frown on his face isn’t unusual for him, but Royce had suggested he at least try to be more sociable until help from A.S.H.D. arrived. What a notion.

“Put it there for now. We are not disturbing the water until Bracket and Bull return.” Royce had suggested taking shifts to ensure the water purifier continued to function properly. They were placing it far enough away and close enough to the shore that it shouldn’t be an issue, but it was best to defer to Royce in these matters.

The two grumble but begin moving the materials and portable battery all the same. They are labor for now and little more, but they would only get in the way of the actual assembly of this project. Dealing with new recruits was never in Fletcher’s wheelhouse, and it has only served to wear his patience thin when there is so much work to be done.

Action 1: Water, Water, Everywhere. Fletcher, three new recruits, and the two Repair Bots will scout out a usable location and install a water purification device near the lake to begin getting potable water for the new recruits.

Fletcher: Tech 4, Medicine 1
Repair Bots: Tech 2, Crafting 2
New Recruits (Passengers): Hunting 2
Tool Kit
4 Units of Parts

Action 2: Planning Ahead. Fletcher and the two Repair Bots will then work on creating a way to locate other sources of metal and technology in the area. Perhaps some of the other pieces of the Sunset landed around here.

Fletcher: Tech 4
Repair Bots: Tech 2, Crafting 2
Tool Kit
6 Units of Parts
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Turn 1

Royce Brackett

Royce picked a scrap of meat of a meager bone, chewing it slowly. It... wasn't bad. The other chowed down with more gusto than he could accomplish. He was always a slow eater. Then again, he didn't really eat much these days anyways. The glisten of the fat on the bone ignited something in his mind -

The knife thunked onto the stump, and the chicken stopped struggling. It was a good one for tonight; the hands deserve a good meal after all the effort they'd put in and Eric hasn't been seen in days -

Royce frowned. He supposed some sort of fowl would need be present for some people's paradise, but didn't expect it to be the actual one. No matter. On to tasks at hand.

Action 1: What's in the Lake
Royce, the Glistening Man, and 4 recruits will be tasked with investigating the lake and its monster, gathering as much information as possible.

Royce: Psionics 6, Hunting 1
The Glistening Man: Athletics 3, Fight 6, Farming 2, Muscle Man
4 New Recruits: Hunting 2

Action 2: To Hunt a Squid
After gathering information, those with any shot of contributing to the fight will be sent to deal with the monster, likely taunting it out of the water with thrown stones?

Royce: Psionics 6, Hunting 1
The Glistening Man: Athletics 3, Fight 6, Farming 2, Muscle Man
4 New Recruits: Hunting 2


Elena knelt beside a freshly dug grave, her hands resting on the earth. The other three members of Elena's entourage, Vincent, Greg and Olivia stood nearby, their heads bowed in respect. Elena's voice was a faint murmur as she spoke, more to herself than anyone else. “Ewan... He had a family… A wife, two young children. How am I going to tell them? How do I explain that we had bury a shoe in his memory, that we couldn’t even bring him home?”

Basil stood off to the side, watching the scene unfold with detached interest. The mourning and sentimentality felt like wasted energy to him. Survival was a brutal game, and sentiment would only get in the way. The reality was stark: most of them weren’t going to make it out of this alive, and Basil had quickly come to terms with that. His goal was simple, survive and if it meant making some hard decisions along the way, so be it. Stepping forward, Basil broke the silence with a clinical tone. “I understand this is difficult, but mourning won’t change the situation. We need to focus on survival.”

Elena’s head snapped up, her teary eyes narrowing in anger. “Where is your compassion? You’re supposed to be a doctor, for God’s sake! Don’t you care that a man is dead!? And for what? A few, measly fruits!?”

Basil met her fiery gaze with cold indifference. “Compassion? Compassion won’t save us here. Strategy and keen survival instincts will. We’re on an alien planet surrounded by deadly flora and fauna. My focus is keeping as many of us alive as possible. Sentiment will only slow us down.” Elena opened her mouth as if to argue, but Basil cut her off, his mind already moving to their next steps. “We know the enemy now.” Basil continued, as if the emotional exchange hadn’t even occurred. He gestured to the jungle around them. “These creatures are plants. And plants burn. If we can fashion torches and keep a large fire going, we should be able to keep them at bay."

"And that’s not all...” He held up a vial of the dark blue water they had found earlier, the one that had nearly killed one of the passengers. Where others might see hopelessness and danger, he saw opportunity and solutions. “This liquid is deadly. We've already seen the results. We dip the golden plant needles in it and we’ve got ourselves some very effective weapons.” Vincent, Greg and Olivia exchanged uneasy glances but couldn’t argue with the logic. Even if his compassion was lacking, Basil's mind was sharp. In this unforgiving jungle, his focus on survival was likely their best shot.

