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Multiple Settings Serenity academy character thread (repost)

This is the character thread for the RP I'm hosting

Rules for the characters:

Age and base(s) learned is required for the characters rest of the info is up to you

5 different types of info minimum, you can't just put your character's name and age and then call it a day

Character portraits are completely optional

There's no limit for how many characters you can RP with, the only limit is how much you can handle

Always here are my characters now:

Character 1: Veronika Pentaway

Age: 16
Base learned: light
Favorite food: Philly cheesesteak
Likes: anything with cheese on it, 1990-1980s music, Harken
Dislikes: attention, overcrowded places, squash

Veronika was just a regular student with a regular life until moving to haldur to stay with her childhood friend, learning that she can do magic, her parents decided to sign her up for the academy, she gained a few friends here and there, and gained a certain "interest" in her friends brother

Character 2: Athena Peterson

Age: 16
Base learned: dark
Relatives: unnamed father, unknown mother, Harken Peterson (Brother)
Favorite song genre: rock
Favorite game genre: fighting

Athena, born into a pretty rich family, didn't have that many hardships in life, upon learning that she and Harken could use magic, their father moved to haldur and signed them up for serenity academy, with her childhood friend joining soon after, she never knew her mother

Character 3: Harken Peterson

Age: 17
Base learned: energy
Also learning: how to use a sword
Favorite color: teal
Favorite kind of pizza: supreme

Along with Athena, Harken didn't have that many hardships in life, aside from being in a few fights to protect his sister, when he and Athena were signed up to the academy, he decided to also learn how to wield a sword

Edit: I decided to make another character

Finn Katz

Age: 17
Base learned: water, uses mostly ice related magic
Also uses: Kylie boomerangs
Forte in sports: Aussie round
Birthplace: Auckland, Australia

Finn had a pretty normal childhood, he was pretty good with handling boomerangs and was the best thrower in his family, although he can be a bit of a scoundrel, becoming a bit of a skirt chaser growing up, at age 16, his family learned he could do water magic and signed him up to serenity academy
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Professor of Natural Sciences
By all means, the mechanics of magic are entirely incompatible with the known laws of the physical world. The people of today call it a blessing - a step forward to the next stage of humanity, but embracing so closely something we have yet to begin to understand is a bit frightening, don't you think?
Doctor Edward Hart


  • 1718456162010.pngName: Edward Hart

    Title/s: Doctor Edward Hart, Professor of Natural Sciences, 'Free pass'

    Age: 32

    Gender: Male

    Alignment: True Neutral

    Personality: Seen as the disinterested and aloof professor of natural sciences, Edward fittingly never puts in the time nor effort to properly teach his class, often delegating his periods to 'self-study', if he ever shows up to class, that is. As such, it is common belief that Edward is just fudging his way toward every paycheck, and does not take his students seriously whatsoever; a common misconception stemming from the fact that before a teacher, Doctor Hart is first and foremost a researcher. As such, the majority of his efforts - and attention span - are dedicated exclusively to his research, rather than the students.

    That isn't to say that he cares not for teaching, however. Those that earn Edward's recognition would find him all too happy to impart his knowledge unto the younger generations, even if his private lectures may be a bit... difficult to understand. Sadly, rarely anybody ever asks the Doctor for his guidance, and would much rather spend their 'study period' doing anything else.

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Student Sophia Amelia Lavere
“Fear is not evil its a strength. It tells you what weakness is. And once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as kinder.”

  • Name: Sophia Amelia Lavere
    Aliases: Sophie, Sally
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Canadian

    Role: Student
    Magic: Fundamentalist (Energy/Sense)
    Despite her base affinity Sophia has instead focused on the fundamentals of mana control to develop along her path using a practical application developed from the base principles.

    Base Affinity: Water
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Ciernan Oakens
Nationality: British
Age: 17

Height: 5'5"
Gender: Non-binary (born masc)
Pronouns: He/They
Orientation: "You'll know if I like you, lovey."

Base Magic: Water
Future learning: Air
Aura: Periwinkle lilac

Favorite food: Lasagna or just about anything with red sauce and cheese
Favorite drink: Caffeine powders in fruity flavors
Hates: Scratchy clothes and people smacking their lips when eating

Backstory: Ciernan ended up in the system due to his parents passing away in a bank robbery when he was 5 years old. After a lot of work he managed to emancipate himself and eventually moved abroad as a transfer student before he signed up for the magic academy when his powers awakened and he nearly flooded a classroom.

Personality: For the most part Ciernan is rather laid-back but he can certainly be opinionated and come off cold when he doesn't agree with something. His resting bitchface can often make him seem unapproachable but once someone has the courage to get close, he's a very good listener and enjoys hanging out. One way to win him over will always be food or helping him study things he struggles with. Like math. Ciernan despises math with a passion and would rather skip class than bust his brain over numbers. Once he's considered a friend, he becomes rather protective and care-taking of his people, often regarded as the 'mom' of a group.

- Hair reaches his mid back
- Prefers the predictability and honesty of animals to people when his social battery runs low
- Enjoys hacking (the horse kind) ; volunteered at a stable for pocket money and riding lessons growing up
- Somewhat nosy due to how much of a listener he is, loves knowing secrets and drama but secrets are kept as such by him
- Likes manicured nails and piercings, has swirl tattoos on his shoulders and arms (with adult permission)
- The way he dresses tends to be a mixed bag of masc and femme clothes, often more active wear-oriented or casual and comfy
- Does not leave his room in the morning without some sort of makeup on, usually eyeliner in the inner and outer corners of his eyes
- Has a fear of knives or guns pointed at him specifically, but doesn't mind holding the weapons which tends to put him in a confusing anxious state of said weapon being taken from him
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  • 1718586382927.jpeg

    Name: Naio

    Alias/Nicknames: Nai, Troublemaker, Mole Rat

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Height: 1.62 m

    Weight: 52 kg

    Occupation: Student


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  • Name: Silja Ulvefelt 70202D2D-8E5D-4B38-A1FF-C309A72CC426.jpg

    Age: 17

    Base: Wind & Energy

    Nationality: Norwegian

    Height: 5'10 / 178 cm

    Weight: "It is quite rude to ask such a thing."

    Likes: Elegance, Sashimi

    Dislikes: Inelegance, Snobby rich types, Brutishness, Imperfection, Fried foods, Denim

    Personality: Silja is a hard working and talented mage with the ruthless knack and dedication to get results. To match her wit are her piercing eyes that ward off most who come in close proximity to her, however she is agreeable on most days and well spoken; every word carefully pronounced with even tone and adequate tempo. This of course carries over from her training to find precision in her martial prowess, an activity she partakes in every minute she is able.

    It may be easy to chalk her up as a simple snooty rich girl from high society, but it could not be further from the truth. Silja herself detests their kind, finding blue blood tendencies unbecoming of how she views herself and what she strives to be. She is proud and firm, and will not stoop to a position that would be viewed with distain. It is elegance, first and foremost.

Proserpina "Pina" Yao

Age: 17

Nationality: American

Mastered Bases: Light/Time

Adopted practically at birth by Madam Hecate Yao, reputed CEO of the Athis fashion conglomerate, Proserpina had everything she could possibly want at any point in her life, though with it came the expectation that she would share Mdm. Yao's tastes and talents, all the better to inherit her mother's empire when the time came. Pina didn't exactly fight this idea, but like any young (and especially privileged) person, she had ideas of her own.

She spent her early teens developing a great enthusiasm for video games and manga, and eventually decided to turn her own artistic talents and love of the spotlight towards the ever-popular hobby of cosplay. She initially made something of a splash (thanks in no part to her existing social media following) with her appearances at the two days of one of the calendar's most prominent conventions as the lead character of the game Cotton Candy Buzzsaw, and then the heroine of the anime Could It Be Acceptable To Get A Divorce In The Labyrinth?

Fed by the attention and with Mdm. Yao hammering on the importance of developing one's Brand, Pina continued to design and model costumes, hold livestreams, and make appearances at various events, often being requested to promote this or that sponsor, or perform popular music from this or that release of the year. It may not have been the trajectory Mdm. Yao wanted for her, but a model was a model, and a profitable business was a profitable business.

One of Pina's most prized creations was the design of her original character, "Spider Lily, The Enchanting Kunoichi". She had commissioned a comic series based on the character, and had an animated series in the conceptual stages when the recruiter from Serenity Academy arrived. Why she of all people was approached was a mystery: after all, Proserpina Yao was many things, but she was no hero. What's even more mysterious is the fact that she accepted, putting all her projects on hold and agreeing to enter the Academy late. Perhaps this will be a chance for her to discover something new about herself...

As it were, Pina's artistry and chosen line of work seem to create the impression in some that she is a conceited sort, and Pina does little to disabuse them of that notion. Indeed, she is self-absorbed, flamboyant, often flirty, and enjoys being the center of attention. But she is also generous not just materially, but in her care for those she sees suffering, and never stands for undue criticism or pettiness towards anyone. Perhaps the qualities of a hero are closer to the surface than even she knows.