“Torches, weapons, and next…” Basil’s voice trailed off as he looked into the dense jungle. “We still need to find a water source. If we’re going to stuck here for a while, fresh water will be vital.” He turned back to the group, his voice crisp and commanding. “Prepare the torches, dip the needles, and arm yourselves. We move out in search of water soon. We’ll need it if we want to have any chance of making it through this.”

As the others began their preparations, Basil allowed himself a brief moment of satisfaction. The odds were grim, but with the right tools and strategy, he knew he would make it out alive. The other milksops? Well, that was their concern.

  1. The four passengers [Hunting 2], three of Elena's entourage [Fight 2], the robot [Craft 2/Tech 2] and Elena [Charm 6 | Too Hot To Fail - Does not suffer from critical fails on Charm Tests] will attempt to craft a large fire and torches using available resources as well as use 1 unit of Dark Blue Water on the 5x Blow Pipes to improve their effectiveness. Basil [Tech 3/Charm 1/Medical 4 | The Doctor In Charge: Any medical or charm checks are rolled at advantage] will tend to any injuries they might incur in the process.
  2. The whole group (2 of Elena's entourage armed with Spiked Clubs and the other as well as the passengers armed with 5x Blowpipes plus torches from previous action minus the robot [Craft 2/Tech 2] who will stay behind to monitor/maintain the fire) will venture into the jungle in search of a fresh water source. Basil [Tech 3/Charm 1/Medical 4 | The Doctor In Charge: Any medical or charm checks are rolled at advantage] will tend to any injuries they might incur in the process.
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Ari Sang-Hee
Turn 2

Athletics [0]
Crafting [0]
Fighting [0]
Hunting [0]
Farming [0]
Tech [0]
Charm [4]
Medical [0]
Talent [4]
Dancing [2]
Singing [2]
Helper Bot, The Helper
• Crafting 2
• Fighting 2
• Hunting 2
• Farming 2
• Medical 2
Capable- Helper Bot does not suffer from crit failures.

Reginald Godfrey, The Father
• Athletic 4
• Craft 2
Family Man- Can reroll any check once per turn if it involves his family.

Lisa Godfrey, The Mother
• Craft 4
• Medical 2
Handy woman- Uses less materials while Crafting

.Amy Godfrey, The Daughter
• Tech 4
Computer Genius: Amy can reroll one tech check a turn if it involves Computers.

Davy Godfrey, The Son
• Fight 4
• Hunting 2
Scrapper- Davy rerolls one fight check a turn.

4 Actors
• Charm 2
[Drew, Ryan, Wayne, Colin]
1 unit of MRE*
2 Movies with Playback Device
Solar Battery
Escape Pod {Night Shelter}
Blanket Canopy {Day Shelter}

+2 Morale Bonus for this turn


There was a howl of laughter that broke the quiet evening air as the people gathered around her, pushed together so they could see the small holographic projection. The blueish glow bathed the dark oasis in light, the remarkably clear sounds of the characters within moving about their destined stories broken only be more howls of laughter and the occasional low thrum of conversation from the tightly packed group huddled around and near the center, utterly sandwiched on all sides, was Ari Sang-Hee, utterly mortified and spending every speck of inner strength she had to not hide her face in her hands while she maintained her weak smile and friendly nods to everyone that kept turning to look at her.

'What's With Kim' was playing, one of her earliest 'movies', if people were being generous, where she played an overworked lawyer who forces her secretary to pretend to be married to her to convince her father to leave her the law firm. It.. was trite, and cliched, and was not exactly stellar on the idea of power dynamics in a relationship.. Why was this one of the movies in the escape pod? Did they really have nothing else? The others were smiling and laughing, looking at her after every scene they enjoyed with questions in their eyes no doubt saving them all to barrage her later and Ari was desperately wishing the sand would open up and swallow her whole.

The fact both movies were hers was both mortifying and oddly flattering, although she wasn't overly fond of both. Well, Ari was proud of 'Crashlanded', but for many reasons, no one here wanted to watch a sci-fi horror involving a crashing ship landing on a dangerous planet filled with wildlife that wanted to eat them... where she ends up the only survivor, maintaining her sanity by speaking to a ball called 'Willie'. It was a much better movie, and had won her a fair few amount of awards, but.. it was a little 'too close to home' for now. It was always a strange sensation to watch herself acting, thinking back to the role, the cast, the crew, the better times when she was relevant... And where she was now.