As with many other generally proficient magicians, Proserpina is reasonably capable of using her mastered bases in flexible ways when needed, but there are several effects she is used to calling on almost effortlessly.

  • Quick Change: Accelerated by time magic, Proserpina can exchange the things she is wearing and holding almost instantly; this appears not to be fully controlled on her part, as she cannot use the time slowed from her perspective to do anything else.
  • Light Show: Why bother asking them to get the lighting just right when she can do it herself? This effect causes a cacophony of colorful lights centered on Pina, potentially disorienting other beings in the area. Music and sound effects not included.
  • Blink: A combination of light magic and accelerated time allows Pina to dash past a target at literally blinding speed, a party trick she enjoys doing when in-character as Spider Lily.
  • Unravel: Turning back time for an assembled object, she can disassemble it into its constitutent parts, though not removing any marks left or decomposing the individual components further.

  • 1718673459224.png
    Name: Reagan C. Afton
    Nickname: Two-eyes

    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5’4”
    Occupation: student


  • Untitled194_20240616175906.pngName: Bianca C. Afton
    Nickname: B.

    Age: 24
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5’8”
    Weight: 145lb

    Occupation: teacher (Magical Defence Instructor)

Marcus Rodriguez

  • Age: 17

    Nationality: American

    Ethnicity: Afro-Latino

    Bases: Darkness (Mastered)/Spatial (Unmastered)

    Height: 5’10

    Weight: 156 lbs

    Likes: Taking naps, sewing, gardening

    Dislikes: Rich People, Spiders, His family.

    Personality: At first glance Marcus seems to be a stereotypical Dark mage. Aloof and brooding. But if you interact with him he is actually quite the opposite. He is a very kind and sociable person, albeit sometimes a bit standoffish. Although it seems that he isn’t kind to everyone, as he has a disdain for anyone that is considered “high-status”. His dream is to one day be a hero. It may be silly to most people, but to him, it’s something worth striving for.
2137801_sEj7HFjp.pngName: Watanabe Getsumei
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2ft

Personality: Getsumei behaves in classic normalcy, studious and cool headed as others observe.

Generally seen as the book worm from her ability to read and study hours long everyday. Not one for idleness, for her daily routine leaves little time for self leisure. Intelligent in academics and magic potential but lacks to relate with her classmates. Thus often spending time alone to herself.

The student lacks emotion both in face and in tone voice. Always sounding in a default interaction given mostly to acquaintances. (Even to her own family) Regardless she is polite to say the least and plain awkward at best.

Magic affinity: Light

Background: Not much is known about Getsumei's magical prowess. She is a student from japan, residing in the Kanegawa prefecture. Lives with her father who is a the run-of-the-mill salaryman. Before her enrollment into Serenity. She has shown no records of using her light magic abilities not until one incident in her previous high school where she has been reported to have injured five student delinquents and one placed in a coma. It was an explosion of colorful lights. The incident was covered up by the school and Getsumei was transferred to Serenity right after and under a new supervisor whilst in her time in Serenity, only known as "Ms. Morgan"

  • Capable studying for more than 6 hours
  • Great Attention to detail (Can recall even small details of an event she witnessed)
  • Can do Math
  • Adept at arts and crafts
  • Intermediate Piano player

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The Chemical Mix...

"DJ" - Desiree-Jeanetta Chea-Soeur - 'Sonic Kitty'


'Ms. Chaser', Facer, 'Ditsy'

She/Her ○ 18yrs ○ 5'7" ○ 130lbs ○ Black Hair ○ Green Eyes ○ Brown Skin ○ Athletic build
Tofino, Canada ○ Green Colour Scheme ○ Energy/Wind ○ Model/Dancer/Acrobat #TheOnlyChaser

This is Ms. Chaser...




DJ is an athletic girl that loves to show off her tight bod. She is toned, strong and regards peak physical fitness and fine musculature high on her priorities. She is slinky and posey with her movements showing off her best feminine features. Big green eyes always accented by dark makeup and falsies when out on a premiere. There always seems to be a glint or shine in her eye whenever she enjoys herself or is being playful. She has that award winning smile and expensive shiny, white teeth so she constantly flashes her signature grin, followed by a wink and nod.

She is quite flashy with her fit; super showy and definitely a style all her own. It ranges from bright colours with wild flashing accessories or leathery, sexy with much skin revealed. She does love her black and green colours scheme fo'sho! The flashier and glowier the better! A
nd of course, she will always be showing off her new kicks that match her unicorn skateboard!

Ears, tongue, navel and hood pierced. Ink done on back, arms, legs, ankles and feet. Scars all across her body, but massive one on right forearm she covers with tattoos.