Ari put her chin on her hand as she watched her younger self smile, unaware of what she would go through in the future... She really hoped she could smile like that again someday.


1. Try to salvage and get the SOS beacon [I presume is in there] in the pod activated to get rescued. [Tech 4 {+2 for morale for 6?} and rerolls if dealing with computer]

2. Explore the nearby desert, outside of the oasis, to see what else is around [Hunting 2 {+2 for morale for 4?}]
"What do you think, Auriel?”

Lena finished the final touches on the Zoo’s enclosure ceiling, grateful to have accomplished such a feat with the materials she could scrounge up. The roof was now repaired, and Lena created a small opening that allowed the monkeys to walk in and out at their own leisure.

Auriel chattered happily, scaling the ceiling to inspect the glass. Her small hands opened and closed the panel effortlessly, easily fitting through.

A small smile made its way to Lena's lips as she watched the little creature. No one would believe her if she told them she was working side by side with a wild animal. Though she wasn’t well-versed in the social cues of the wild, Lena had become more appreciative of Horatio and his ability to gain the trust and understanding of them. While she could navigate social situations among people with ease, the barriers between her and the wild were still a work in progress.

"C'mon, little one, bring that back to me." Cassandra's pleading voice echoed in the enclosure, the furrow of the older woman's brows knitted together.

Across the enclosure, Kent dangled the necklace he had been holding onto since their arrival. He chattered playfully, shaking his head as he darted toward Gargamel.

Cassandra sighed heavily, and Lena couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. “Is this a never-ending game with you two? It’s been going on forever. Want me to get it?”

“No, dear,” Cassandra replied with a resigned click of her tongue. “Let him have his fun. I’ll get it back tomorrow.”

Lena nodded, accepting that this was just Cassandra’s way of coping.

Her attention soon turned to the monkey sleeping near the water bucket. Shaking her head, Lena felt a pang of envy toward Cosmo—the ability to drift away without a care about the future was something Lena wished she could achieve. Though she was usually meticulous, the wild didn’t follow the rules of civilization. Her hand twitched—a familiar tick.

Almost immediately, she began to fidget, a small tell that she needed something to keep herself busy. What else could she tackle? With Horatio handling the animals' tasks, Lena focused on their comfort. Her muscles ached, and it took every ounce of willpower to avoid slipping back into her old stress-management habits. But she knew herself too well.

Lena made her way towards the medical station, where she found Trek perched atop a pile of scrapped items and rusted papers from the enclosure.

“Hello, Trek. Hanging out with Gargamel?”

Trek chattered in response before leaping onto her shoulder. Lena raised her finger for Trek, offering the familiar handshake they often shared in greeting. “I should have known I'd find you here.”

It had been a leap of faith when she took his and Horatio's hand a week ago, and now it felt like second nature.

Lena smiled as Trek settled on her shoulder, his small hands gripping lightly. "What do you say we create something else?"
Elena Robertson

TURN TWO | location: grassy plains

Action 1 - Action 1 - Survival Training and Animal Involvement
Lena decides to set up training and survival excercises that includes herself, Horatio, and some of the animals. She will craft basic defensive gear and weapons using available materials, focusing on agility, strength, and reflex.
• Lena's Stats: Atheletics 2, Fighting 2, Tech 1, Charm 2, Talent [Psychometry] 1.​

Action 2 - Enclosure Expansion for the Skitters
This relies on Horatio's Action 2, but Lena will create a dedicated habitat within the Zoo’s enclosure for the Skitters. This space will be designed to accommodate their silk production, which could be harvested and utilized for crafting more durable materials
• Cassandra's Stats: Farming 2. Is That For Me?: Higher chance of causing a GOOD EVENT when gifted items.​
• Gargamel: Hunting 2, Medical 2.​
Cordova Update:

Action 1- Attempt to Hotwire the solar panel from the bike into a multi use generator

The maintenance robot and Lucy worked together to carefully remove the bike’s solar panel which they managed to do with great precision. Soon enough, they fiddled with various bits and bobs, putting out all the stops to create a generator.

The icon on the generator began to fill as it soaked up the sun’s rays and as soon as it filled up, began a light buzzing sound.

Unfortunately, in order to make the generator, they had to remove some parts from the motorcycle which will need to be replaced along with a power source if it is to be used again.

Gain Solar Power Generator.