○ | Motorcycle - Ths is her prized possession. She call him 'Purrge'
○ | Giant Phone - Cuz yeah, how else you keep up with your socials?
○ | XL deck skateboard and Glowing Accessories - The girl is up to the latest trends and right now its the 'Femme Skater' look.
○ | Robo AI Assistant - Need a reminder, an alarm, a portable light show and speaker, or just someone to talk to? Well, despite the lil' bots bad ideas and suggestions she is still thankful for and loves the robo kitty. She calls her 'Cali'



+ | Chatty, Playful and Witty
+ | Considerate, Team-Player, Family-Oriented
+ | Driven, Quick Learner, and Hard-working
+ | Daring, Acrobatic, Playful

- | Soft hearted, easily taken in by fans and charity cases
- | No concept of monetary value, Vain,Over-protective
- | Perfectionist, Impulsive, Can't slow down
- | Daring, Daydreamy, In the Closet

Family and Lifestyle:
○ | Brother - Malachite, 14 / Mother - Stephania, 48. They are back home in Calgary, Canada while DJ studies in the US at Serenity.
○ | Great relationship with mother and brother. Stephania broke her back as a single mother and only source of income. DJ is sooooop thankful and appreciative for her mom cuz despite all the hardships still she managed to always be there as a key player to help DJ with her ascension to stardom. Over protective of her little brother and misses him dearly buuuuuuttttt... living in a mansion with a pool and all the electronic toys and pets he wants isn't so bad. Having a rich, successful sister has its benefits lol.
○ | DJ is used to the life of luxury, glitz and glamour. She spends her money just like drinking water which is concerning. Oh but she remember when she was poor and her family shared a room with another family when she was still a kid so she gunna live it up. She spends it all cuz she know it won't last forever.

○ | Sadly the long distance relationship with her secret gf of 1.5 yrs is reeeeeeally strained and so now of course, DJ has a feeling that her lovely gf is cheating on her.



○ | DJ and her brother Malachite are adopted children of mixed SE Asian, Caucasian and Central American descent. Only family she has is her hard working single mom and younger bro. Mom worked all the time and still managed to raise two amazing kids. Mom only calls her by full name when she in trouble. Lil' bro calls her 'Ditzy' and she calls him 'Malware'
○ | Groomed and trained to be a gymnast at a young age with hopes of making the active roster competining in the Olympic Games one day. But that changed as soon as she received starring a part in a FlixNets streaming series. Not great acting but acrobatics and dancing defo turned heads.
○ | Rise to stardom came in the form of being touted as a child action star and signed on to several productions. The action blockbuster Devil Ride, was her breakout hit. By now the Chea-Soeurs had a new house and at age 11, DJ had bought her mom a new car too.
○ | Then puberty took over and the adorableness was lost for a too soon developed and lanky young teen. Her star fell and just did endorsements, commercials and promos.
○ | She continued to join dance troupes, model, and maintain her presence on all socials as 'Ms. Chaser' (#theOnlyChaser). Then she returned to gymnastics and climbing as a passion.
○ | ToBeYou vids and shorts showing her progress and training went viral. DJ performed elabourate climbs, skateboard tricks/vert, lit dances and aerial acrobatics stunts recorded from first person POV. Those viral vids exploded and she got noticed again (helped that she was charismatic too.) .
○ | Talent scouts came knocking and her agent got her signed on by the entertainment giant Armada Inc. And she made it into the popular North American, Circle of the Sun aerial performing troupe, The Angellics. Inspired by DJs vlogs and vids, their multiple POV live performances cams became the next big thing.
○ | DJ's popularity skyrocketed and her star rose once more as she became the 'Face' of the Angellics so friends in the troupe nick'd her 'Facer' when she started modeling again. She glow'd up her cosmetic looks and fit thus starting a trend with youngsters copying her style; the Femme'Boarder.
○ | But then disaster struck and she broke her arm. Badly (Testing out her new found powers). And so she had to put her career on hold. So it was suggested thst she go back to highschool to finish it. To lay low her secret gf suggested to study in the US in a city where she could be less known (And at a school where 'special teens' go).
○ | So yes, she is the new kid in school and a bit of a weirdo outcast due to her not fitting into the culture, but she is learning. And it is kinda a welcome relief to not be recognized and mobbed by paparazzi or maniacal fans.