Motorcycle will require 2 Scrap and a power source to operate

Action 2- Make a signal fire from grass

Lucy and the Maintenance Robot worked together on crafting a fire. Though it seemed that the robot was utterly out of its league. So much so that Lucy ended up having it collect grass for the signal fire.

Eventually, Lucy managed to put together a sizable, but controlled signal fire that could be seen from a great distance. Hopefully if they kept it stoked, other survivors and perhaps a rescue party could find them.


The same chittering could be heard in the grass as usual. That was until the only thing heard was the light buzzing of the generator. Not only had the chittering stopped, but so had all other animal noises.

Only a loud thumping noise could be heard.

Looking outside, a large two legged creature with elephant legs would be seen stomping towards them. It was over twelve feet tall and had eight tentacles. Where its head should be was a Single large Bulging Eye.
Horatio Update:

Earning Their Keep- The 8 Monkeys, 2 Cheetahs, and two bears are instructed to go on daily food hauls for the red fruit.

The food hauls are a great success. Choose one of the following:

Gain 2 Red Fruit every turn
Gain 5 Red Fruit every turn
Gain 2 Red Fruit and 2 Mystery Meat every turn

Home For Friends- Communicate with the Skitterers and request a regular supply of skitterer silk in return for allowing them to use a section of the zoo to call home.

Horatio easily gets through to the Skitterers who gleefully take up residence within the zoo, finding a nice, quiet and damp location for their new home. Soon, their new region is currently covered in silk.

Gain 4 Skitterers

Gain 2 units of Silk a turn

Elena Update:

Action 1: Survival Training and Animal Involvement:

It was a great and wonderful idea! Training herself and the animals to better survive together and in their new environment. Unfortunately after getting the exercises set up in a carefully cultivated region of the Zoo…..that was when everything fell apart.

It truly was like herding a group of cats and in the end, Elena spent more time running after each of the animal groups than she did getting the training done.

At least, it helped build up her own endurance.

Gain +1 Athletics

Action 2: Enclosure Expansion for the Skitterers

Cassandra and Gargamel worked together and worked hard on an environment for the Skitterers. Cassandra put care into every bit that she put together.

However, Gargamel lost footing and destroyed some of her hard work.

Luckily, Cassandra still was able to bound back and make enough of a home for the Skitterers.

In return, they presented Cassandra with a small Red GEM.


The skies darkened and sounds could be heard from the desert. It sounded like a clanking noise. Clink Clank. Clink Clank. Clink Clank.

As the rainfall began to pour down on the glass of the zoo, they could see a small horde of creatures that appeared to be a merging of metal and flesh. They were four legged, but with a metal back and half of its head was covered in metal with red glowing eyes.
Fletcher Update:

Action 1: Water, Water, Everywhere: Fletcher, 3 new recruits and the 2 repair bots will scout out usable location to install a water purification device near the lake to begin getting potable water for the new recruits.

With the given parts and all these hands on deck, they soon enough have a working water purification system. With careful observation, they locate an area that doesn’t have as much moss growth as other locations in the lake.

They do soon discover that the machine needs to be cleaned out once a day however due to the moss getting caught in the mechanisms. So one person will have to be assigned to that task.

Gain 2 units of Potable Water every turn

Action 2: Planning Ahead: Fletcher and the two repair bots will then work on creating a way to locate other sources of metal and technology in the area. Perhaps some other pieces of the Sunset landed around here.

Using all the given parts and their general resourcefulness, Fletcher and the two bots soon create a small tower for scanning for metals and technology.

Using their newfound scanner, they manage to locate technology sources to the North and East and metal deposits to the South and West.

Royce Update:

Action 1: What’s In The Lake: Royce, The Glistening Man, and 4 recruits will be tasked with investigating the lake and its monster, gathering as much information as possible.

Most of those assembled aren’t able to gather much information on the creature. They gather that it has at least two eyeball stalks from their observations and that it must reside at the bottom of the lake as they haven’t seen anything else other than the eye stalks on this creature.

Royce, using his psionic abilities, managed to uncover the most amount of information.

The creature is called a Splornk. It sits at the bottom of the lake and mostly eats moss and Small animals.

As long as they don’t bother it or look delicious, it will probably leave them alone.

Action 2: To Hunt A Squid

As one of the eye stalks emerge from the waters below, a barrage of stones come flying at the creature to taunt it.

One hits it DIRECTLY in the eye and the water begins to rumble as a heavy piercing scream can be heard from beneath the waves.


The Splornk explodes out from under the waters, sending a large wave of mossy water over the edge of the lake in rage.

What rises above the water is a green bulbous body with 8 eye stalks, 2 tentacles and a Large Toothy Mouth

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