○ | Her gf was right. Best to keep her secret safe. It would be hard to explain how she healed so fast. Perks of being a MAGICAL GIRL lol

~ Magic Powers: Speedster Neko!!
'SONIC KITTY' - Wind and Energy: Energy shifts her body into a Neko with superhuman senses, agility and claws like a cat. Also her lil' AI bot Calli shifts into a talking magical black cat sidekick too!! Wind and Energy combined allows her to run faster than the wind.
○ | "Kitty! Sonic... Go-Go!!" - she can run like the wind and on almost any surface including water. And up the sides of buildings too!
○ | "Kitty! Sonic... Wave!!" - she can suppress the sonic boom shockwave she creates with her speed. But when she doesn't it becomes an explosive weapon she can actually aim at enemies.
○ | "Kitty! Sonic... BOMB!!" - this is her accumulted power. She generates enough speed by dancing at super sonic speed, collects the sonic booms then launches it like a missile. It explodes on impact with a huge shockwave.

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6bfc320fcafbfd0db3e8750d63957e94985fe76a_high.jpgName: Robert Barry Haynes

Age: 44

Base: Fire / Atomic (With even more under his belt)

Nationality: German American

Height: 6'8 / 204 cm

Weight: 312 lbs / 141.5 kg

Teacher Subject: Magic History & Theory

Likes: Teaching, His Moped, Sports, LIFTING!

Hates: Vegetables, Shaving, Cats

Bio: Massively powerful and intelligent with an IQ of 263, Mr. Haynes is an individual quite out of the ordinary, but his defining quality is the screws knocked loose. He could truly shine amongst his peers yet whatever advantage he has over them is overshadowed by his ineptitude in the field of being right minded. Even if he could he simply would not, preferring to be a goofball instead of tapping into his immense talent.
Giovanni "Vanni" Jia

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In stillness, I find strength; in clarity, I find purpose.
Giovanni Jia

  • secondimg.pngName: Giovanni Jia

    Nickname: Vanni

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Nationality: Italian/Chinese

    Giovanni Jia, often called Vanni by his peers, carries himself with a sense of calm and serenity that's practically his trademark. You'll often catch him with a gentle smile, even when facing tough situations. He's remarkably good at keeping his cool—whether he's up against a tough opponent in a fight or navigating the complex social dynamics a teenager deals with on a daily basis. Giovanni rarely lets frustration or anger show; he's learned to keep his emotions in check through years of dedicated training in magic and martial arts. One of Giovanni's standout qualities is his keen eye for detail. Before making a move, he takes the time to carefully observe everything around him—the people, the environment, the subtle cues that others might miss. This ability serves him well in combat, where he prefers a strategic approach over brute force.

    Beyond his calm demeanor and analytical mind, Giovanni carries himself with a certain grace that's reminiscent of aristocratic upbringing. He's polite and respectful in his interactions, yet there's an understated sense of dignity about him that speaks of his upbringing. This demeanor not only earns him respect among his peers but also makes him a natural mediator and strategist within the academy's social dynamics. Emotionally, Giovanni is exceptionally disciplined. Whether he's experiencing success or setbacks, joy or frustration, he remains steady and composed. This emotional resilience isn't just for show—it's a reflection of his inner strength and unwavering focus. In combat, he plans meticulously, considering every angle and adapting his strategies on the fly to outmaneuver opponents and capitalize on their weaknesses.

    When pushed to the brink of annoyance or anger, Giovanni Jia undergoes a stark transformation. His usually calm demeanor gives way to an unsettling stillness, devoid of the gentle smile that typically graces his face. In these rare moments, his expression becomes a mask of pure displeasure, his features hardening with a cold intensity that betrays a deep-seated irritation. It's as if a switch has been flipped, and the serene persona dissolves into a palpable aura of disdain. His voice, usually measured and soft-spoken, takes on a sharper edge, delivering terse words that cut through the air with a chilling precision. Those who witness this sudden change in Giovanni find themselves facing a side of him rarely seen—a side that conveys a clear message of displeasure and warns against further provocation.

    In essence, Giovanni Jia embodies a blend of serenity, keen observation, refined manners, and a strategic mindset. He likes to think his presence enriches any community, not only in terms of magical prowess but also as someone who understands the nuances of social dynamics. He likes at act as a role model, navigating challenges with poise and intelligence. However, beneath this composed exterior lies a rarely seen facet: when provoked to annoyance or anger, Giovanni's demeanor shifts dramatically. The calm mask of serenity shatters, replaced by a chilling stillness and a cold intensity in his expression. The usual smile disappears, replaced by a stern visage that conveys unmistakable displeasure. His voice, typically soft-spoken, takes on a sharper edge, delivering curt words that leave no room for misunderstanding. It's a stark contrast to his usual demeanor—a reminder of the depths of his emotions and a warning against further provocation.

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